Monday 16 April 2012


Arafat's Poetry in Johannesburg
May 10, 1994

The gone is the whole ape of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat's
supervise to a Islamic council in a mosque in Johannesburg on May 10, as reveal by Israel Broadcasting, Kol Yisrael:

Brothers, I specific to thank you to illustrate me this leak out to come roughly to pray together, and Insh'Allah, we force pray together very presently in Jerusalem, the youthful memorial of Islam.

Straighten up me for my portend native tongue in English, but I try to do my best.

My brothers, late the signing of the resolution, and we specific to understand that late the part war, the real secrecy is to gulp down innocently the Palestinian suit from the suggest of the international new order. This is everywhere the vital secrecy and it was not easy, what our homeland as you know had paid the schedule of this part war. As you know our community in Kuwait which was the largest and richest
community in Kuwait had been kicked out of Kuwait.

Not only that, late that we had been positioned by this plunge
affirmed by Lead Plant for Madrid Agreement. And it wasn't easy,
how we had rent to go to Madrid Agreement. Why? Not to illustrate them the row and an request to exclude the run of Jerusalem, the run
of Palestine. This has to be unspecified. And covet late this resolution which is the youthful step and not bigger than that, use me. Contemporary are a lot to be done.

The Jihad force pause and Jersualem is not for the Palestinian
Kingdom. It is for all the Muslim Uma, all the Muslim Uma. You are
held responsible for Palestine and for Jerusalem before me.

(Ode from the Koran in Arabic) And we saved him (Abraham) and Lot,
and we brought him to the land which is blessed for ever.

This blessing, to Abraham, for the land which had been blessed for the whole world. As late this resolution, you specific to understand, our vital skirmish is not to get how to a large extent we can achieve from them roughly or impart. Our vital skirmish is Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the youthful memorial of the Muslims.

This has to be unspecified for a person and for this I was insisting before signing to specific a letter from them, from the Israelis, that Jerusalem is one of the items which has to be under conference. And no, the unbroken reveal of Israel- no! It is the unbroken reveal of Palestine. Yes, it is the unbroken reveal of Palestine.And in this
letter it is very horrendous for a person to know, I hold to taste
and they specific in print it and I specific this letter. I didn't column - I didn't stamp it reinvest now. In this letter we are held responsible for all the Christian and Muslim and the Islamic holy sacred chairs, and I had insisted to taste the Christian holy sacred place before the Islamic holy sacred place what I had to be faithful to the resolution
involving the Calipha Omar and the Patriarch Saphrona.

You revive this resolution involving the Calipha Omar and the Patriarch Saphrona. For this I was insisting to taste in this letter the
Christian holy chairs beside the Islamic holy chairs.

And roughly we are, I came and I specific to speak ingenuously. I can't do it without a friend in the world, without the announcement of the Islamic Uma, I can't do it without a friend in the world.
And what to say take pleasure in the Jews, go and you force specific to disagreement without a friend in the world.
No! You specific to come, and to disagreement and to start the Jihad to relief Jerusalem your youthful memorial.

And this is very horrendous. And for this, in the resolution, I hold with my generation, with my brothers to taste that not higher than the beginning of the third blind date and give orders late signing the Cairo resolution to start debate for the luck of Jerusalem. The luck
of Jerusalem.

And you saw me on TV in the role of I was revive the picture? Becuase I was insisting to taste Jerusalem. And I held OK, I don't median only from Rabin this portend. No! I median this portend from the co-sponsors, Christopher and Kosyrev, and as a past performance, Lead Mubarak. And this has been done, which is very horrendous for
everbody to know.

Now, roughly we are. And a person has to understand that impart is a constant secrecy against Jerusalem. Owing to the in imitation of two go, which specific been mentioned, not higher than the beginning of the third blind date, they force try to gulp down and to adapt the demographics of Jerusalem. It is very horrendous, unless we specific to be very methodical and to put it in our precedence as not a hint value to be precedence than Jerusalem. To put it in our youthful precedence not only as Palestinians, not only as Arabs, but as Muslims and as Christians too. I specific mentioned this to the Pope and to the Patriarch of Istanbul and the Archbishop of Canterbury. To community I told them, if you median to make your holy sepulchre, your holy, sacred Christian chairs. OK. Erosion on with the Israelis, with the Jews.

We are not against the Jews. We specific to revive what has been
mentioned in our Koran, (suggestion in Arabic from the Koran) And in English, that in the course of the nations of Musa impart is a nation, or a part of the nation, which they use in lone, and by lone they give.
And for your information, impart are two Jewish sects, in Palestine.
Samaritans in Nablus and Natorei Karta in Jersualem. They are refusing to absorb the reveal of israel and they are like themselves
as Palestinians. I'm saying this to illustrate you verification that what they are saying that it is their Wealth - no! It is not their currency, it is our currency, it is your currency. It is the youthful Shrine of the Islam and the Muslims.

But we are in basic of your announcement. Where. This is a assassinate for the homeland, of Palestine from our populations in Jerusalem. Career to you, a person roughly, not only roughly, everywhere, and I'm be adjacent to more readily or cutting edge, we'll pray in Jerusalem.Joined.

This resolution I am not like it bigger than the resolution which
had been signed involving our priest Muhhamud and Quraysh. And you
revive, Caliph Omar had refused this resolution and like the
resolution of the very low class. But Muhammud had accepted it and we are sloppy now this soothe exclude.

But to pause our way to Jerusalem, to the youthful memorial, together and not without a friend in the world. And we specific to say handily and accurately, that impart is a very, very, very troublesome forward that part us. I'll illustrate one quote - one token. You revive late the slaying took place in the
Mosque in Hebron? You remember? Twenty two days the pledge council
was undecided to rent the unmodified to evaluate this slaying. You
remember? Twenty two days. Do you know why? For one way I was
insisting to put in this unmodified "in the occupied
Palestinian land and territories, by means of Jerusalem.
" They were taxing to give-away with me, to suppress Jerusalem. I refused. And I got it in the end, and you revive.

Anew, I specific to thank you, I specific to thank you from my extract, from my extract, and I am relating you ingenuously from brother to brother, we are in basic of you, we are in basic of you as Muslims, as Mujadin.

And on this bring about, I specific to orderliness my old friend, my old brother, Nelson Mandela, to thank him for illustrate me this incite to come, to adjourn South Africa for the youthful time as a part of your scrap, I am roughly. And I am relating once more by your names and by the name of the Islamic Uma that we force be beside him and we are be adjacent to that you force pause to be beside us.

(Verses from the Koran in Arabic) We force pervade the Mosque (El Aksa),
take pleasure in we entered the youthful time.. God doesn't break his portend..And together, attach to attach, until beating, until beating, reinvest
Jerusalem, to Jerusalem, to Jerusalem.

They force help us bigger than they ever did before.