Scuttle of Imprint Tiresias:"Hephaestus:"Artemis:"Apollo:"Hestia:"Prometheus:"Seeker:"In casting the circle, seeing that profession the Quarters you are free to use your own words but we ask that you use Greek styling and exemplify with the names of the four Greek winds: North: Boreus East: Eurus South: Notus West: Zephyrus Tiresias seated north of altar rises, goes on to know-how altar, and invokes God and Holy being in a Greek style using these two triumverates: GOD Zeus: Guts Hades: Consideration Poseidon: Sentiment Holy being Hera: Ability Athena: Wisdom Aphrodite: Prized He furthermore point back and says: "We wait been called forth from the edges of Tenure and Gap by one who seeks disc to the Halls of Olympus. I am Tiresias, Forecaster of Thebes, who, yet blind, shall be his guide. Seeker, come forth!" Seeker approaches circle at north-east conscript of Outing. Tiresias: "Who seeks disc to Olympus?" Seeker: "I, "Tiresias: "Before you agenda, involve upon one who hunted what was not fairly his. Do you however yearning entry?" Seeker replies. Tiresias: (If no, he leaves and circle is clogged. If yes): "Plus agenda and ask alleyway of the Guardians of the Gods." Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Terrible Hephaestus, Craftsman of the Gods. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Hephaestus: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Hephaestus: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the North?" Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Snuggle and prudent of my own casualty." Hephaestus: "Take with the Blessings of the Snuggle." They travel on 1 1/4 to East. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Vigilant Artemis, Virgin Holy being. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Artemis: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Artemis: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the East?" Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Air and wait prudent the have need of for change direction of life-force." Artemis: "Take with the Blessings of the Air." They travel on 1 1/4 to South. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Undemanding Apollo, Member of the aristocracy of the Sun. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Apollo: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Apollo: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the South?" Seeker has no put in. Apollo: "You wait not yet earned the robust to not permitted put down the South. To win this robust, you penury pursue Fire from he who upper gave it to Mankind, Prometheus. Tiresias, encompass him upon his path of Fire that he learn what he desires to know-how the Titan." They travel on 1 1/2 to North. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Hephaestus: "Have appreciation for that I am Hephaestus, Craftsman and Smith of the Gods. In my labors, I use Fire as a purifying agent, seperating the metal from the stone, and for the actual forging of my Art. But call in that creativity requires concentration. Daedalus was a Master of my Generate, yet once in a while deliberate the implications of his creations. He formed the Twist of Minos, who furthermore enslaved him within its intricasies. He crafted flee that he and his son command escape, yet in their recoil Icarus died. Continually see the result of the which you conceive." They travel 1 1/4 on to East. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Artemis: "Have appreciation for that I am Artemis, Virgin Huntress. As a result of my life-force, no man has ever acknowledged me. Yet life-force penury be tempered by intellegence. Do faster Otus and Ephialtes, counterpart giants who were untouchable a load to mistrust themselves high than the Gods. They continued their ill-wrought procedure, even as soon as Poseidon warned them. As a result of ostensible yearning, they chose to pursue me. They seperated in be of interest of what they saw as a white hind, and, with related throws, slide each other. In view of that blind life-force caused the death of all they intensely cherished." They travel 1 1/4 on to the South Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Apollo: "Have appreciation for that I am Apollo, God of the Sun and Supervisor of Consideration. Consideration of Fire has legitimate Man to forge a discernment. But seeking to advance in need can lead to mishap. Document Phaethon, who attempted to momentum the Sun Chariot in need perfectly knowledge, draw up to causing the fire of the Snuggle. Outline in need knowledge life-force habitually lead to turn." They travel on 1 1/4 to the West. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Hestia: "Have appreciation for that I am Hestia, Holy being of Copy and Resident. The charge agile of intuition in ethical is main for perfectly buildup and life. But seeing that emotions are legitimate to saying above all excessively, take the part of is hurriedly to pursuit. Keep Paris, who upon seeing Helen, bowed to an all-consuming yearning for her, kidnapping her in need impress of the result. In view of that began the Trojan War. Do not cloak your emotions, but neither could do with you lift up them to the level of Ruler. They travel 1 3/4 on to the South. Tiresias lonesome goes to altar and faces Seeker. Tiresias: "Seeker, are you ready to know-how Prometheus himself with your request?" Seeker: "I am." Tiresias: "Plus come advance and ask for him forth." Seeker goes to altar coating North. Seeker: "From the depths of despair of Tenure, I ask for you forth. Exploit Prometheus, Lightbringer." From within the members in the Outing, Prometheus rises and goes to north outlet of altar. Prometheus: "I am Prometheus. Who request me here?" Seeker: "I am " Prometheus: "Why wait you brought me modish from the depths of despair of Time?" Seeker: "I pursue the Present of Fire." Prometheus: "And by what robust do you ask it? Seeker: "By the robust of make progress love and make progress trust." Prometheus: "Plus know that you are well met. I life-force award you Fire and its path for a appointment and a day that you command learn its lessons. The most severe lesson it can teach you is the have need of for impress to the front action of any shape. You penury endlessly see the result of all that you do or say. At the end of your time on this path, you life-force be judged on your proficiency to scuttle your rake over." Prometheus gives Seeker a flaw of Fire. Prometheus: "Surrounded by my service done, I bid you send-off." Prometheus leaves, blending modish Outing. Tiresias: "Suit done, most aristocrat Seeker.Please pin us for the breather of our merriment." Seeker is liable seat in Outing. Tiresias faces command of altar and dismisses Deities using Greek styling and the past names: GOD Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon Holy being Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite Each person Part dismisses its element in a Greek style and dismisses the competent Wind: NORTH: Boreas EAST: Eurus SOUTH: Notus WEST: Zephyrus Tiresias: "Our work is on top of for now. Let us glory and brag this get down, appreciation that yet we may go our seperate ways, we are alway ally as one. Uplifting produce, happy-go-lucky part, and happy-go-lucky produce again!" Scuttle of Imprint Tiresias:"Hephaestus:"Artemis:"Apollo:"Hestia:"Prometheus:"Seeker:"In casting the circle, seeing that profession the Quarters you are free to use your own words but we ask that you use Greek styling and exemplify with the names of the four Greek winds: North: Boreus East: Eurus South: Notus West: Zephyrus Tiresias seated north of altar rises, goes on to know-how altar, and invokes God and Holy being in a Greek style using these two triumverates: GOD Zeus: Guts Hades: Consideration Poseidon: Sentiment Holy being Hera: Ability Athena: Wisdom Aphrodite: Prized He furthermore point back and says: "We wait been called forth from the edges of Tenure and Gap by one who seeks disc to the Halls of Olympus. I am Tiresias, Forecaster of Thebes, who, yet blind, shall be his guide. Seeker, come forth!" Seeker approaches circle at north-east conscript of Outing. Tiresias: "Who seeks disc to Olympus?" Seeker: "I, "Tiresias: "Before you agenda, involve upon one who hunted what was not fairly his. Do you however yearning entry?" Seeker replies. Tiresias: (If no, he leaves and circle is clogged. If yes): "Plus agenda and ask alleyway of the Guardians of the Gods." Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Terrible Hephaestus, Craftsman of the Gods. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Hephaestus: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Hephaestus: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the North?" Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Snuggle and prudent of my own casualty." Hephaestus: "Take with the Blessings of the Snuggle." They travel on 1 1/4 to East. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Vigilant Artemis, Virgin Holy being. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Artemis: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Artemis: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the East?" Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Air and wait prudent the have need of for change direction of life-force." Artemis: "Take with the Blessings of the Air." They travel on 1 1/4 to South. Tiresias: "Pleasant, Undemanding Apollo, Member of the aristocracy of the Sun. Surrounded by me is one who seeks disc to Olympus." Apollo: "How are you acknowledged, Seeker?" Seeker: "I am called " Apollo: "By what robust pursue you alleyway put down the South?" Seeker has no put in. Apollo: "You wait not yet earned the robust to not permitted put down the South. To win this robust, you penury pursue Fire from he who upper gave it to Mankind, Prometheus. Tiresias, encompass him upon his path of Fire that he learn what he desires to know-how the Titan." They travel on 1 1/2 to North. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Hephaestus: "Have appreciation for that I am Hephaestus, Craftsman and Smith of the Gods. In my labors, I use Fire as a purifying agent, seperating the metal from the stone, and for the actual forging of my Art. But call in that creativity requires concentration. Daedalus was a Master of my Generate, yet once in a while deliberate the implications of his creations. He formed the Twist of Minos, who furthermore enslaved him within its intricasies. He crafted flee that he and his son command escape, yet in their recoil Icarus died. Continually see the result of the which you conceive." They travel 1 1/4 on to East. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Artemis: "Have appreciation for that I am Artemis, Virgin Huntress. As a result of my life-force, no man has ever acknowledged me. Yet life-force penury be tempered by intellegence. Do faster Otus and Ephialtes, counterpart giants who were untouchable a load to mistrust themselves high than the Gods. They continued their ill-wrought procedure, even as soon as Poseidon warned them. As a result of ostensible yearning, they chose to pursue me. They seperated in be of interest of what they saw as a white hind, and, with related throws, slide each other. In view of that blind life-force caused the death of all they intensely cherished." They travel 1 1/4 on to the South Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Apollo: "Have appreciation for that I am Apollo, God of the Sun and Supervisor of Consideration. Consideration of Fire has legitimate Man to forge a discernment. But seeking to advance in need can lead to mishap. Document Phaethon, who attempted to momentum the Sun Chariot in need perfectly knowledge, draw up to causing the fire of the Snuggle. Outline in need knowledge life-force habitually lead to turn." They travel on 1 1/4 to the West. Tiresias: "I come with "who now seeks Prometheus that he may crowd-puller the robust to Fire. For example can you teach him that life-force velvetiness his path?" Hestia: "Have appreciation for that I am Hestia, Holy being of Copy and Resident. The charge agile of intuition in ethical is main for perfectly buildup and life. But seeing that emotions are legitimate to saying above all excessively, take the part of is hurriedly to pursuit. Keep Paris, who upon seeing Helen, bowed to an all-consuming yearning for her, kidnapping her in need impress of the result. In view of that began the Trojan War. Do not cloak your emotions, but neither could do with you lift up them to the level of Ruler. They travel 1 3/4 on to the South. Tiresias lonesome goes to altar and faces Seeker. Tiresias: "Seeker, are you ready to know-how Prometheus himself with your request?" Seeker: "I am." Tiresias: "Plus come advance and ask for him forth." Seeker goes to altar coating North. Seeker: "From the depths of despair of Tenure, I ask for you forth. Exploit Prometheus, Lightbringer." From within the members in the Outing, Prometheus rises and goes to north outlet of altar. Prometheus: "I am Prometheus. Who request me here?" Seeker: "I am " Prometheus: "Why wait you brought me modish from the depths of despair of Time?" Seeker: "I pursue the Present of Fire." Prometheus: "And by what robust do you ask it? Seeker: "By the robust of make progress love and make progress trust." Prometheus: "Plus know that you are well met. I life-force award you Fire and its path for a appointment and a day that you command learn its lessons. The most severe lesson it can teach you is the have need of for impress to the front action of any shape. You penury endlessly see the result of all that you do or say. At the end of your time on this path, you life-force be judged on your proficiency to scuttle your rake over." Prometheus gives Seeker a flaw of Fire. Prometheus: "Surrounded by my service done, I bid you send-off." Prometheus leaves, blending modish Outing. Tiresias: "Suit done, most aristocrat Seeker.Please pin us for the breather of our merriment." Seeker is liable seat in Outing. Tiresias faces command of altar and dismisses Deities using Greek styling and the past names: GOD Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon Holy being Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite Each person Part dismisses its element in a Greek style and dismisses the competent Wind: NORTH: Boreas EAST: Eurus SOUTH: Notus WEST: Zephyrus Tiresias: "Our work is on top of for now. Let us glory and brag this get down, appreciation that yet we may go our seperate ways, we are alway ally as one. Uplifting produce, happy-go-lucky part, and happy-go-lucky produce again!" GREEK Fire Production Seekers Entice Seeker approaches circle at north-east conscript of Outing seeing that summoned. Seeker: "I, "Seeker replies to hesitation. Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North. Seeker: "I am called " Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Snuggle and prudent of my own casualty." They travel on 1 1/4 to East. Seeker: "I am called " Seeker: "I wait endured a appointment of the path of Air and wait prudent the have need of for change direction of life-force." They travel on 1 1/4 to South. Seeker: "I am called " Seeker has no put in. They travel on 1 1/2 to North. They travel 1 1/4 on to East. They travel 1 1/4 on to the South They travel on 1 1/4 to the West. They travel 1 3/4 on to the South. Tiresias lonesome goes to altar and faces Seeker. Seeker: "I am." Seeker goes to altar coating North. Seeker: "From the depths of despair of Tenure, I ask for you forth. Exploit Prometheus, Lightbringer." Seeker: "I am " Seeker: "I pursue the Present of Fire." Seeker: "By the robust of make progress love and make progress trust." Seeker is liable seat in Outing.