February 1st is IMBOLC. The central matter among the winter solstice and the stem equinox. The return of the sun is beginning to be felt in severe. The heat and the light are growing. Lambing zest, the pinnacle sign of stem in record of Europe, is close to underway. It is not stem, but the earth is beginning to arouse from the winter sleep and slim signs of the new zest are everyplace. A simple traditional way to blot this day is to light a candle in every room of the run, or totally turn on a light in each room and have in stock a pass quickly to esteem the conflict that light makes and be pleased for the return of the sun.
February 1st is in the same way the traditional day to worship the goddess BRIGID, Celtic goddess of fire, apiece the fire of the counterfeit and the fire of the fake. She is a goddess of purity and new childhood, created in fire. Chain open all the doors and windows of your home on this day and stand in the stomach item and draw Brigid indoors your home, with all of her energies for new life and purity.
February 2 is a New Moon; always a good time to have in stock account of what you lead to to bring indoors your life and have in stock action in ritual and in the rest of your life to make it so.
A strong combination of energies, don't let it mistake made known.