Wednesday 25 December 2013

How To Find Your Own Voice As A Spiritual Practitioner

How To Find Your Own Voice As A Spiritual Practitioner
"...and Stand Out Among the Crowd."

In my opinion, the best Rootworkers and Spiritual Practitioners will have the following traits in common. They

* Are knowledgeable about their spiritual tradition.
* Are knowledgeable about their profession.
* Adhere to an honorable set of ethics.
* Produce results.
* Produce results in a reasonable amount of time.
* Charges a reasonable price for services rendered.

These are the traits that will keep customers coming back to you for your products and/or services. However, they may not always be enough to drive sales to you. Once you have met these six criteria, there are several ways in which you can stand out among the crowd of spiritual workers. They include:


Do you have a specialty and if so what is it? Are you gifted at bringing back lost loves? Can you enable success in gambling? Can you alleviate curses? If you have a particular strength or area of the work in which you have a high rate of success you can build a practice around that talent. There are very few workers who can do it all and do it all successfully.

There is no shame is saying that you have no talent for lifting curses, for example, or enabling success at gambling. If you take a case which you know that you cannot ameliorate, you're not only cheating your customer, but you're also cheating yourself.

In some cases you may have a talent that is considered rare in the magickal community, a service which very few other people are able to provide. Cat Yronwode, owner and proprietor of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, once spoke about a worker in England who had the ability to bind djinns. Her clients flew her all over the Middle East where she makes a successful and profitable living plying her trade.

In other cases, you have have an established working relationship with a spirit or deity known for being difficult to work with such as Santisma Muerte.


As Human beings, we all have the same basic needs which include being able to provide for ourselves, to be healthy, protected, and loved, etc.... However, a rootworker who lives in the Deep South will not always have the same concerns from his or her clients that a rootworker living in a large city will have.

For example, the metropolitan worker may want to design a Subway Safety Mojo Bag, which is essentially a safe-travel product that has been tailored to the needs of a person living in a large city. They may design a Liberal-Landlord Vigil Light, to get your landlord to fix things on time, cut you a break when your rent is late, etc... They may gather water from various fountains and use them in their baths; or gather coins from fountains and use them for money spells, wishing-magick, etc...

The Southern Rootworker's clients may all come from the same ethnic and/or religious background; whereas the worker in a large city may have clients from several different ethnic/religious backgrounds. A Baptist worker may practice their work in the name of Jesus or alternately in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Unless there are a number of Catholics in his or her town, he may not work with any Saints at all. However a worker based in New Orleans will more than likely work with one or more Saints. It is the successful worker who can tailor his practice to the needs of his community.


At one time, when society wasn't as enlightened and/or tolerant as it is today, it was considered very progressive for a worker to advertise they were Gay Friendly. However, in recent years the GLBT community has made strides towards gaining equality and it is not unusual that many spiritual practitioners are gay themselves. There are still many heterosexual workers who are gay friendly as well. Therefore, simply being gay-friendly will not set you apart from other workers as much as it once did.

However, you may feel called to work with a specific group of people. Maybe you are a member of a minority group or your life has been touched by addiction, violence, or abuse which has left you with a desire to help victims of these circumstances heal and grow. If you truly feel called to work with such people and you have the ability to improve their situations, then you have an obligation to do so.

These are just a few ways in which you can help set yourself apart from other workers. In future blog post I will explore additional topics such as communication, visibility, and approachability.

Carolina Dean
