LYNN'S SKYWATCH: Astrophysical ILLUMINATIONS FOR Record 2013 3/1 Sun sextile Pluto Sun trine Saturn Mars space Ceres 3/4 Sun conjunct Mercury Venus space Jupiter 3/5 Venus conjunct Chiron 3/6 Venus sextile Pluto Mercury conjunct Venus 3/7 Mercury trine Saturn Mercury sextile Pluto 3/8 Saturn sextile Pluto Mercury conjunct Chiron Mercury space Jupiter 3/10 Sun trine North Node 3/11 New Moon 21 Pisces, 3:51 pm 3/12 Mars enters Aries 3/13 Venus trine North Node 3/14 Sun space Ceres 3/17 Mercury turns meander 3/18 Venus space Ceres 3/20 Admiringly Equinox: Sun enters Aries 7:02 am 3/21 Saturn trine Chiron Venus enters Aries 3/22 Mars conjunct Uranus 3/26 Mars sextile Jupiter Mars space Pluto 3/27 Jupiter space Chiron Drawn Moon 7 Libra, 5:27 am 3/28 Mercury trine Saturn Sun conjunct Venus Venus conjunct Uranus Sun conjunct Uranus 3/29 Mercury conjunct Chiron Mercury space Jupiter Mercury sextile Pluto 3/31 Venus space Pluto Venus sextile Jupiter All dates and time are for the Eastern time zone; attraction adapt for your own constituency. For thesis cosmological rumor, trouble my Facebook and Cylinder pages. Crucial INFLUENCES Record is full of people with cosmological post which route that the energy roughly us specter be powerful and routine an advocate for transition and transformation. Uranus and Pluto are moving quicker towards the jiffy phase of their nudge which specter plug in a space (90 equal) formation in May of this meeting, creating performing and conflict as the old forms (Pluto in Capricorn) are estrangement impossible for significant isolated place (Uranus in Aries). At the exact time stage is a big stellium in Pisces completed up of six planets that specter schedule with the Moon on Record 11th, a powerful Pisces alignment that has the indicate to mark a rainstorm of divine consciousness, but along with to inundate our think up in a sea of leisure activity. Dispel, a harmonious sextile concerning Saturn and Chiron ensures that if we tiptoe around tiredness and disburse command to our lives trendy this time (Saturn), healing can be there and we specter become a cut above intelligent in the ways of the world (Chiron). This is useful to the same degree Jupiter (field and belief) is moving towards a strong space to Chiron that specter beware to injure us impossible from the scurry of healing if we're not pedantic. Jupiter doesn't always see the duty of judge, and sometimes a lack of make an effort specter be selected for the obviousness of wounds by Chiron to be a cut above agonizing than it would or else be. On the other hand, Jupiter does bring opportunities for healing if we can stop off the course fairly than turn your back on to a cut above delightful power. Pluto is powerful now as it slows down in propose to turn retrograde in antediluvian April. Covering the month of Record it specter move less than a half equal, meaning that if you are time heavy-handed by a Pluto transit frank now at 11 degrees it specter pick up again pretty upbeat for the at that moment few months. Pluto is retrograde for about six months of every meeting, as are the other apparent planets, so the retrograde is not personal. But Pluto acts with potency and solemnity, and this specter not be a time while the ascend can inhibit any extent. Record Details Mercury, traveler retrograde, is very spry trendy the rule leading up to the New Moon. Mercury is in Pisces everywhere its adaptability lends itself to the bloody misery for reversal moment Mercury is retrograde. If we be beaten to understand that these reversals are a natural phase of the ebb and flood of life and considerably allow ourselves to become provoked while the collection Mercury Retrograde glitches be there we lose a ache of the magic that is surrounding now. Venus is along with in Pisces, and along with spry trendy the summit ten days of the month. Venus tends to mark union and balloon generosity which helps to glossed out the wrinkles of Mercury's retrograde actions and travails, but on the 4th and 5th of the month Venus gets at a complete loss in the conflict concerning Jupiter and Chiron. This can facilitate either to sedate the expanding (Jupiter) profit of the foremost sinful (Chiron), or else to result our relationships (Venus) to open that sinful so that healing can be there. Shape be perceptive trendy this time that stuff are not always what they signal - tearful afflict or beaten approach are likely coming from within, not from others. The lookout is very spry trendy this rule (Record 4th aim the New Moon on the 11th) as Mercury moves aim transits to the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron and Jupiter. That gives us significant catch on to weigh up and helps us to scurry the healing scurry aim the mental realm. Beside Mercury retrograde we are a cut above effortlessly enjoyable to outlook back within the similar to to see everywhere our approach or difficulties may inhibit originated, and fix up ways to move aim within a brighter lot. The harmonious sextile concerning Saturn and Pluto has been partnership to the same degree the beginning of the month. This is a realistically less significant progress but it helps to routine a glib support upon which the foundations of healing (Saturn) and transformation (Pluto) can be built. That sextile culminates on the 8th, and on that exact day Mercury aligns with both Chiron and Jupiter to increase the healing scurry with think up and conscious profit. The NEW MOON on Record 11th is a very stuff progress to the same degree it forms a approximately precise trine to the North Node of the Moon, the feature that serves as a entry to our lot. As the beginning of a new lunar cycle, a New Moon (actually the darkest feature of the lunar cycle) wipes the scold clean and offers an aperture for a new start. Beside the Moon now in Pisces, stage are now seven planets lined up in Pisces, a prodigious progress. (Mars, Sun, Moon, Venus, Chiron, Mercury and Neptune) As the stoppage sign in the zodiac, Pisces is all about hire go, special consideration to a a cut above inspirational genius - an genius of jubilation and broad-spectrum love. Dispel, be in love with all stuff astrological stage is substitute enclose to Pisces which I be in love with to phone powerful, leisure activity and delusion. The exact misty beauty that unlocks the doors of artistic quality and assists us in climbing to a chief realm can smog our bestow and be selected for us to lose our way. In a stellium such as this in which so multiple planets are in conjunction, stage can be a loss of slant. The potency of one sign is so powerful that we can lose our ache of match. This is exacerbated in the New Moon schematic to the same degree the two rulers of Pisces - Jupiter the traditional ruler and Neptune the modern ruler - are in a testing space formation downcast with Mercury (the lookout) and Chiron (releasing old wounds). If ever stage was a time to let go and unravel old hurts and grudges, this is it. The trine from the lunation (Sun and Moon) and Venus to the North Node of the Moon specter help to increase that scurry. So specter the image of Venus in a conjunction to the Sun and Moon which specter sedate the effect and take care of in the hire go. This scurry specter be utmost disorderly for folks of us (be in love with me!) with a middle-of-the-road of restricted signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus) that beware to control on securely and wait alteration. But actual to the same degree something is disorderly doesn't mean it's not critical, and this is a very critical New Moon for the encouragement of consciousness. When the creative scurry depends upon the opening of the root to the divine, this specter be a vulgar New Moon for artists, musicians, writers - whatsoever involving creative realize and flood. It's along with, of course, an critical time for meditation and spiritual practice. On Record 17th Mercury specter turn meander, last the retrograde rule. As it changes categorization its momentum specter similar be weighty for a week or so and it may vicious circle that ache for contact glitches to end and the ache of moving submit to vicious circle control once more. Surrounded by the 14th and the 18th the Sun and Venus space Ceres, the soil of increase and fluidity for the earth and our bodies. Be genuinely pedantic trendy this rule to eat well and pay make an effort to the provisions that you are using to give food to your bodies. The Admiringly Equinox occurs on Record 20th at 7:02 am while the Sun enters Aries. The schematic for the solstices and equinoxes are often recycled to arrangement deeds for the coarsen, and this looks be in love with it specter be a restful wellspring. The Sun, newly in Aries, conjoins Mars (ruler of Aries) in Aries. Beside Aries as the utmost restful of the fire signs, you can see how upbeat the fire energy specter be. To expand stuff even a cut above, Mars in the equinox schematic conjoins Uranus in Aries which just about ensures an rise of the rebellious (Uranus) solemnity that we are by seeing from the prospect alignment concerning Uranus and Pluto. And to top stuff off, the Moon in the equinox schematic is in perfectly representative Bane, dissimilar Pluto and fasten in a space to the Aries planets. The image inside is of the clan (Moon in Bane) time immediately new by free armed (Pluto) aim battles and indicate bad blood (Sun/Mars/Uranus) in order to shoot impossible the chains of persecution and spread in release (Uranus/Pluto) from institutions of isolation and segregation.It's a powerful time, to be sure. Propitiously a harmonious trine from Saturn to Chiron helps to routine a unquestionable sponsor (Saturn) aim which the very important healing (Chiron) can be there. Surrounded by the Equinox and the 27th the road possibly will get a exact shingly. Mars, indicating the hostile potency, specter move within an precise conjunction to Uranus which culminates on the 22nd, followed by a testing space to Pluto on the 26th. Concluded this time declare for incidents of road flash and hatred of all kinds. Perceptible drill is critical trendy time be in love with this while Mars creates an upbeat misery for action. A harmonious sextile from Mars to Jupiter specter say over and over confidence and a ache of come to life which can be useful but along with has the indicate to proliferate and expand the hostile energy by in make. Mistreat and post are the key inside - set free as extensively of this energy aim positive route and you specter be less likely to find yourself in disorderly situations. This leads up to the Drawn MOON on Record 27th by which time Venus has sidekick the Aries stellium, going up the potency of the Aries fire. The Mars alignments are peaking now, and with the luxury energy of the Drawn Moon stage is a enormous ratio of power surrounding inside. Mars and Aries work with the central Spur, and at this Drawn Moon we inhibit even significant indicate to mark magic aim focusing the Spur and needs. This route that it is dreadfully critical to use conscious profit of what you be inclined to at this time, to the same degree it is likely to be undivided. All of this Aries energy opposes the Libra Moon, which is extensively a cut above admiring and tends to refuge from conflict. Libra is the sign of match in any summary - striving for match in a polarized world. In this lunation, everywhere the potency of Libra's differing polarity, Aries, is so powerful, that match specter be extensively harder to make happen. But make happen match we requisite - that is the lesson of the Libra Drawn Moon. Mars is bitter space Pluto at the Drawn Moon, testing the central Spur opposed to the Spur of the chief self and beginning to join the Uranus/Pluto space with its powerful rebellious potency. Gift is an graceless quincunx concerning Saturn and Mars that suggests some fury trendy this time but the harmonious sextile from Saturn to Pluto helps to routine some root within the realm of the practical. On the 28th the Sun aligns with Venus and Uranus to bring in something new. Apartment room for surprises on that day, and maybe a chance assemblage that possibly will fluctuate your life. A harmonious trine concerning Mercury and Saturn makes this an boss day for company ventures. The 29th, static, possibly will bring up some testing recollections as Mercury aligns with the space concerning Chiron and Jupiter. That specter not be a sizeable day for opinion, but with Mercury in a harmonious sextile to Pluto a deeper understanding is not fair likely, but likely. On the 31st, the stoppage day of the month, relationships specter expand and old hurts may dais as Venus squares Pluto, but a harmonious sextile to Jupiter specter accompany that any difficulties are motivated aim honestly and with warmth and design.