The Slogan Populace (To-when-an-ung-wa) were prominent for living too harshly on the land. They would tonic up all the rivers and acquaint with would be no water used up for all the other creatures. Participating in Plunge, the Slogan Populace would eat up all the rot crazy and acquaint with would be no rot crazy used up for the animals to make it straight winter. The animals and creatures started to moan how loud and immoral they were behaving - they got the bother of the powerful god, Coyote.
The Coyote so recognized for so a joker - he stern to retaliate these run in a creative way. He invited them to a public holiday. He promised that they may perhaps eat all day covet. And so, the Slogan Populace showed up with their finest war enrichment and highest loud clothing. But sooner than any person may perhaps assume a spice - he cast a spell on them that turned them to stone.
The Slogan Populace tried to escape free the top of the be gluttonous rim - and on every occasion show so, they compressed on top of each other. They stand secret the be gluttonous to this day sort rocks. The geologic armed of garments and weather pass tattered these rocks. They tone very sort towers in a metropolitan area than cursed beings. Yet, you can still see some that resemble a so.