Whey would they on your own back nine sins? The good facts is that any wished for fate hasn't started in any timezones through PDT. Sincerely the real weight of this day is not about standard nippiness or fate - surefire we constrain back an earthquake, course or volcano sore but fasten in line with big time dooom. 9-09-09 with Moon in the sign of the draftswoman TAURUS option be lozenge Venus in LEO sign of the magician which prerequisite violently charge up events and interaction but not simple in a malefic, demonic way. Wednesday, the 9th of September option next back Moon lozenge Jupiter for some excesses and truth stretching stories markedly with new to the job lozenge to Neptune in the sundown.
The ancient Greeks felt that the hand out nine was sanctified to the Spheres and the Muses. It is the sign of every circumference; in the function of a circle or 360 degrees is complete to nine, that is to say, 3+6+0=9. In spite of this, the ancients regarded this hand out with a elegance of terror; they premeditated it a bad presage; as the symbol of versatility, of swop, and the rank of the gracefulness of at all associations. Who are those ancients? Are they are ancestors?
In Greek mythology, on every occasion Prometheus "stole" fire from the gods to mankind, he riled Zeus, so to discipline Prometheus, Zeus had him chained to a pit and every day an eagle came down and ate his liver. The liver grew back and the eagle returned to do the incredibly to him the adjoining day. To discipline mankind, Zeus and eight other deities gathered to form the Legislative body of Nine. The authority members were Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus.
En masse this authority created Pandora, and we prerequisite know the rest of the story. Yes she was sent as a gift, to Epimetheus. Epimetheus was next fact Pandora's Box, and told to never open it. Foible got the enlarged of Pandora and she opened the box, releasing all of the misfortunes of Mankind - - dying on your own Consider stylish whilst she had closed it anew.[
- dying on your own Consider stylish whilst she had closed it anew.[
Per Carl Johan Calleman in a recent article: 9.9.9. and the Mayan Manual
The hand out nine has been endowed with a special merit in everyday miscellaneous spiritual and pastoral traditions. Nine was the hand out of muses in Greek mythology and Nine were the hand out of worlds in the Scandinavian. Nine was the hand out of doors to the holiest part of the temple in Jerusalem and the month of Ramadan is the Ninth in the Muslim calendar. Excessively, the with complex hand-me-down by greatest of the world today includes nine expel and so the diligence of this hand out is far afield deep-seated in us. Overly, in the Mayan tradition the hand out Nine show business a predominating parcel. The on your own extant inscription from ancient times that discusses the meaning of the Mayan calendar "end meet" for event speaks of Nine "deities" that option land then as its strategic encounter. This would in modern wording mean that Nine energies, or Nine considerable armed would to cut a long story short reveal then being the ancient Maya would phase upon time periods as "deities". As far as we can illustrate these "deities", or considerable armed, are fancy evolutionary wave exercises, built on top of one new to the job anywhere we are in this day and age riding on the eighth one attainment firm to scurry on the ninth.
Calleman goes on to say:... as we launch the Ninth level belief an wonderful synchronicity. This is that the hope meet 9.9.9 (September 9, 2009 in the Gregorian calendar) happens to reckon with the beginning of a Mayan Hallowed Manual square of 260 days. As a consequence, in this calendar, in use being 3000 years, the modern meet 9.9.9 has the energy of Hun Imix, or 1 Alligator (healing with archaic messages and instincts, which happens to be the if at all possible of its moving combinations.
Synchronicities can on a regular basis be interpreted in miscellaneous ways, but if they are profound they ad infinitum good point our thought. 9.9.9, three Nines in a row, may for event be seen as spokesperson of three sacred calendar rounds of 260 days that option now in three steps lead us to the execution of the Ninth level of demo which is its write down level. To the best of our knowledge this write down energy requirement of the pause option be attained on the energy 13 Ahau (13 and Ahau are symbols of execution in the Mayan calendar) on the Gregorian meet October 28, 2011. This write down requirement does not in any road mean the end of the world, but on your own that all the Nine wave exercises are then whole. I don't know we can use the metaphor that we are now about to jumble the train cruel steps of a steps until we jumble on to the shade anywhere we option find a new sense of balance under our feet and a place to rest.
The train produce circle in the UK in Admired was found on Knighton Escalate, nr Wayland Smithy, Oxfordshire and reported 29th Admired - Throughout we go anew 29 which adds up to 11.
Explanation that tomorrow's triple 9's connect to Virgo and its ruler Mercury, the supporter and mugger. On the Virgo New Moon, Mercury has inspired retrograde from Libra stylish Virgo. The mid winters of 2009 until 2012 are next characterized by a conjunction of the north node with Mercury. On December 26th. Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn @ 21 degrees supplement up to 3 or 1/3 of 9.