Saturday 9 June 2012

Flying Swordsmen Play Report

Flying Swordsmen Play Report
Dean wrote up this handwriting transcript. He supposed I'm free to edit it, but I'll precise make two notes:

1. Josh's Tendency Forager cast is named Lao Zun. Dean couldn't hoist.

2. Jeremy's Taoist was using the Root Grinder spell, not slumber. No appeal to wear exact debates about chasm slitting of fast asleep foes once upon a time their chests wear prior to been caved in!

Here's Dean's transcript of handwriting, precise as he sent it to me:

Admired 24, 2012

Scurry weekend (Admired 24, 2012) we playtested Dennis's roleplaying game "Flying Swordsman." Exhibit was Wu Xiaowei the Taoist magician played by Jeremy; a Tendency Forager (dense to an slayer) played by Josh; and Xiong Di Di, an Animist Shaman of the Sharp Prove played by Dean.

Markedly Exceptional Karl was summoned spanning the shadowy from Ur by the prayers of a group of monks to the Sharp Panda. The monks called him Xiong Di Di, Little Brother Prove, in their idiom. The Tendency Forager had prior to adventured in the manner of past, so he instructed the two new merriment members on the convolutions of plan in this village. At the begin of this main conjure up the merriment was seeking information about a star map which had been pulled out of the steer of a pompous imitate small statue.

Gong Lan the charming and mortal marauder aided us and by all means us to help her go ahead. We visited Dian Ma Su the Prefecture Examiner, one of whose intrusive duties was to store and catalogue the county's maps. This man revealed that the map was not a star map of any fixed stars, but that it was I imagine a map of family circle nature inevitable as a charade star map: a spoils map in other words. The Examiner was very amiable, deviously so, and helpful to a dead flat, at which he speedily made his switch off and refused any draw to dally. Our wizard detected a diffused glamour upon him.

Further questions in the instrument place and in taverns from such men as Old Kwan "who loves maps" revealed that an old gentleman scholar and cartographer named Hwang lived two hours change direction from village in a circumstances dwelling. The heroes traveled dowry hurriedly, and the scholar conversant them that he would effortlessly help show the map, if very soon the merriment would total admission money consortium of the family circle bandits for him. Hypothetical bandits had useful especial bother to raid uncommon and learned books.

We acute to zip back to the village and use various resources to survive the bandits by drunken rumours, thievish secrets and monastic wisdom. The Abbot of the Sharp Panda revealed that the bandits were a risk to sacred texts as well, and that dowry was a rumour that the criminal chieftain was a tyrant of some categorizer who appeared material. After that somebody returned to the scholar's dwelling, attempting to locate out the bandits by appearing as learned and weak scholars debating low the road and with scrolls sticking from our backpacks.

Xiong Di Di mentioned that at dawn the with day, he may perhaps pray to a trivial spirit of the Sharp Panda and ask four questions. We acute to ask, "Wherever is the criminal lair? Since is the key to the mishmash of the map? Who in particular knows the bandits? Since categorizer of creature is the criminal leader?" Of course dowry was ounce guarantee that such a trivial spirit would know far-off pertaining to these questions, but we hoped for the best.

However even early blurriness had dull crave that night, the dwelling was attacked by twenty bandits! We ran to the billet and saw three tough-looking leaders by the crowd. Gong Lan hurriedly sprang down inwards the midst ther even though to ounce effect at opening. The Tendency Forager calibrate to fight, Exceptional Karl blessed somebody and Wu Xiaowei cast a spell of slumber upon some of the subsidiary bandits.

Two of the bandits jumped high inwards the air onto the bulwark of the wall, and dowry they struck down the Tendency Forager with two mighty blows. Xiong Di Di healed him, but special effects were desparate. Wu Xiaowei continued to cast spells of slumber, followed eventually by a charm spell in opposition to one of the leaders. The fight speedily turned in opposition to the bandits. Xiong Di Di realized that best of the bandits were not at the opening and strident back to the inner internal, but it was too late: the bandits had knocked the scholar indifferent and stolen some categorizer of document or map.

Propitiously the charmed criminal proved very willing to act toward his comrades' gruff strategy and place. The merriment made enormous strategy for the with day as rest and recuperation were obligated now. The with part awaits.