I was at Feile Draoichta a few weeks ago (intentional to post this a week or so following but life and all that comes with it mystified up on me), and it was greatest saintly to see so several close faces, and to familiarise for myself with new ones. It was a saintly day of community. But this post is not fair-minded a post about the program, but about a business that I met present-day that resonated greatly with me as a magician and self professed limit hiker. As a magician I am well sleepless of the sum of mental masturbation that goes on with regard to the commercial of magick, studious faff weak spot any belief, headquarters, or even sometimes practice, but I had the actual indulgence to get stuck Janet Farrar and Gavin Clean speak on 'The Demo Of Witchcraft' which formed a counter image to this ghoul. This was very much conversant by their practices as recorded in their book on post modern Wicca, "Innovative Witchcraft". The deficiency from their gate that mystified my ear was the deficiency of deity. How do we discern to the deities? Anything by all means is our initiative of what a deity is? The modern Wiccan/ Witchcraft conflict has built-up a concept of deity that is essentially duo-theistic, which is to say two classical deities represented by several names. One finds aspects of this in the words of Doreen Valiente's "Directive of the God" which says:"Be present at to the words of the Puff up Close relative, who was of old in the same way called Artemis; Astarte; Diana; Melusine; Aphrodite; Cerridwen; Dana; Arianrhod; Isis; Bride; and by several other names." Here we see a belief in all Goddesses as aspects of an classical distinguished mother. One sees a solid view in the Dion Forune who alleged each Goddesses are one Goddess; all Gods are one Idol and this is smoothly constant anew and anew in the Witchcraft community as if a strict central theme. But if we hold at Paganism out of this modern expansion (modern reconstructionists such as Asatruar and Celtic Recons in the same way brain to be polytheistic) we see a very several picture, one which dealt with break free deities as break free beings. Is this in the same way a sign of shifting cultural paradigms? Or is it forlorn a face transport, from Judeo Christianity which has one questionable and earsplitting God to a questionable and earsplitting trouble. It seems, as Janet and Gavin noted, the double polarising of the one God of the Judeo-Christian flare-up. As all Gods and Goddesses are official to the god and goddess they are smoothly shortened to the smallest denominator, which in the end is smoothly forlorn ' male and female. At a time so I was haughty combined with Pagan 'witchcrafts' I noticed the unbearable ghoul, not forlorn to shell the Gods of freshness, but in the same way to newborn subtract them by uttering the greatest questionable duotheism possible - referring to all and everything as god and goddess. In need attributes and individualities how can we come to venerate character, much less fervently work with Them? The haughty I met this, the haughty it struck me as a welcoming of new (rather undemanding) Non-belief that avoided the nitty strong-minded of relating to a specific deity. This of course really is the smallest widespread denominator and in the disagreement forcibly flaccid and 'hard/ satisfying polytheism, the God and God mass can not really be called polytheism, but 'Duotheistic Non-belief. This is not in itself a denounce as I wear no business judging what other employees do and venerate, forlorn to say that it is not for me and to research the move departure from the models of the ancient Paganisms as polytheistic, specific, and new interactive dealings among man and the Gods.As someone keen in what is smoothly called 'cerremonial magick', present-day is smoothly an belief that I wear a cruel monotheism with open terminology of the joint monad, ie One God with several names and attributes. This is a sad view of ceremonial magick (though as a thelemite the haughty Dionysian aspects of my practice poorly fit the Appollonian description of ceremonial) as the magician is a spiritual scientist that is not so much strict, as a scientist investigating hypothesises. As such, even if I work with the qabalah as a map, this does not be a sign of monotheism. The map is not the catch, and even if the qabalah is a useful 'filing glass case of affinities and correspondences, this by yourself is not diversified monotheism.To work with deities may begin by looking at affinities, but so one gets stanch about deity venerate one is going through a total of leaden dealings. If I work with a path on the life tree present-day is furthermore a Being that I find which is haughty than the correspondences of this path - I can shoot the breeze, narrate, learn about, in the same way as or loathing this Being, and this central can furthermore go through the vastly total as me.In nod (for it is by all means a unity) our lives can be touched by this deity through notions - a believe of a step in a unambiguous direction; 'Brigid wishes this'. This is anew a collaborative unity as such inspirations can bank from a deficiency that I wear been carrying with me, if not even directed with the God in deficiency in head. A go newborn is ideal - or what Crowley referred to as the belief of the Godform. One can speak or act out of the contact of the God in deficiency in the foremost personality, in the same way as an actor greatly keen in playing a spirit they know attentively and wear invested with the value of believe. Beforehand at this level a former psychological transport takes place and affects the tubby trade of life. So this post started with Witchcraft, an awful prototypical is in Wiccan ritual so the priestess as Aradia declaims the Directive of the God - ' I am the...'"A go out of this anew is obtain. This is a commercial that Janet and Gavin raised in their gate, and in the or mentioned book. Now the word obtain is nearly a stain word in occultism, and greatest in fact is in wider union with cinema in the same way as The Exorcist "depicting on the house and wild obtain. To entitlement a deity stylish oneself is moderately something in itself, and the word spell is thrown forcibly a lot in occultism and greatest smoothly in an in the wrong context. This come to blows in either ideal or obtain well-behaved.The place obtain is greatest happily recognised is in Voodou. Voodou is an initiatory tradition working with Loas (powers, effective much in the same way as Catholic saints) with individualities that are experienced by Voodou initiates. In Voodou, as was probably the bombard in European traditions of old, obtain is uneducated out of a very Dionysian ritual publicize, free form and contented. How does such a obtain manifest? The Voodou initiates peak of central a athlete for a deity and central ridden. The athlete is supreme of the clause, but in service. It sluggish has the power to lean up and unsaddle the clause, but the athlete and the clause wear a capture, each playing their part. The deity can for that reason speak through the weird, or some other channelled vacancy such as automatic expression. Different employees spill the beans channelling and obtain well-behaved, but I warmly do not. Lately present-day is the physical conflict and brawn of the hulk as the athlete is reigned. For newborn resources on spirit obtain I competently purport the website of Raven Kaldera.In the magical work of Aleister Crowley present-day are a back copy of examples, the greatest awful central the spell of Choronzon with Champion Neuburg, and it can be noted from the information of this working that Choronzon was experienced as very open.This begs the deficiency - are the Gods supreme beings that we mellowness, or aspects of ourselves that lie in our subconscious? Do we really convoy to harmony this and know? We cannot know everything about the world, but we can know ourselves and our experiences. Out of these experiences we design our realities. I wear experienced the Gods as haughty than questionable abstractions but as living, dwell beings. If this picture is in some way without getting involved (it would seem being it is unprovable) offense it does not reshape my experiences or the fruitful dealings I wear had, and stimulus footing to wear with them. Does this make me a polytheist? A Pagan even? Personally I consider of for myself as attractively someone blessed with non physical friends!
"Penchant is the law, love under stimulus "