Sunday 2 December 2012

Winter Solstice Deities

Winter Solstice Deities
All over all cultures and faiths endure some replica of winter solstice celebration or sale. What of the idea of even leave, life, death and revitalization, the time of the solstice is frequently related with deity and other extremely well records. Regardless of the path you contract, likelihood are good that one of your gods or goddesses has a winter solstice strap.

Alcyone (Greek):

Alcyone is the Kingfisher goddess. She nests every winter for two weeks, and calculate she does, the unsystematic seas become placid and calm.

Ameratasu (Japan):

In feudal Japan, flock awful the return of Ameratasu, the sun goddess, who slept in a improvised, hard to find deep hole. In the role of the other gods woke her with a presumptuous celebration, she looked out of the deep hole and saw an image of herself in a mirror. The other gods inevitable her to show from her lonesomeness and return light to the nature.

Baldur (Norse):

Baldur is related with the footer of the mistletoe. His mother, Frigga, fortunate Baldur and asked all of benevolent to word not to harm him. Dreadfully, in her eagerness, Frigga unseen the mistletoe drill, so Loki, the trickster, took once-over of the opportunity and fooled Baldur's blind twin, Hod, within downfall him with a spear ready of mistletoe. Baldur was successive restored to life.

Bona Dea (Roman):

This effectiveness goddess was worshipped in a secret temple on the Aventine Come to life in Rome; with the sole purpose women were allowed to usher her assets. Her annual report sale was protected to the fore in December.

Cailleach Bheur (Celtic):

In Scotland, she is also called Beira, the Queen of Chilly. She is the hag aspect of the Triple Goddess, and cipher the dark days surrounded by Samhain and Beltaine.

Demeter (Greek):

Downward her daughter, Persephone, Demeter is related excitably to the uncertain of the seasons and is frequently associated to the image of the Harsh Blood relation in winter. In the role of Persephone was abducted by Hades, Demeter's hurt caused the earth to die for six months, until her daughter's return.

Dionysus (Greek):

A sale called Brumalia was protected every December in adornment of Dionysus and his fermented grape wine. The contraption proved so now that the Romans adopted it as well in their celebrations of Bacchus.

Frau Holle (Norse):

Frau Holle appears in masses distinct forms in Scandinavian mythology and footer. She is related with both the evergreen vegetation of the Yule feeling, and with snowfall, which is understood to be Frau Holle shaking out her buoyant mattresses.

Frigga (Norse):

Frigga fortunate her son, Baldur, by asking all of benevolent not to harm him, but in her eagerness unseen the mistletoe drill. Loki fooled Baldur's blind twin, Hod, within downfall him with a spear ready of mistletoe but Odin successive restored him to life. As honor, Frigga avowed that mistletoe condition be regarded as a drill of love, rather than death.

Holly Ruler (British/Celtic):

The Holly Ruler is a cost found in British tales and tradition. He is minute to the Unrefined Man, the relationship of the forest. In modern Paganism, the Holly Ruler battles the Oak Ruler for capacity near the see. At the winter solstice, the Holly Ruler is bested.

Horus (Egyptian):

Horus was one of the astrophysical deities of the ancient Egyptians. He rose and set every day, and is frequently related with Nut, the sky god. Horus successive became associated with changed sun god, Ra.

La Befana (Italian):

This self from Italian tradition is minute to St. Nicholas, in that she flies a little delivering candy to beneficial children in to the fore January. She is depicted as an old person on a broomstick, happening a black headland.

Peer of the realm of Misrule (British):

The custom of appointing a Peer of the realm of Misrule to be in charge expert winter holiday festivities actually has its family tree in antiquity, all the rage the Roman week of Saturnalia.

Mithras (Roman):

Mithras was awful as part of a mystery religion in ancient Rome. He was a god of the sun, who was uneducated a little the time of the winter solstice and then capable a reincarnation a little the come equinox.

Odin (Norse):

In some tradition, Odin bestowed gifts at Yuletide upon his polite society, riding a magical on high long jumper tangentially the sky. This footer may endure cumulative with that of St. Nicholas to stir up the modern Santa Claus.

Saturn (Roman):

Altogether December, the Romans threw a week-long celebration of morality and fun, called Saturnalia in adornment of their rural god, Saturn. Roles were upturned, and slaves became the masters, at least in the interim. This is everyplace the tradition of the Peer of the realm of Misrule originated.

Spider Man (Hopi):

Soyal is the Hopi sale of the winter solstice. It honors the Spider Man and the Hawk Maiden, and celebrates the sun's beating expert winter's shadowiness.
