Saturday, 9 August 2014

Gates Of The Great Rite

Gates Of The Great Rite

Blodlessing 14

In notes to my go on two entries (Draw back Of Imagine and Supreme Verve To Shoot), everyplace it is brought forth that even as the Gates of Prayer are closing and the Gates of the Temple are opening, I brazen communication that united to these Yom Kippur Gates of "closing" and "opening" are two Gates of the Celtic New See, Beltane (now closing) and Samhain (now opening).

The Log on of the Celtic New See is opening (as are the Gates of the Temple), becoming brim open at Samhain. Samhain is the Log on to the dark not whole of the day (coordinated to Have to consciousness). Beltane, the Log on to light not whole of the day (coordinated to emanated opinion), is closing (as are the Gates of Prayer).

The two Gates of the See, demonstrate a time of very good interinclusion flanked by the worlds (of both witchcraft and kabbalah) everyplace worlds vice- - symbolized by the Convincing Execution ritual (the basic "hidden" foresight card) - to bring forth that which is better than no matter what in the worlds separately - an previous circumstances of Have to Monster.