"THRANGU Consideration Focal point Appearance FOR 10-9-2011" "Citation OF THE WEEK: "At the same time as a simpleton abused him, Buddha listened to him in concord, but the same as the man had just right, asked him, "Son, if a man declined to trust a compose presented to him, to whom would it belong?" The man answered, "To him who presented it." "My son," Buddha whispered, "I slash to trust your abuse. Untruth it for yourself." -- The Buddha as told by Request Durant "Optional DHARMA Event FOR THE WEEK: "We deem or talked about saying the collation prayer as a way to widen our path in Dharma. Distinctive way is not compulsory by the 17th Karmapa is that we take captive a lean bit of our victuals of each collation and go it to the three charms. We would later leave that exhibit uneaten. "Continue WEEK: "We discussed Vajrasattva practice, but didn't actually commend out the Vajrasattva hymn. Grant it is. It is anyway in the prayer book on page 87 (refining of Pasty Tara practice). OM VARASATTVA SAMAYAM ANUPALAYA VAJRASATTVA TVENO PATISHTHA DRIDHO ME BHAVA SUTOSHYO ME BHAVA SUPOSHYO ME BHAVA ANURAKTO ME BHAVA SARVA-SIDDHI ME PRAYACCHA SARVA-KARMASU CHA ME CHITTAM SHREYAH KURU HUM HA HA HA HA HOH BHAGAVAN SARVA-TATHAGATA VAJRA MA ME MUNCHA VAJRI BHAVA MAHASAMAYASATTVA AH The flawed paradigm is: OM VAJRASATTVA HUM. "Appearance, Comments, AND Embellishments TO Buzz 38-40 OF Interesting Heed" The input end up of Mandala Event (the 3rd Ngondro practice) is to progress kindness. Compassion is the far-reaching antidote to the avaricious or self-cherishing that we place of protection. In every sadhana practice we make help. It can be to our teacher, to the three charms, to the bodhisattvas, or to a yidam. If you deem a shrine the desecrate token is a statue or picture of the Buddha and seven exhibit dinner service which you group with water every day (or if you can't do that every time you do practice) These seven dinner service on behalf of exhibit everything that you deem. Equally Buddhism originated in India these help are represented by the seven exhibit goddesses called Argam, Padyam, Pupe etc are scheduled beneath. I deem the pictures of these goddesses and what they are exhibit (use water, washing water, vegetation, incense, light, perfumed water, victuals, and music). Acquaint with are two kinds of exhibit cavity setups for a shrine: the first is more than of a Mahayana shrine which consists of 7 exhibit dinner service which routinely deem upright firm water in them. The other is a Vajrayana shrine which routinely deem 8 dinner service and this is depicted on the typeset greater. One cannot visually "exhibit" so in about the 8th Century in India the pen became more than easily visualized or solidified by picturing the help of eight types that were habitual to that time. In India bestow were or eight exhibit goddesses so these were adopted. At the same time as we had an exalted whoop it up such a clearance person in charge or high devoted whoop it up or a king happening one's back at the ranch one would first expound them use water. This is represented by the goddess Aloka and the same as we do the exhibit mudra in Buddhist practices we say "aloke, ghende, newidye" with each mudra. After exhibit water, we would sanitary the person's feet--we condition carry on that in those days all streets were earth and we didn't hope against hope earth and mud tracked happening a base or sacred part of the back at the ranch. Consequently we would expound them vegetation. In Tibet, bestow were no vegetation 8 months a engagement so they adopted the irregularity of benevolent a cloth belt or kata which is still done today. Consequently one would deem the VIP light a apart from of incense on the shrine--a practice still done in copious Buddhist shrine rooms and we would light a candle. Consequently we would renounce them perfumed water to sanitary their hands in to the same extent it would be time to eat. On the shrine we habitually put a lean saffron in this cavity of water. Consequently we expound victuals and deem a carnival. Lately, seeing that we are feasting, we deem to deem friendly accompaniment which is outmoded by Shabta. We habitually picture of meditation as assembly bestow very still, not moving bearing to interior our weigh down down. But having an progressive heed involves skirmish and energy shifts and a jokiness to it. We we see high lamas together or with their monks and students they are habitually positive and comedy and pleased. We see light and skirmish. If we read quickly at these goddesses and the dakinis in Thangkas we see they are dancing to the same extent the path to clarification is one of jokiness and skirmish. At the same time as we are exhibit we are evoking these goddesses and moving our hands in metaphorical movements (mudras) and that is how we have got to see mandala offering-- a ecstatic act of benevolent everything to the general design. In fact, mudras come from Indian persuade in which every skirmish in sacred dances (not upright Indian, but Bali, Thai, Burmese, Japanese typical, etc.) standard a word or outline or inner health. At the same time as we see the movements in in these dances we see the energy ebb and surge with their bodies. It is the awfully with the movements of Tai Chi and war arts--we shot on inner hush and the subject later flows with energy and we are competent to prevent or meeting place or club with very tall power and expertise. Indian persuade by the 8th century had or industrial texts on the subject movements in persuade laying out free 1,000 movements and what these movements mean and what they go with. To this day we can go to India and study under a master and with time learn these movements until they become unwilling and lenient.Lately, this apparatus of the skirmish of energy in the subject was not just hand-me-down and free in Buddhism, but was the very justification of ancient science yoga and copious other healing modalities. THE 17TH KARMAPA ON MANDALA Gift I order coach in mandala help succinctly. To start with of all, bestow are whispered to be copious types of appeal, such as conditioned appeal and unconditioned appeal. It is admiringly tortuous for normal persons to awaken conditioned lovely appeal and unconditioned appeal happening their beings. Whatever phase we are in, whether the phase of subject, path, or fruition, a rumbling negotiation of conditioned lovely appeal is required. It is tortuous for persons who lack appeal to even problem the words "path" and "Dharma," let spellbound progress the path within themselves. This is why we privation to make the warehouse of appeal within our beings make happen, which we have got to do by making mandala help. It is for this possibility that we do the mandala practice. The sutras and tantras apiece rant about how to make mandala help. Huskily, the word "mandala is "a Sanskrit word that income "to take captive the general idea." As a result sooner than we expound the mandala we privation to spot what the general idea is that we are taking. It is the consequence, the three kayas-the dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. The way by which we take captive their general idea is to constantly expound mandalas to the buddhas and bodhisattvas, which makes the obscurations in our beings become thinner and thinner and the personality intensification stronger and stronger. Finally we order patent the homeland someplace all faults deem been extinguished and all personality gained. Consequently at cleave to we order be competent to take captive the general idea. We privation to know what materials mandala breakables can be ended of. Acquaint with are three types of material: the best, the accepted, and the smallest. The best mandala breakables are ended of luxuriant substances such as gold and silver. The middle-of-the-road are ended of silver-tongued or copper, and the smallest are ended of copse, stoneware, stone, and so forth. Mandalas come in unrelated shapes and colors. For performer, peace-making mandalas are unadulterated, elevating are fat, magnetizing are crescent-shaped, and mandalas for wrathful shift are triangular. The same, each of the unrelated endeavors of peace-making, elevating, magnetizing, and destroying has its own color. Acquaint with are anyway brawny, medium, and small-sized mandalas, but the token amount it have got to be is twelve contact widths on both sides of. These are the physical environment of the mandalas that we can use. At the same time as we expound mandalas, bestow are two types: the mandala of accomplish-ment and the mandala of exhibit. The mandala of routine is set up as a visual rendering, and the other mandala is hand-me-down for actually making help. If all the sources of haven mentioned here-the Buddha, Dharma, yidam, lamas, and Sangha-are compose in your shrine room, it is not neces-sary to deem a special mandala of routine. But whether in piece of evidence you deem the mandala of routine or not, you have got to dream up the sources of haven on the minced of the mandala as they are described greater,' moreover type of mandala it may be. Consequently expound a seven-branch prayer in a way that moves you and with all the undergrowth civilly overall. At the same time as you expound one hundred thousand mandalas, the ceiling exalted mandala is the exhibit mandala. You on the whole make seven-heap mandala help on the exhibit mandala. To create in your mind the seven-heap help, the mandala serving of food represents the golden subject of the earth, and on that subject is the golden earth anointed with malodorous scents, spread with vegetation, and completely circled with a ring of silver-tongued mountains sequence its keep a tight rein on. In the vehicle is the king of mountains, Awaken. Meru, delimited by the four input continents in the four directives and anyway deck out by the sun and moon to its in the past few minutes and spent. Joy it as a firm land shaped by the intentions and aspirations of the buddhas. You have got to make this exhibit accepted wisdom that out of order the power of visualizing the exhibit, all itinerant beings fumigate the stains of the defilements and exercise the homeland of the four kayas within a realm that is proper firm. In language of how the mandala is presented, we have got to first rant about what substances you have got to expound in the bags. Gift restorative herbs and other substances that occupy the subject eliminates physical illnesses and brings fancy life. Gift luxuriant stones and the hard by order rash your needs and requests to be overall and your purposes advantage. Gift rice and grit that deem been infused with a respectable stench has the end up of principal competent to advance faith and find time for rebuff in others. Remedial herbs, grains, or any exhibit substances other than gems and luxuriant stones for the exhibit loads get putrid with no trouble, so you have got to not unendingly use the awfully herbs and grit free and free over. You may, static, expound gems free and free over. At the same time as you make the mandala help, keep back some grit and gems in your spent hand as you expound the mandalas. Holding the mandala serving of food with an lonely hand does not confer an fitting friendship. Consequently you can make the loads, whether of grit, restorative substances, or gems, with your in the past few minutes hand. To start with sterile the mandala serving of food with your in the past few minutes wrist. In the Kamtsang tradition, we sterile it all the way sequence spitting image in a clockwise tidy and after counterclockwise. Wiping it spitting image clockwise is ceiling anticipated in language of the outside classes of tantra, and wiping it after counterclockwise is in language of the inner tantras. The normal irregularity is to sterile spitting image clockwise and after counterclockwise, but it is anyway kindly to rub it either three epoch clock-wise or three epoch counterclockwise. Whether you sterile the serving of food clockwise or counterclockwise, the input thing is to do it with your in the past few minutes wrist. The possibility is that the bodhichitta belief is on the buff bestow. The same as the bodhichitta belief is bestow, this creates the interconnections that make it easier to fumigate afflictions, misdeeds, and obscurations and progress love and donations. As you sterile the serving of food, you have got to picture that this realm that you are educating is cleared of all rocks, mud, pebbles, and any other impurities or faults. If you picture that, it becomes the practice of purifying a realm described in the sutras on transcendent wisdom. It has all the elements of the practice of purifying a realm. Possess some grains or gems in your in the past few minutes hand as you sterile the mandala serving of food, and the same as you are done place them in the base of the mandala serving of food. If you do not do that and leave the base lonely, bestow rule be the misunderstand that you order be innate in a realm that is firm but lonely. Consequently you make the seven loads on the mandala. Acquaint with is the king of mountains, Awaken Meru, in the base and the four continents in the four directives, decorated by the sun and moon. You have got to dream up these civilly. Acquaint with are two unrelated ways you stand the directions: You can stand east to be in assumed role of yourself, or you can stand east to be in assumed role of the mandala. As a result east is either the tidy you are pool liner or the tidy those to whom you are making the exhibit are pool liner. You stand the di-rection that those to whom you are benevolent help protection as the east in the beginning to arrant the blessing of the sources of haven with no trouble. You stand the tidy you are pool liner as the east to expound your subject, projection, and heed. Either is exact. In either mortar you have got to dream up Awaken Meru in the base. These days bestow is a lot of colloquy about whether or not Awaken Meru exists, but whether something hard by the different Awaken Meru we dream up in our medita-tion downright has to be seen is a unrelated puzzle. Evident inhabitants dream up Awaken Meru as unadulterated and some as fat. Acquaint with is no way it might be seen ex-actly as each and every delicate imagines it. Hence the way you dream up it is not how it is. Moderately, the input end up is to proffer our way of life and accomplishments so that what we please the four continents are purified of all their stains and impurities, so that they may become the firm realms of the buddhas. As a result what is mentioned voguish are Awaken Meru in the base, the four continents, the sun, and the moon. Strangely, it would maybe be fine to make a new seven-pile mandala with Asia in the east and America in the west and expound it, as fancy as you expound it civilly. But sooner than you ended such an exhibit you would deem to picture a lot about it and later make something up, which would not be easy. At all is essential voguish is that you fad your exhibit of Awaken Meru and the four continents-that is, the whole universe-into a firm realm. This in turn order transfigure our way of life and impression happening something exceptionally boundless. For performer, in Taiwan and Chinaware bestow is a lot of importance on the secular firm realm. That secular firm realm is redress what we dream up voguish as the mandala. This is to the same extent a firm realm is not some fine, delightful place that or exists publicized. Absolutely realms come from purifying dirty realms; a firm realm is not a place anywhere that has been delightful from the beginning. At first it has an dirty nature, and it just becomes firm out of order principal cleansed and purified. In the mortar of the firm realms of Amitabha and other buddhas, for example, first the buddhas themselves were normal persons, but out of order their training in purifying realms, with time their place, land-dwelling, and funds were cleansed of impurities and stains and purified to the nature of firm wisdom. That is how firm realms such as Sukhavati were shaped, and we ourselves can anyway train in the awfully way. This is a mandala serving of food, but it is upside down. Joy it turned free with a soft dead top. Acquaint with are two mandalas in the mandala practice. The one greater is hand-me-down to do 100,000 mandalas and is apprehended in the hand. This is the glimmer mandala place which would go on your shrine. The stop is the mandala serving of food picture greater (but in the past few minutes play up) and each of these rings are full with rice so it is 4 stories high. This serving of food goes on your shrine.