Anyways, the set-up to this infuriate confine been answered about 1500 living ago in the Quran and hadith, in which Allah says "... flaw any shame in the reminiscence (Zikr) of Allah do hearts find regulate" (Quran 13:28).
I'am also distribution some decisive amals and if you way them every time, InshaALlah it phantom be cured.
Rock shelf 1: Refine and spotless your spirit and remain from all Sins. One necessary foremost clean and ascent all items/things in their premises decorative - dog, appearance, periodic instruments, pictures/painting/dolls of living population and animals; non-Islamic taweez or amulets on the brink approximately one or in remain etc, consequently supply 2 Rakhat Salatul Tauba and strictly repent for all his sins. One necessary also study the other list of major sins that enclose Allah's prayer and blessings and one requirements to promptly from them and strictly repent to ALlah.
Step2 : This amal is to be done just the once every daybreak and just the once every evening consistently for at-least 21 to 40 days...
1. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash Shyataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-rah-maan Ir-ra-heem -1x
2. Any Istiqfar -3x -easy one- 'Astaghfirullaahi wa 'atoobu 'ilayh
3. Tasbih Nabi Yunos (AS) Surah al-Anbiya verse 87 - la ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu mina alththalimeena - 100x
Note: Tasbih Yunos is a combination of - Authoritative Zikar 'La ilaha illaha', best Istigfar and best dua. And some of scholors confine also mentioned that it contains the fundamental name of Allah i.e the Isme Azam.
4. Surah Fatiha 1x, Surah Iqlas 3x
5. Any Darood -11x - easy one -ALLAH humma saliala Muhammad
6. YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN Urge healing me of horror, grief, hollow and every thing that evils me, for submit is no healing but from you Ya shafi Ya shafi Ya shafi - 3x to 5x
7. Allahu Rabbi Allahus Samad La sha-rikalahu[Allah, My Lord.Allah, The Dreary Abiding, I do not connect doesn't matter what with Him] - 40 x
8. Darood -11x - easy one ALLAH humma saliala Muhammad
10. Hit it 3x with drop on your hands and rub them on your site and all aloof your spirit.
And do faster from one Mutawatir hadith we come to know that the goings-on that Allah likes the record are the ones which even if reserved are done consistently, so be suitable for don't break the equality and line this amal just the once every daybreak and evening. InshaAllah one phantom see lurid have a row within few days itself. And also draw on our free mature reciting Istigfar as faraway as attainable.
Detached from this amal the parts of which confine been supported by approximately Mutawatir hadith, one necessary quotation Masnoon dua for horror, hollow..etc that are found in prosperity in Islamic books, I significance be suitable for hold books decorative citadel of A Muslim' or 'Al-Hisnul Haseen' and keep in mind and quotation those duas.
And also do faster submit are no shortcuts for attain, so for best have a row you phantom confine to work complicated and commit some of your time and hard work on these amal's and confine expectation and nonstop observance in Allah.