THE STOREHOUSEBefore giving these seven blessings in Malachi 3, the Lady very barely mentions the tithes and aid in verse 8: "Guts a man rob God? Yet ye manage robbed me. But ye say, Wherein manage we robbed thee? In tithes and aid" (Malachi 3:8). For that reason He says, "Stand ye all the tithes within the stockpile" (verse 10).The "stockpile" is not your meticulous church! Common existence ago, I educated that the stockpile was the meticulous church. As I manage continued to study the Gossip, travel the world, and developed in the Lady, I manage come to utter that the stockpile is not the meticulous pied-?-terre but the ministry that feeds your life.
Any ministry that feeds you the Gossip of God is that storehouse! The Gossip of God is empty on this, for He says, "Stand ye all the tithe within the stockpile." The tithe belongs to the ministry that gives you pure bread and the nucleus of God's Gossip.
As you grant the stockpile that the Lady has positioned within your life, the Lady has promised to send these seven ethereal blessings upon your life!If this ministry has been that stockpile for you, with it is the law of God that you hardship bound your tithes and aid to this ministry. In fact, according to the Gossip of God, you hardship grant anything ministry God uses to route your life.
I desire to commune an important truth with you. The Gossip of God is empty likewise in Deuteronomy 26 that the tithe does not belong to the dead. In the midst of teaching on the tithe, the Lady tells us, "Nor individual neediness ther for the dead" (Deuteronomy 26:14). If you desire to repugnant the seven ethereal blessings of the tithe, make correct you are not giving your tithe or put on to a dead work.
If you bound to a dead ministry, put on moral fiber be no result! But next you bound to a ministry that is live and preaching the Gospel to the world, with these promises moral fiber be yours.Contravention Subtraction FROM YOUR LIFEWhen I saw this powerful truth and began applying it in my own life-as I became a tither myself-God honest impoverished the invoice from my life.Subtraction is broken by free one thing-giving to the Lord's work!I desire to see the Lady bless your life. It is your tithe that opens heaven, and it is your put on that brings prosperity your way. The Lady requires every, the tithe (at lowest possible 10 percent) and the put on (totaling money that the Lady directs you to bound). We cannot be blessed lacking the tithe, and we cannot see quite lacking every the tithe and the put on.The Lady barely states in His Gossip to bound every tithes and aid.Now, bound every to the Lady. Sow your precious stone. And as you bound your tithe and sow your seed-offering this month, lay your hands on that precious stone and shoulder the seven ethereal promises of Malachi 3.Charming the lost for the revel of Jesus Christ, God's precious Son,