So Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the age of ripeness and was situate to get marital, the Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) started welcome proposals from out of the ordinary citizens for her youngster. Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) make itself felt that "So Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the marriageable age, the generous citizens as well as the kin of Quraish started manner proposals to the Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) but the Farsighted (sawaw) did not take away any hint saying that he was waiting for the order of Allah(swt) to judge this items". As well as the aspirants for the marriage was Umar ibn-e-Khattab as well but he standard the incredibly parry. >
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrates that : One day Imam Ali(a.s.) approached Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) at his house. Imam Ali(a.s.) entered and greeted the Farsighted(sawaw) and the Farsighted(sawaw) replied in the incredibly thaw out technique. Imam Ali(a.s.) sat down and he was so radically shy that he continued staring at the catch and could not reply a word. The Farsighted(sawaw) smiled and alleged to Imam Ali(a.s.) that he knew what Imam Ali(a.s.) had to say but he needed to shot it from him. He told Imam Ali(a.s.) that he does not take to be shy and to say doesn't matter what he needed to say. Together with this faith and hushed tone from the Farsighted(sawaw), Imam Ali(a.s.) alleged "My parents be ransom for you, you know that seeing that my other, I consider enthusiastic face-to-face for your service. You consider cultivated me from the beginning and brought me to this turmoil. It was in the role of of your load and training that Allah(swt) saved me from all sins and guided me to the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. It is in the role of of your faith that I quality this nerve in face-to-face to pronounce my bona fide wish that you reimburse me the designation of becoming your son-in-law. I consider surreptitious his wish in my heart for a have a yen time reflection that this power not be according to your requirements. Is award a ability that this could happen?". >
Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrates that "I was thought this activity from a liberty and I saw that as promptly as Imam Ali(a.s.) undivided his let know, the impression of Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) lit up and he asked Imam Ali(a.s.) - what consider you got to figure out this act?". Imam Ali(a.s.) alleged "O Farsighted of Allah(swt), you know my rank very well, I consider truthful a sword, an armor and a off-white". Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) said: "Ali, you exactly take your sword for combat in Jihad and off-white for itinerant, however, you armor could work. O Abul Hassan(a.s.), I suppose to reimburse you the good data that Allah(swt) has finished the reimbursement and previous to recited your Nikah with my youngster Fatima(s.a.) in the Arsh. With the sole purpose to the front your entry, Allah(swt) sent an angel to reimburse me this good data." This accessory has been narrated in "Maarij an-Nabuwwah" of Moeen Kashfi, "Sifwatul Safada" of ibn-e-Jozi, "Madarij an-Nabywwah" on 2:75 of Shah Abdul Haq Dehalvi. >
"Maarij an-Nabuwwah" what's more states that Hazrat Jabreel(a.s.) narrated the story of the Nikah recited on the Arsh. He alleged "O Farsighted of Allah(swt), Allah(swt) has future you and finished you the highest valued and high as well as his creatures and has cream of the crop Ali(a.s.) as your brother and has life-threatening that the Nikah of your youngster and the servant of Allah(swt), Fatima(s.a.) would be with Ali(a.s.). Allah(swt) normal for their Nikah in such a technique that he addressed the dwellers of Jannah to dress themselves with charms of Jannah and then ordered all the angels to derrick together on the 4th Sky. He then satiated the 4th sky with Noor and then bound Hazrat Adam(a.s.) to recite Khutba to begin the Nikah magnificence. Some time ago khutba of Hazrat Adam(a.s.), Allah(swt) ordered an angel named Raheel to recite Hamd. Raheel is the highest vague of angels and possesses the highest vague create. Some time ago reading of Hamd, Allah(swt) familiar me (Jabreel(a.s.)) that He has performed the Nikah of His servant Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) with His future revel Imam Ali(a.s.) and that I want encourage this data as well as the angels. I acted as follows and finished all the angels disarray the accessory. Allah(swt) then ordered me to summary all this accessory on this silk cloth of Jannah and award it to you." Some time ago mentioning this accessory, Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) alleged "O Abul Hasan(a.s.), the order of Allah(swt) has been served and I arrange you to come to the mosque so that this Aqd want be dignified on the earth as well as well as witnesses." Such was the heaviness of this marriage that Allah(swt) normal the magnificence on Arsh and then Himself life-threatening and recited the Nikah of Imam al-Muttaqeen, Ami-ul-momineen Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(a.s.) with the mast of the women of this world and in nirvana Hazrat Fatima(s.a.). The more accessory has been mentioned in out of the ordinary other books as follows: - Muaraj an-Nabuwwah - Al asaba fee tameez as-Sahaba - Sawaeq-e-muharriqa by Ibn-e-Hajr Makki - Al Bayan wal Bateen by Allam Jaahiz - Nuzhat-ul-Majalis by Allama Abdur Rehman Safori - Riyaz un-Nazrah fee Manaqib-ul-Ashra by Allama Muhib Tabri >
Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) led Imam Ali(a.s.) within the mosque and asked him to apportion off his armor and award that money to the Farsighted(sawaw). The dress was sold in 400 dirhams according to some traditions, and the earnings were presented to the Farsighted Mohammmd(sawaw) who gave them to Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.) and Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) and asked them to buy some articles of use from the financial prudence. They went to the financial prudence and bought the last items as jahez (award) of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) - Two mattresses finished of Egyptian oilcloth. (One satiated with abandon and the other with obedient facial hair). - A leather mat. - A mitigate finished of bombard, satiated with palm tree abandon. - A Khaibarion band. - An animal bombard for water. - Some jugs and jars what's more for water. - A container for liquid colored with tar. - A thin blanket finished of facial hair. - A top excerpt seven (7) dirhams. - A murky excerpt four (4) dirhams. - Black plush band. - A bed inflated with,packing tape. - Four cushions finished of bombard imported from Ta 'ef satiated with a good smelling secret agent. - A mat from Hajar. - A hand-mill. - A special copper legal action hand-me-down for dyestuff - A pestle for grinding chocolate. - A (water) bombard. So the items of award were standard, Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) went to Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and alleged "Your Nikah has been recited on the Arsh by Allah(swt) with my cousin Ali(a.s.) and He(swt) has ordered me to recite your Nikah on the earth as well. I consider gathered my companions to do so and now hunt your agreement and license to recite this Nikah." Hearing this, Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.) bent her run with timidity which indicated her agreement. The Farsighted(sawaw) came out of her hujra and ordered Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) to cut all Ansaar and Muhajireen. Subsequently the companions were gathered, Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) recited Hamd of Allah(swt) and narrated to his companions that Jibreel(a.s.) had familiar him that Allah(swt) has performed the Nikah of Hazrat Ali(a.s.) with his youngster on the Arsh and has ordered him to recite the incredibly on the earth as well. He asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to coldly let know for the marriage in outward show of the witnesse. Some time ago reciting greatness of Allah(swt) and presenting his mysterious recognition to him and reciting darood for Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw), Imam Ali(a.s.) coldly requested for the marriage. Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) even the let know and finished all the companions witnesses. Upon tryout this all the companions greeted Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Farsighted(sawaw). Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw) recited the Nikah himself and asked Imam Ali(a.s.) if he even the Nikah for a Mehr of 400 Misqaal of Old. Imam Ali(a.s.) even and then the Nikah was coldly carry out. What's more impending Sajda-e-Shukr to Allah(swt) and all the companions award award congratulated and greeted moreover Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Farsighted Mohammad(sawaw). >
A non-planned date of time older amongst the nikah and the wedding magnificence, in the role of Imam Ali(a.s.) was too shy to ask the Farsighted to distribute a day for the wedding, while He(sawaw) needed to protect Fatima's pointlessness by abstaining from asking Imam Ali(a.s.) to do so. A month or above accepted by to the front Imam Ali(a.s.) alleged what on earth roughly speaking the wedding. Aqeel (Imam Ali(a.s.)'s brother) asked him about the argument for the sustain in holding the wedding magnificence and stirred him to organize for the wedding and to ask the Farsighted(sawaw) to distribute a catch a glimpse of for it. In any case Imam Ali(a.s.)'s timidity, he accompanied Aqeel to the Prophet's house to complete his requirements. On their way to the Prophet's house, they met Um Ayman(r.a.) who, since told the argument for their reside, asked them to begin the items to her. She, in turn, familiar Um Salama(r.a.) who brought the items to the thought of the Farsighted(sawaw) who called for Imam Ali(a.s.) and asked his view. Imam Ali(a.s.) spoken his sensitive to bring Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to his home which was donated by one of his partners. The Farsighted(sawaw) asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to care for a dinner (walima) in the role of Allah(swt) is pleased with colonize who do so; for the extroverted good it does-such as bringing citizens together and implementing love and sect as well as them. Imam Ali(a.s.) normal for the dinner and invited the citizens to the breakfast. Men and women from all something like Medina gathered in the house. They ate, drank and even took throw out to their homes. The blessings of the Farsighted(sawaw) were repugnant on that day, for not truthful the throw out was plenty to hunt every person, but what's more it did not curtail at all. The Farsighted(sawaw) asked for throw out containers to be brought and satiated them and sent them to his wives and not here a special legal action for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and her wife. By sundown, the wedding night had begun; it was time for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to permit to her new home. Something went well, for the Farsighted(sawaw) had finished all the elemental deal for the wedding. In any case the improve and etiquette of her wedding, Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)'s marriage magnificence was bordered by signs of greatness, difference, and beauty. The Announce of Allah(sawaw) ordered his wives to embellish Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to the front the wedding; they aromatic and modest her with jewelry. They all helped her to get ready; some combed her hair while others inflated and modest her in the dress brought by Gabriel from the Fantasy. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Tareekh Baghdad V.5, P.7, Al-Hamvini in Durar Al-Simtain, Al-Dhahabi in Mizan Al-Etedal, Garani in Akhbar Al-Dowal, and Qandouzi in Yanabi' Al-Mawaddah consider narrated that Ibn Abbas said: since Fatima was engaged to Ali's house on her wedding night, the Farsighted(sawaw) preceded her, Jibraeel was on her confidence, and Mikaeel on her not here, and seventy thousand angels followed her. These angels praised and glorified Allah(swt) until dawn! The Hashemite men, Abdul Muttalib's daughters, and Muhajarin and Ansar's women all accompanied Fatima's caravan that night. The Prophet's wives voluntarily led the caravan; they were what's more the apex to enter the house. Upon arriving, the Farsighted(sawaw) placed Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)'s hand in Imam Ali(a.s.)'s hand and said: "May Allah bless his Messenger's daughter; Ali, this is Fatima, you are answerable for her (or I commit her to you) Ali, what an splendid wife Fatima is! Fatima, what an splendid wife Ali is! O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children. O Allah, indubitably they are the highest desired to me from as well as your creatures, so love them too, and distribute for them a curator. I place them and their heir under your protection from the curse devil."
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