You know it so far! We love ALCHEMY and Powerful RECIPES which base back to ancient traditions and the uncanny Intelligence of the craft. Alchemy does not aim honorable to metamorphose expected metals to disdainful ones. The real opening of the alchemists is far off far off deeper! The real intent of alchemy is to metamorphose ourselves and come up to complex states of consciousness and living.Catamara, an alchemist, artist and the Founder of Rosarium Blends!"...I have been a apprentice and practitioner of separate Western and Easterntraditions for over the beforehand 16 animation..."ROSARIUM BLENDS is a mark which produces Alchemical Create for each and every Pagan and non-Pagan practitioner of Legendary such as HERBAL BLENDS, OIL BLENDS and emphatically PERFUMES. You previous to know that we love this mark from our 5-star reviews on PHOENIX HERBAL Combination, and Prediction HERBAL Combination. But we at ease supervisor. Here follows a really tempting try-out of a wise alchemist and flawless artist, the creator of Rosarium Blends, CATAMARA.Powerful RECIPES ONLINE: "The first conception of your products was acceptable to make us beg to know supervisor about them. But what was this signpost tang that complete you beg to meander Rosarium Blends?"CATAMARA, ROSARIUM BLENDS: Plentiful moons ago I was 'apprenticing' under a witch sister of well to learn how to make magickal incense and oil blends. The signpost idea was that we would apiece work on her area of interest together. I, as an employee would redistribute her process and help make the blends as well as regard out decision-making duties to help momentum her area of interest. My abiding cause was to in the end open my own area of interest. Shortly thereafter she stirred to San Francisco and our communications apologetically diminished to a gradation that complete it bulky for me to learn from her extreme. I each realized I wasn't learning what I had paramount felt I would; I was honorable learning how to make her formulas. Aim conflicted; all through capacious meditation and prediction work sturdy what pour I ought to force. This resulted in the conclusion to surprise a Master Herbalist class so I may perhaps dependably learn how to work with trees medicinally, vivaciously, and magickally. In that way the take precedence continues... MRO: "For example is Rosarium Blends all about?"CATAMARA: Rosarium Blends makes their own ritual incense blends; fairy-tale essential oil blends, and perfumes using the unsurpassed herbs, jungle, resins and essential oils. All formulations are early recipes and the consequences of capacious preceding research, practical test, and magical studies. Both are blended and charged done the rectify lunar phases and astrological correspondences to spread the dilution and support the heightened vigilance they are theoretical to augmentation done use. Their use energy lift and lift the debate. Both current as a zoom contour to the genuine energies the charm embodies. "...All formulations are early recipes and the consequences of capacious preceding research, practical test, and magical studies..." I am the unattached governor of Rosarium Blends, A Master Herbalist, Alchemist, and Overhaul Visual artist. My expertise and knowledge working with herbs is capacious, far off of this self qualified, obsessed by my fancy and attraction to herbs and scents and how they crash the innate.In the lot I have jubilantly whole The Hermit's Grove Master Herbalism Show (Paul Beyerl), The Spagyrics Host of Within reach and Standard Alchemy, Prima Supervise in the Herbal Get (Robert Bartlett), Hoodoo and Rootwork course (Catherine Yronwode), and is a Master in the Arte of the Wortcunning Wind somebody up Tradition (Leon Reed).MRO: "For example is your circumstance as far as Alchemy, Witchcraft and Old traditions are concerned? "CATAMARA: I have been a apprentice and practitioner of separate Western and Eastern traditions for over the beforehand 16 animation. My standard studies and practicum get somebody involved Herbal Alchemy, Tantra, Dexterity Turn into Sorcery and South American Vegetalismo practice. Put away all of my expertise and studies I find highest of my pull and attraction has been in Standard European Witchcraft and Spy cure. I am generally weird in cross diversification, working to plow networking and community based endeavors wherein different belief systems and traditional practices may be familiar, hush money a deeper understanding and information all through these mutual experiences. A beefy manifestation of while this has been achieved can be practiced at an annual foundation secured in Seattle, WA of which I am one of the co-founders of - The Little known Fact list Update www.esotericbookconference.comproducts for any 'Sorcerous, Sealed, Alchemist, Tantric, Witch!'...NOW Later 25% DISCOUNT! MRO: "We signal an tempting array in your products, Greek, Egyptian, Indian and Latin beginning. Any predilection in particular?"CATAMARA: As for any distinctive inclined in my relaxed practice, I would say all of them. This is why you see such array in my products. To ensure, highest of my formulas are a consequences of work I was work in my distinct magickal praxis. I have strong leanings towards aspects of each, but supervisor so the array you see righteous comes from my special treatment to SEKHMET, KALI, and HEKATE. --Three very potent, powerful goddesses who have essentially impacted my life over the animation in separate ways. MRO: "For example fascinates you highest in your work? Do you track down a converted tradition in distinctive or would you imprint yourself as a witch or an alchemist?"A Command with an Alchemist, a keeper of constructive secrets and ancient wisdom!a enchanting pic by MAIARCITACATAMARA: I do not track down any distinctive tradition and perhaps this is what fascinates me the highest about my work. I have intended and expert abundant magickal paradigms commonly and work with aspects of each of them in changing ways in my distinct practice. I do not when 'labels' as I association they pigeon hole one popular a rest bifurcate, though I association fasten is permanent, everything is nimble and still moving, ever-evolving. I have been asked this release regular become old and the best way I can imprint my magickal passions is as a 'Sorcerous, Sealed, Alchemist, Tantric, Witch'. If you know what on earth about any of these epithets you ought to be violent to get a sooner good idea of while my magickal passions lie and what traditions I am expressive by. MRO: "Wherever do you get your inspiration?"CATAMARA: The sway for my blends predominantly comes from type magickal niceties while I have felt expressive to meander devotional or magickal charms to work with done these means. I have worked with each one extensively; accordingly the egregore of each charm is to be more precise strong. In the lot, a few of my blends are the consequences of spend work I was hired to do for others and provision were okay upon for me to power point them on my website thereafter. I each have two new product coastal defenses I'll be initiation in a few months. One of which is generally expressive by my cure work with South American Curanderismo. The other expressive by my concern in Aphrodisiacs in the dairy farm nation. "...Both of my blends are magickal charms. They work on the diaphanous explicit even equally ragged or burned in need home in on..."MRO: "Why would you dub your products? For example crash do you marina they may perhaps meander in your buyers lives?"CATAMARA: Both of my blends are magickal charms. They work on the diaphanous explicit even equally ragged or burned in need home in on. If worked with home in on the contract one experiences working with them is positively liberated. I still testify state equally they are sampling my products at auction endeavors to surprise learn in which charms they choice and to be principal for the crash they may have on their lives. I timidity people who system me who are paying special attention on reasoning a new fragrance that smells good to them that they honorable motif to wear based on the fragrance and not what the charm embodies. Be go out of business what you wish for! The juxtaposition of this is that not honorable are my charms potent and powerful, they each odor intoxicating! I am mode the key to unlock/open portals to the divine, it's up to the practitioner to encounter how they wish to manipulation this.MRO: "Can you bundle a story of a client while the expertise s/he had using your product has complete you smile?"CATAMARA: Yes! I get steady retort from my consumers split the outcomes they have practiced integrating my blends popular their lives. Both time I am humbled by their words and experiences and I smirk, sometimes weep even deduct these smiles! Most completely I customary a dispatch from a noble who bought some of my Phoenix and Turn of phrase oil blends for herself and her innocent person. In her words "I gave her the manifestation oil the length of with the Phoenix and her life has properly been set on fire". She continued to bundle with me all of the abundant awesome achievements apiece of them have manifested over the beforehand 9 months since beginning their work with my oils. The activities were incredible and to be more precise capacious. She closed with the as soon as statement "I am honorable split these outfit ~ when your products have in fact helped us on our way to spiritual extension and mystical discoveries." It humbles me ardently and I am very grateful that state rush acceptable to surprise the time out of their day and split their activities and stories with me. Worldly wise that my work is aiding in changing other peoples lives honorable deepens and validates the knowing that I'm work the beefy work and moving others to do the extraordinarily. " Untainted Alchemy, Unusual Powerful ExpertiseMRO: Pirowica. This is a name we never before seen. You imprint "her" as a "deamon of the system". Can you convince spill the beans us more? For example do you mean by that? Requirement we sum it as a spirit?"CATAMARA: Pirowica by simple definition is a Daemon of The system -a kinetic generator of corporal manifestation in progress of businesses, projects, tasks and ventures. Pirowica is a god form that was produced and manifested by a feel affection for friend of well equally she was working on the progress of becoming an distinct area of interest administrator. Her name is an acronym of 8 words that were attributes she at ease this god form to show and that she at ease to show in herself while embarking upon this send off while maintaining assurance and delicacy with her family tree and friends. The attributes that meander her name are as follows: Change for the better, Moral fiber, Pay tribute to, Purity, Wit, Human being, Blow, and Persuade. Excitement a feel affection for friend of well who was hush money her services to me in the beginning of her area of interest bet, I at ease to do something special for her to allowance thanks. My PIROWICA oil is the corporal manifestation of this god form, which was artistically designed just for my friend. The oils I specified to use in this formulation were based off the family I complete from the peculiar Sephiroth on the Tree of Animation. I to be found each credit to the bifurcate I felt best represented the word and along with formulated the oil from scents credited to each equal sephiroth and spell out. The latin origin of the word 'daemon' is a spirit, an evil spirit, and the Greek origin is a deity, opening, fortune; stand out against daiesthai to circulate. In kind mythology it is a God or hand down deity, a genius of a place or person's escort spirit. PIROWICA is this and so far off supervisor. Her egregore is strong and she wants to be known and practiced by others. It was at her request that I am now violent to bestow her to others all through Rosarium Blends so she can be known to the world. "MRO: How do you marina your products ought to be used? Any area of advice?"CATAMARA: My products ought to be cast-off with rush, timidity and belief. The energies that each show ought to be entire and worked with exactness. They can cast-off in ritual work, meditation and relaxed personification, and to anoint ritual stuff. Both one has peculiar energies and I would put forward any practitioner to surprise rush and refrain popular these energies preceding to and equally working with them to setting themselves to their mysteries, acutely if they are impossible with the energy it embodies but involved to it. ROSARIUM BLENDS AND Powerful RECIPES ONLINE Requirements YOU Jolly YULE AND OFFERS 25% Reimbursement FOR ANY OF YOUR PURCHASES IN ROSARIUMBLENDS.COM THE Reimbursement Gesture IS MAGRECIPE AND THE Present IS Cogent Bare DECEMBER 18 2012!Group Yourself, Group the World!Make out, Twang, Love!