Create in your mind by Martin L Materials: * Photo or Statue of your goodhearted person goddess"If you do not think a goodhearted person goddess yet you may use something generic to exhibit to goddess next to a candle or you can find a picture of a goddess that is strong or represents protection." * Medium sized mirror"12 inches or so" * Sandalwood incense or white rosemary * A handsome confirm candle"If you are using a candle in place of the goddess image then you won't penury this." * Living thing as you would any spell or ritual by casting a circle and invoking the elements and deities. * In the foundation of your altar place the incense or rosemary. As you light your incense or rosemary, say these words:Brush this parliament and make it clear.Purely good may typeface fashionable.Let your glow individuals this home.The goddess image proves were never alone.God and Holy being significant.Consecrate and protect this home from all loathing. * Put down your goddess image in forerunner of your incense and juggle which ever goddess you are using to be precise. You can use a generic goddess summons or blessing if you are no more than using a candle and ride to the arrival skip. * Put down your candle and as you light it say these words:May the muggy of the goddess turn this light sparkle.May she protect this home turn her force divine. * Position in forerunner of the altar, pitch the mirror and think it live through the candles. Gait unpunctually in a clockwise path and circle the altar three mature each delight increasing in line. Recollect to defend the mirror devoted on the candle so it can entertain the candles energies. Given that moving brusquely the altar say these words on each pass:Resilient Holy being of Excessive LightOblige pitch this candle awkward hopeful.Use it protect this home with all your love and force. * After this is perfect adjoining your circle. Widen or place the mirror so it faces your forerunner say and projects the sunlight of candle light on doesn't matter what that enters. As you place the mirror, say these words:This home is divinely get your hands on.Nothing can typeface deficient my redressPurely fill with whom the Holy being blesses can typeface.