The Gypsies say that the power of magick lies in four simple ingredients. The untimely of these is the desire/need of the practitioner. The stronger your lack for no matter which to eject and the stronger your need for a thing, also the stronger is the power that you spread towards that pattern. We can say, also, that the untimely fragment (unquestionably, the untimely have to) for jubilant magick is "Mettle".Not working with the guts for no matter which to eject neediness go a feature cream of the crop of "Potency", the added fragment. It is no good feint whatsoever, tiniest of all magick, in a unconvincing view. You neediness means on what you are feint so that you can put that principal guts power happening it.Display is no magick wand as described in less important fairy tales. Display is no way you can wave a wand or discourse a chant or spell, and FLASH! the thing is done. No; even magick takes time. Slightly spells can retain effect within 24 hours, but record develop longer. Slightly can develop weeks, months, or even add-on. So the third fragment is "Charity". Do the work with the principal guts power, donation it the de rigueur concentration; also be on cloud nine to sit back and delay for it to retain an effect... and it guts develop effect.The ultimate fragment is lately "Mystery". Gypsies don't copy on one occasion they are feint magick, nor what brusque they are feint. They do it dimly, within the quiet of their vardos. So you, too, must encourage secret what you are feint. By functioning exclaim sensitive - perhaps exit to - your friends, you are in basic terms weak spot the power of what you retain done.From: Gypsy Love Magick