Monday 29 November 2010

Venerable Paisius The Great

Venerable Paisius The Great

Commemorated on June 19

St Paisius the Robust lived in Egypt. His parents, Christians, spread decadent alms to all the bad.

In the wake of the death of her husband his mother, on the understanding of an angel, gave her prematurely son Paisius to the clergy of the church.

The youngster Paisius cherished monastic life and dead his time in one of the Egyptian sketes. Renouncing his own drive, he lived under the spiritual guidance of St Pambo (July 18), achievement all the household tasks assigned him. The Outstanding said that a new holy man in watchful needs to delay his sight, in order to confide his purpose from enticement. Paisius, heeding the coaching, went for three excitement with his eyes cast downwards. The holy severe read spiritual books, and he was known for his severe fasting and prayer. At core he did not eat any food for a week, then two weeks. Sometimes, as soon as involvement of the Divine Mysteries of Christ, he survived without food for seventy days.

St Paisius went during the Nitrian set down in play of being alone. Award he lived in a bowl imprinted out by his own hands. The saint was approved a wondrous vision: the Peer of the realm Jesus Christ revealed to him that overpower his labors the Nitrian desert would become uptown by ascetics. He asked the Peer of the realm someplace the monks would cause the necessities of life in the set down. The Peer of the realm said that if they would oblige all His commandments, He Himself would domestic animals all their necessities, and would throw them from demonic temptations and cunning.

In time, a amount of monks and laymen gathered in circles St Paisius, and a monastery was distinguished. The greatest horrible control of St Paisius was that no one would do whatsoever by his own drive, but in all bits and pieces would oblige the drive of his elders.

In the function of his sequence was to the same extent obsessed by so a variety of go fast, the saint withdrew to fresh bowl past away. Subsequent to, he was confused to a paradisical monastery and partook of the extraneous divine food. In the wake of his severe labors for use, the Peer of the realm approved His saint the gift of prescience and healing the souls of men.

One of his disciples, with the saint's blessing, went to manage his handicrafts in Egypt. On the way he encountered a Jew, who told the slow holy man that Christ the Redeemer is not the Messiah, and that fresh Messiah drive come. Fuddled, the holy man said, "Probably what you say is true," but he did not trait any watchful standing to his words. With he returned, he saw that St Paisius would not let in his outer shell, and he asked the meeting for his irritate. The saint said, "My follower was a Christian. You are not a Christian, for the gracefulness of First use has moved out from you." The holy man repented with cry, and begged to hold on his sin forgiven. In basic terms then did the holy Outstanding pray and ask the Peer of the realm to let off the holy man.

A conclusive holy man on his own constrain left the set down and stirred nearby a urban. Award he had encounters with a woman, who detested and blasphemed Christ the Redeemer. Deadened her roughly, he not hardly left the monastery, but moreover scorned reliance in Christ, and overwhelmingly he reached a region of diagram suspicion.

Subsequent to, overpower the blessed Luck of God, Nitrian monks came by his home. Seeing them, the malefactor remembered his own last life and he asked the monks to ask St Paisius to pray for him to the Peer of the realm. On testing the decode, the saint prayed violently, and his prayer was heard. The Peer of the realm, appearing to His saint, promised to let off the malefactor. Unequivocally the seduced monk's woman lonesome died, and he returned to the set down someplace, unhappy and upset for his sins, he began to slog at activities of bemoan.

St Paisius splendid himself by his very great reserve, and performed severe activities of fasting and prayer, but he not public them from others as far as mortal. With the monks asked which righteousness is the extreme of all, the saint replied, "Associates which are done in secret, and about which no one knows."

St Paisius died in the fifth century at a very great old age, and he was buried by the monks. In the wake of some time his what's left were transferred by St Isidore of Pelusium (February 4) to his own monastery and positioned sooner than the what's left of his friend St Paul, with whom St Paisius was accurately go fast in the field of his life.

Troparion - Accent 4

The sublime holy man and anthropomorphize angel,

The bodiless man and native of paradise,

As he celebrates with us today,

Grants gracefulness to all who goodness him.

Let us violently magnify him!

Kontakion - Accent 8

Let us, the faithful, sing praises to divinely-wise Paisius

The desert's prune, equal-to-the-angels, Christ's friend and the formality of monks.

Let us cry to him: Wallow, O Jerk Paisius!


SAINT OR Saint's day POSTED THIS Meeting 2008: