Friday 24 February 2012

Occult Orders Opus Dei Neofascism Within The Catholic Church

Occult Orders Opus Dei Neofascism Within The Catholic Church
What on earth we are seeing today in the difference of opinion advanced outset transform is a new start of a very old, and very inferior agreeable of Catholicism. It is not one supported or adroit by most Row and Tedium Catholics.

Run Dei is alike becoming entire for its either alliance, or involvement (so far denied,) of political divide Rick Santorum.

It is a agreeable of Catholicism which has done irremediable harm. It is a agreeable of Catholicism inappropriate for charisma in the modern world.

It was the basis of the regimes of Mussolini in Italy, The Imperial Catholicism of Francisco Franco, in Spain; The "Parti Rexiste" in Belgium; The Irish Blueshirts; The Croatian "Ustase", the Nazi pawn executive in Croatia, and fundamentally, was the agreeable of Catholicism adroit by the Sainted Josemar'ia Escriv'a, founder of the Catholic order Run Dei.

Thats where the story begins and ends: Run Dei.SPAIN, THE Launch OF Run DEI

Josemar'ia Escriv'a is the best place to start. He was a catholic priest arrived the Flash Spanish Republic, who full-fledged a agreeable of Catholicism in the tardy 1920s which Fascists found very endearing. He rose to inflection and political draw arrived Francos spain. His book recounting Run Dei was chief published with an introduction by a Pro-Franco bishop, which embedded many statements in lend a hand of Imperial Catholicism. Saint Escriva fully preached to Franco arrived a week-long prayer place of protection at Francos Palace.

Saint Escriva has been accused by catholic priests who knew him of Holocaust Denial, and many get back statements by Escriva protecting Hitler. Saint Escriva has assumed that hitler couldnt have killed 6 million Jews, and that "Hitler against the Jews" really intended "Hitler against socialism."

He famously wrote a suggestion to Franco in the 1950s saying

While a stranger to any political endeavor, I cannot help but take pride as a priest and Spaniard that the At the outset of State's vigorous plan ought to command that, "The Spanish nation considers it a chuck of decorum to brook the law of God according to the one and true view of the Holy Catholic Clerical, undividable guarantee of the national conscience which desire flames its legislation." It is in steadfastness to our blue-collar Catholic tradition that the best guarantee of productivity in acts of executive, the exactness of a justified and irredeemable edict within the national community, as well as the divine blessing for intimates holding positions of drill, desire always be found. I ask God our Member of the aristocracy to portray upon your Excellency with every array felicity and devote good luxury to give up out the major occupation entrusted to you.

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