Thursday 16 February 2012

Wiccan Moon Gardening

Wiccan Moon Gardening
Whether it was the Babylonians timing their harvests by the sign the Moon traveled throughout, or the farmers of Eastern Europe study each moon phase for the best time to work on, our celestial soul mate has always been a divine motion of the seasons for fuel. My Irish Grandfather always read his Farmer's Almanac to see like the moon was in Disease or Libra to time the planting of vegetation and vegetables-he placed great sponsor in the power of the Moon dull his crops, and was paid each month with a highly and openhanded goods. The Moon's enchanting switch pulls all that contains water: the tides of our heap, the blood and fluids of our bodies, and the essential essences of all plantlife-such intrude can be seen comparatively skillfully in the fuel of plants. All crops that set in their tell somebody to self-important soil should be planted finished the Waxing (New to Thorough) Moon: the early week is like a house on fire good for crops that be the owner of their seeds on the away from, such as asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, celery and spinach. The glint week (in the midst of the 1st garden and the Thorough Moon) is best for crops that set in seeds on the wearing, be interested in peppers, tomatoes, peaches, cucumbers and melons.

Within the dilapidated Moon (Thorough to New Moon) work on root crops such as potatoes, peanuts, carrots and onions. *Do not* work on on the day of the New Moon or Thorough Moon.


Dew has been hand-me-down in charms and spells for many centuries; its puzzling birth (as everything which appears even on a brawny, dry night, and disappears abstention in the emerge) has completed it a magical symbol. It was hand-me-down as a decent for many problems, like a house on fire as a salve for freezing eyes and for bombard diseases and itches. Coherent appearing in the nineteenth century it was sometimes rubbed appearing in wan children to energize them, and was as well precise to heal gout and energize the milestone (the subsequent sound effects animal far above if the dew was gathered from the plants of fennel).

Dew gathered on May Day was precise to be the maximum potent, indeed arising from the connotations of lushness and love which were joined with the Beltane ball. Washing in May dew, or deafening oneself in it, was precise to protect against evil and bring good luck available the advent blind date. A falsehood is told of two witches in Scotland who were observed collecting May dew with a hair-tether; the clutch was subjugated from them and hung in a cow-byre, and the cows thereafter gave serious quantities of milk until the clutch was split and dried out. In Europe, livestock were anointed with May dew on May Day to protect them from overlooking, faeries and evil spells available the blind date.

The maximum accepted use of dew, on the contrary, was in beauty charms and as a cosmetic. All-around the centuries women be the owner of gone out old-fashioned on May Day to sponge down their faces in dew, a expert old standard which was understood to inspection moreover beauty and good luck for twelve months. If a girl gathered dew very old-fashioned in any emerge, and considerably from under an oak tree, and washed her suffer in it, she would be delicate for the blind date to come. Dew Weather Lore: If a warm first-class day is followed by a thickset dew, fine weather is on the cards the similar to day as well.


Lore and charms joined with the Moon possibly will inculcate unmitigated books, and undoubtedly be the owner of. From essential mature the Moon has been worshiped, joined with countless goddesses, and precise to be the owner of some power dull the lives and contact of humans.

It is precise bad luck to point at the Moon, as it shows a indisputable mockery. Slightly, like the new Moon is seen for the early time it should be admiringly greeted with a bow or curtsey in its pathway, and if arrived a hat in the Moon's presence, it should be doffed for a instant. Bowing three or nine mature, wishing finished the illuminate, was as well done. In fishing villages children would look at a charm to carry their naval fathers safe: 'I see the Moon and the Moon seas me, God bless the sailors on the water. It has always been practice to turn dull silver in one's steal upon early seeing the new Moon, as this mechanism offer attitude be tolerable of money finished the coming month, and many family even if do this today for luck. In some districts a special coin was carried and turned dull three mature like the new Moon was seen. To be lacking any loose change to turn dull, on the contrary, is luckless.

The waxing and dilapidated of the Moon has liable heave to many beliefs about the timing of endeavors. It was toward the back thought that animals should not be slaughtered because the Moon was dilapidated, as the essence would narrowing more than finished curing and chow. Anything cut finished the dilapidated Moon attitude not push over, or attitude push artificially stupidly, so corns were habitually pared at this time, and hair which was inevitable to plug up quick would be cut. A child instinctive under a dilapidated Moon was purported to be thoughtless or luckless all its life, and animals instinctive finished the Moon's deteriorate would not do well as well as those instinctive under the waxing Moon. Marriages highly praised under a dilapidated Moon were deemed to be low and reasonably become emaciated, no misgiving stemming from the ancient affiliation in the midst of the Moon and lushness. On the other hand, the waxing Moon was far more than propitious. Teem trimmed finished the waxing Moon attitude push tightly packed and lovely; eggs set under a hen consequently attitude not go bad, and seeds planted finished a waxing Moon attitude do well.

The word psychosis derives from the Moon, which was in imitation of thought to red herring silliness. Napping in moonlight was in imitation of whispered to be underhanded like it led to psychosis, blindness or some other remorseful trouble. Warts possibly will be cured by blowing on them nine mature at the full Moon. In mint condition wart decent was to tangle the daylight of the Moon in a metal puzzle (considerably silver) and go throughout the movements of 'washing' one's hands in the daylight because saying:

'I scour my hands in this thy salver

Oh man in the Moon, do be of the same mind my wish

And come and hold on vetoed this'.

Moon Weather Lore: To the same degree the Moon is circled by a vaporous ring, it mechanism rain to come. If the circle is important, it attitude rain very precisely. A number of concentric circles mechanism a craving imply of wet weather. In winter months, a brawny moon mechanism frost is on the way. A colorful brawny sickly moon climbing in a bring in sky mechanism fine weather to come.

Be loaded

State was in imitation of a broad belief that hurtful or intense ferns brought rain, and in some districts this as well workable to heather. Option rain-bringing methods included spray water on stones bit reciting a charm, or tossing a a small number of flour appearing in a grow and combustible with a hazel-rod. In medieval mature images of the saints were habitually dished appearing in water finished a sarcasm.

Less important charms to principle vetoed rain are even if accepted today, the maximum majestic animal swarm, rain, go vetoed, come over other morning. A deviation on this charm offers to manipulate the rain to go:

swarm, rain, go vetoed

Come into being over tomorrow day

To the same degree I tell somebody to and like I fit in

I'll avoid you a a small number of cake'.

Hail was thought to be the owner of healing properties like it knock down on admit days, like a house on fire Ascension day, or rain that knock down at any time finished the month of June. The water inevitability be all together last d?collet shortest from the sky; rain which ran off plants or off the blind was ineffective. A Welsh belief was that offspring immersed in driving rain talked more rapidly than others, and that money washed in driving rain would never be stolen.

Be loaded Weather Lore: Be loaded which gush from a quite brawny sky is on the cards to grip d?collet in quick bursts for some time. If it rains in the very old-fashioned emerge, the weather may brawny up by the afternoon - swarm to the lead seven, flash by eleven'.


The rainbow has had many meanings in many cultures, the affix correspondence animal that it is always correlated with deities. In the Christian Bible the rainbow was set in the sky as God's promise that offer would never over be a great light rain. In Burma the rainbow is a underhanded spirit; in India it is a bow from which divine arrows are ablaze. In Norse mythology the rainbow is the act as a go-between that Odin built from Midgard, the home of men, to Asgard someplace the gods lived, and the souls of the creditable dead accepted end-to-end the rainbow. In ancient Rome the rainbow was the many-colored robe of Isis, server to Juno.

It is lucky to see a rainbow, and to wish like it is early seen, but luckless to point shortest at it, which attitude lead to bad luck or at smallest possible to the return of the rain. In Ireland, character who found the place someplace the rainbow touches the soil would find a pot of gold at its headquarters - everything my brother and I tried to do unusual mature as children! A rainbow in the emerge mechanism far-flung rain finished the day, but a rainbow appearing very late in the day mechanism the rain is gone for the rest of that day. Moment alternating pieces of rainbow appearing on a strong sky are sometimes called Weather-galls, and denote storms and windswept weather. Rainbow Weather Lore: If a rainbow fades very abstention, good weather is on the way. A rainbow nearly mechanism that the rainy imply is about to end.


In many traditions and cultures stars are thought to be the souls of either unborn souls, or those who had accepted vetoed. In some cultures a film making star foretells a flinch, and is whispered to be the general feeling racing to passion the infant diminutive, because in other seats the film making star foretells a death, or a general feeling uncontrolled from purgatory. In some Open American traditions the Confused Way was precise a soul-road, someplace souls traveled on their annoy last death, and that the brightest stars were campfires by which they rested on their appointments. It is luckless to point at a star, or to try to correspond them. In spite of everything, making a wish on the early star of night attitude inspection its achievement, like a house on fire if the wisher repeats the old rhyme:

present light, star colorful

Premature star I see tonight

Be thinking about I may, wish I sovereign state

Have the wish I wish tonight'.

A wish completed because a film making star is seen in the sky attitude be settled if it is completed very quickly; an old French indulgence for rash was to consent a cloth dull them because a film making star knock down. Mark Weather Lore: If the stars be seen tubby and brighter than tolerable, and very flickery, rain or a strong wind may be on the way. If woozy stars be the owner of consumed and cannot be seen at all, the cord is about to heave.


Storms be the owner of usually been precise an sign of divine vehemence, and in maximum cultures a human being struck and killed by lightning was thought to be the owner of been shortest struck down by a deity. In ancient Rome a human being killed this way was impulsively dug in lacking vast sorrowfulness burial, and it was as well frowned upon to reinstate any home struck by lightning.

In Britain in exterior centuries, a strong wind was usually precise the work of the devil; witches were as well habitually accused of raising storms and at witch trials accusations were habitually completed of colloquy attempts to damage sound effects or throw yourself ships by raising a strong wind. Several wise-women and cunning-men sold taut beat to sailors which were understood to be the owner of the power of the cord leap appearing in them; one assembly would be at large to firing a cord until the sailor had as far afield as he enviable.

Several family even if quilt all the mirrors in their native soil finished a thunderstorm; it hand-me-down to as well be thought that windows and doors should be used up open so that if the growl got appearing in the native soil, it possibly will get out lacking having to damage no matter what. A calming superstition states that lightning never strikes binary in the exceedingly place, but seeing that many high buildings be the owner of been struck repetitively, it is as well mythical. An old song speaks of which tree is smallest possible on the cards to attract a lightning shock, and for that reason should be private under if puzzled away from finished a storm:

mind of the oak, it draws the impression,

Pine for the ash, it courts the microscopic,

Slither under a point, it attitude barrier you from damage.

A winter heavy shower was in imitation of thought to be an sign of death for a great man. Wrap around Weather Lore: growl in grow rain attitude end in. Grumble in the night habitually mechanism unusual days of wet, clammy weather.


The sun has been worshiped as a symbol of life itself in many cultures seeing that the dawn of league. The bonfires that our pedigree lit at Midsummer, Beltane and Samhain were deliberate as rituals to turn and energize the sun on its annoy available the blind date.

In accepted with maximum other heavenly bodies and phenomena, it is luckless to point at the sun, and in Hungary if a girl threw native soil clean up from the broom towards the sun, it was whispered that she would never get married. It is a propitious sign to be instinctive at daybreak, and as well precise to be lucky for a bride if brightness surrounds her: quick is the bride the sun shines on'.

An outdo of the sun was feared by early peoples, who troubled that the center of light, warmth and light was animal devoured eternally. From this arose the feeling that an outdo heralded a high spot death or a great farce such as war, anguish or desire. It was thought to be luckless to view an outdo shortest (as well as bad for the milestone).

Sun Weather Lore: To the same degree the sun appears faint with a thin, lean light, bad weather is on the way. In spite of everything, if it looks be interested in a important colorful enclose as it rises, that day attitude be fair and warm. A hail of thickset dark smoke at evening indicates that the similar to day may be lunatic. A ring brutally the sun finished rainy weather indicates a imply of first-class weather and brawny skies to come. If the sun comes out because it's raining, the pouring weather attitude grip for a few more than days. A red daybreak mechanism rain, but a red evening mechanism fine weather the similar to day. Three old sayings:

freckled sky at night, shepherd's opening

Red sky at emerge, shepherds hold on breath 'If red the sun begins his photograph, be a number of the rain attitude fall apace,

If the sun goes frothy to bed, 'twill rain tomorrow, it is whispered. night red and emerge grey sets the rambler on his way,

Dusk grey and emerge red brings the rain upon his go ahead.

The Moon appointments throughout each one of the Zodiac signs about in imitation of a month-she stays in one sign about 2 1/2 days to the lead moving on to the similar to one. As you can see from the person below, offer are personage odd jobs assigned to each Establish according to it's solar influences. This is a very ancient supposition, and I, for one, can show to it's truth. Factoring in other issues, such as what planting Expanse you are in, how far afield you water or fertilize your plants, and weather stipulations, the story below attitude add an new-found play-act of highflyer to your promotion techniques.

The Simplest Primacy For Moon Planting... The moon planting turn says to work on crops that set in self-important the soil finished the growing light of the moon (from new moon to full moon) and to work on crops that set in below the soil finished the diminishing light of the moon (from full moon to new moon).

New Moon To Thorough Moon: Sow, Place, bud and toil. Thorough Moon To New Moon: Grow, Increase, prepare and return. New Moon To Premature Quarter: Admiringly for Planting above-ground crops with away from seeds,flourishing annuals. Premature Region To Thorough Moon: Admiringly for planting self-important soil crops with wearing seeds. Thorough Moon To Position Quarter: Admiringly for planting root crops, bulbs, biennials, and perennials. Position Region To New Moon: Do Not Person on the inside At All! But begin nourishment masses and squirm farms. Acquire injurious fuel, weeds and pests. Harvest.