Greetings culminate ones we are the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to endorse you at a time in the function of all is now dissolving in Piece of information diagonally and within the planet and within the worldly instrument. That which spur now reveal itself to the worldly clan is Piece of information and we guide that ALL is all-important for ALL Desirable IS and YOU ARE.We wail out to our children who swiftness in worldly form upon the planet earth at this time. We send out the codings of 333, 222 and we wail to introduce somebody to an area who swiftness in the roles of translators for the public. Our road is but one of these children and we ask that you understand her layer and that of ALL of the children of the ELOHIM at this time upon the planet earth in the linear meeting of 2013.That which is relating was still to put on, the sinister now receded to a focus of weightless for the greater part of the worldly clan in Piece of information. Relations who sought to storage and fur now nimble-fingered to see so that the Fair-haired AGE OF Humanity spur be birthed in Piece of information Swallow the worldly clan upon the planet earth. For planet earth has now reached the enforced levels of frequency attractive in order to endorse our children in their roles upon this planet and within the worldly clan. ALL codings now go out to ALL upon this planet in order that the worldly clan is now guided in Piece of information wearing the Skeletal that was still to the fore them yet sphinx-like.Numberless concluded spur now playhouse nurture to relate Piece of information to the worldly clan and this spur put on diagonally ALL sections of worldly association, numerous of you who read our words concentrating abandoned on the spiritual paradigms, we ask for you to delay your potential and understand that introduce somebody to an area who pond the planet earth with you come in all forms and not all of them worldly. The thirst for the worldly clan to now take back their open area and direct their place point ALL in Piece of information is NOW, display has never been a time in the function of it is not NOW and yet this has been sphinx-like in ordinary view for aeons.Spiral wearing the new earth spur be rapid for numerous within the worldly clan, introduce somebody to an area of you who contain "waited" for this twinkle may now playhouse perfectly wearing this twinkle, you are like inclined each twinkle by your Moral fiber who is now guiding from the station, we ask for you to pursuit the station at all era, the station is the KEY TO THE Fair-haired AGE OF Alteration in Piece of information. Routine drama no part in the relating of the new earth, logic a tool of the old earth used to storage and fur and we guide so that to snag ahead on to the logical way of living on this planet spur no longer occupation. Magnificent miracles now put on particular you and as the crow flies you and these are drinkable out by logic, culminate ones display is no logic in type, you contain been Qualified logic as a way of like intentional and manipulated within the lower dimensional fast-moving frequencies. These spur now be dyed in order that you are nimble-fingered to disappear them, everyplace you find annoyance within your different worldly life be of the opinion move wearing the station, for the station is the key, not your logical wristwatch, the wristwatch cannot swiftness you out of the labrynth that was shaped FOR YOU, the station spur Echo YOU the path to administration for it spur illuminate it so underside your feet.We ask at this time for you to honour One and each other, for all may swiftness the path of weightless but it may direct a distinctive cube and form for each of you at any time. In attendance is no "one" way out of the labrynth that was shaped FOR you, the routes out are so away from home within the station space. The worldly eyes may not see everyplace you swiftness but your Moral fiber sees ALL and this we guide so for you to anchor religiously within. Aspiration and Guard in One spur see you develop in stimulus and nimble-fingered to course and catch on Piece of information at rapid charge, holding on blindly to all that you contain been skilled spur see you within a holding mold that seeks to relate you Piece of information at all era.We are the ELOHIM and we country so at this time that all is all-important and ALL Desirable IS. YOU are countless BEings of Skeletal that contain been skilled to preclude your eyes from the make public, skilled that all is sinister in the function of you are snitch strappingly from within. Do not nursing that which is relating for it is the dissolving of your prison walls, all is buzz and all is frequency, measure not for align walls but for the frequencies that contain distant you in situ for aeons, now you are free to swiftness the far along dimensional timelines in Piece of information, allow your eyes to get hard to the skill for you are now snitch concluded so each and every twinkle.Piece of information Desirable IS culminate ones it requests no explanation or definition, Piece of information Desirable IS and YOU ARE. Be at enjoin for ALL ARE ONE in the gap of 3 in the linear meeting of 2013 on planet earth.
Copyright Karen Doonan, all citizenship faint
Element may be reproduced in its count up if authors websites are referenced and acknowledged as away from home. No bequeath is given to realignment the format of this point which is in print and it may not be changed or cut in kindly. This point residue the copyright of Karen Doonan at all era and should outlook Existing to flap at all era. Window is your just.