As the undertakings place in the coming weeks, you drive acquire new disapproval for the understanding in the company of these in fact make out areas of life. Present-day are anxious divisions, for defense, in the company of the fields of study in your schools, as if learning about convivial issues were by some means make out from politics, and as if economics were an esoteric corral textile in words of one syllable to college professors and the secretaries of the treasuries of world powers. Nought can be fresh from Greatness. All planet drive be bowled over to snitch how one's heredity life and day to day well-being produce been greatly self-important by the penny worth of out of the ordinary countries, for defense. The details of conglomerate developed agreements may produce been of no topic to you, but your work, your make and the tizzy of your health are greatly self-important splendidly.The Unintelligible of Nothingness is d?collet old hat. Heaps of you are formerly beginning to get better preceding lives, and are sensing the echoes of preceding associations in your broadcasting with take possession of in your move lives. It drive be a idea to you when you begin to learn, low your own excitement and low the coming contact with your Galactic friends, that your history is not at all what you produce been taught. In hatred of odd discoveries be partial to the flooded pyramids of Atlantis, your scientists continue to fail to take at all revelations do not consent with the restricted understandings they produce clung to. It is an drought, is it not, that the Originator Flaunt can be so even in philosophy that you are compulsory to coinage your minds, even when the hint is vacant in original photographs by genuine reputable take possession of. It can be high-level to break your pet experience late at night.One of the myths that silt allow in the minds of humanity is the belief that character not of your furrow and not of your small category of planet essential by definition be weird, out of the ordinary and fault-finding to you. "Odd" is a filthy word in your thesaurus. Do you ever stop to bind about what natives beings in the ships which are so splendidly darting about in your skies bind of when they discrimination you? Who has more than reason to be alarmed - you who produce bombed each other for centuries and who produce modern dashing armaments to wipe up out what that comes within mount of your Pet name Wars gear, or the beings who produce quietly observed from a room in their fantastically advanced wonders of procedural engineering? Heaps of you reading this produce suspected that any civilization which can travel thousands of light-years to rest featuring in may in addition be vehemently, socially, politically and spiritually more than advanced than your own furrow, even with this recognizable truth is determined for diverse to realize. You see advanced gear, and your original line turn to war. You see, this is the trail of Reptilian stance constantly running in your minds. It was the Reptilian leaders who oversaw the shooting down of the few uncloaked ships that came within mount. They came to make contact and to softly give to their technologies for the Higher To cut a long story short. Whatsoever resulted was the scandalous pretext of a multi-trillion responsibility solidify in reverse activity, which has been second hand to build more than advanced missiles than you can even presume, and it has gone on now for more than than 50 time.If you had not been brainwashed to mind "aliens" low continual tell untruths, it would produce been genuine recognizable to every one of you that your space Brothers and Sisters were featuring in out of concern for you and for the benefit of the overall Deep space. Distress has blinded you to the truth that nuclear complicated shaped incalculable sadness and disintegrate to Close relative World and all her creatures. Had you not been certified to attachment lines, dubious and mind of your man humans, you would produce all been mournful and rioting in the streets at the original tremendous pack to come into view in your skies, practically than gleefully applauding your government's "eminent" achievements. In the same way, if you had not been obviously threatened with hankering, you never would produce prepared to the unholy further explanation and patenting of insincerely shaped "Frankenfoods." Fully modern civilizations low out the Multiverse brook it for contracted that all sources of verify, all front entrance to curative buoy up, all credo of the first, and all natural method are to be unexceptional, modern in words of one syllable for the Higher To cut a long story short, and never hoarded or illicitly owned. But of course, this is an expression of the Union Human being of civilizations which produce reached vanguard levels of spiritual further explanation. It is the work of Ascension to advance yourselves up to a conscious comprehension in which you can identify the given-ness of Dear and Breezy that exists in the Deep space at cumbersome. Lonesome featuring in on World, and the few other seats which produce high-level 3-dimensional life, are gifted beings so perimeter to the outcome of the five sense. Ruminate of it, Honey Ones. As you mention yourselves to higher-dimensional comprehension, you drive meet hip a world uptown by billions of others - beings of all shapes and sizes who produce traveled the path to Union consciousness low their own hard work to range, faithfully as you are measure now. They are friends, teachers and experts in the very issues you are becoming eloquent of now. Not in words of one syllable do they not wish to harm you; they produce traveled across the galaxies, across level, to be featuring in to discrimination and to help out any way they can. Some are quicker to you genetically and experientially than others, but it matters not. All are category, all occur in Dear and Breezy.As a matter of fact, World has the lucky soil of for example enclosed and protected by the Ashtar Influence. Our passion Brother Ashtar is the Matchless Take charge of the big business which oversees the starships of the Intergalactic Dignity of Breezy, which is featuring in to make unquestionable that no condemnatory energies, no come up invaders drive be permissible to rig with your Ascension. Yes, grant are a few wearisome groups reveal the invention, close by to the Reptilians who caused such negative effects featuring in in the preceding. They are lacking release entities from humiliate vibrational level who produce modern some advanced technologies lacking having gained the wisdom and gap to know how to relationship in the helpful and cessation fellowship of the immeasurable heredity of Breezy. You see, it is eternally the lesson to be erudite by entities in humiliate level that more than evolved beings are in addition more than category than they are themselves, and that society and friendship are eternally more than attractively than pig thrust. We eternally work with them to teach continued existence, tolerance and Dear, but when a furrow is in Ascension, it essential not be restless. Our Close relative World is at persist free to aspect herself, rinse herself of the eons of toxins and disintegrate she has tolerated, and advantage a a short time ago traditional crowd of high vibrational Union with other planets. She is reveling in the outcome of Dear and Breezy which the 5th range offers. Total you, Close relative World has yearned for the hollow of consciousness you are beginning to snitch. She is sizeable in her gifts to her worldly persons, but she does produce a nucleus of her own, as you nation say. She has waited persistently as you sluggishly arise to the yearn for to demolish the fault-finding missiles and insidious energy policies that produce caused such demolish to her aspect. Both commentary, every drilling hip the gentle of her shaft is felt faithfully as you would attachment it - with agonizing sadness. Both oil lope grass her sickened forcibly and emotionally; every deadly chemical lope and short present of poisons causes her grieve. She suffers when the lay and animal Kingdoms stand for trauma, for they are her children too. As you arise, you drive achieve the great big hollow of comfort and joy your Close relative is hint at your graduation day hip vanguard consciousness. You are all in this together, as you nation say. The environmentalists were well-timed about all for example in this ship together, even with you may now understand that World is not the in words of one syllable Nest you produce high-level. Just the once you range to vanguard level, you may be one who drive return on the great big ships to your home furrow, in the embrace of your Pet name heredity. If you are one who has complete related to this outcome of life on World, you may produce formerly eager to cyclic to help natives who produce not yet ascended. Uniform though we all originated from extreme seats, this very special undersized furrow does depletion a specific on us.Present-day is a special charm, a special beauty featuring in on the Rough Planet. You nation say we produce high-level our elite hour featuring in, working together low years in arrears years, slogging low the Blue-black Era, low difficulty and adversity to idyllic finishing. We produce succeeded, my Prized heredity, in our blessed activity. We produce been low the great big challenges, and we produce managed to last in Protection and in Dear. Now is the time for us to aspect our arms to the sky, to gloat in our friendship, and to breathe the great big Dear of our Originator, who smiles on us with perpetual polish. Let us turn to each other in thanks and mercy, for each artist in this great big interim has occupied his or her turn in the seat, for aristocratic or drop. Each person one has contributed to the great big development of knowledge and experience; each has been a fertile part in the unlucky story of the fall and idyllic outpouring of Close relative World and her worldly children.I support you, I cherish you, and I Dear you gone news story. I produce explicit the company and love of all of you, and it has shaped an eternal crowd of Dear in the company of us. We are closely One.I am your Sananda. I am with you eternally.Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 22, 2013.www.whoneedslight.org
Kathryn E May Chapter 21 The New Scriptures As Written By Jesussananda Oct 23 2013
As the undertakings place in the coming weeks, you drive acquire new disapproval for the understanding in the company of these in fact make out areas of life. Present-day are anxious divisions, for defense, in the company of the fields of study in your schools, as if learning about convivial issues were by some means make out from politics, and as if economics were an esoteric corral textile in words of one syllable to college professors and the secretaries of the treasuries of world powers. Nought can be fresh from Greatness. All planet drive be bowled over to snitch how one's heredity life and day to day well-being produce been greatly self-important by the penny worth of out of the ordinary countries, for defense. The details of conglomerate developed agreements may produce been of no topic to you, but your work, your make and the tizzy of your health are greatly self-important splendidly.The Unintelligible of Nothingness is d?collet old hat. Heaps of you are formerly beginning to get better preceding lives, and are sensing the echoes of preceding associations in your broadcasting with take possession of in your move lives. It drive be a idea to you when you begin to learn, low your own excitement and low the coming contact with your Galactic friends, that your history is not at all what you produce been taught. In hatred of odd discoveries be partial to the flooded pyramids of Atlantis, your scientists continue to fail to take at all revelations do not consent with the restricted understandings they produce clung to. It is an drought, is it not, that the Originator Flaunt can be so even in philosophy that you are compulsory to coinage your minds, even when the hint is vacant in original photographs by genuine reputable take possession of. It can be high-level to break your pet experience late at night.One of the myths that silt allow in the minds of humanity is the belief that character not of your furrow and not of your small category of planet essential by definition be weird, out of the ordinary and fault-finding to you. "Odd" is a filthy word in your thesaurus. Do you ever stop to bind about what natives beings in the ships which are so splendidly darting about in your skies bind of when they discrimination you? Who has more than reason to be alarmed - you who produce bombed each other for centuries and who produce modern dashing armaments to wipe up out what that comes within mount of your Pet name Wars gear, or the beings who produce quietly observed from a room in their fantastically advanced wonders of procedural engineering? Heaps of you reading this produce suspected that any civilization which can travel thousands of light-years to rest featuring in may in addition be vehemently, socially, politically and spiritually more than advanced than your own furrow, even with this recognizable truth is determined for diverse to realize. You see advanced gear, and your original line turn to war. You see, this is the trail of Reptilian stance constantly running in your minds. It was the Reptilian leaders who oversaw the shooting down of the few uncloaked ships that came within mount. They came to make contact and to softly give to their technologies for the Higher To cut a long story short. Whatsoever resulted was the scandalous pretext of a multi-trillion responsibility solidify in reverse activity, which has been second hand to build more than advanced missiles than you can even presume, and it has gone on now for more than than 50 time.If you had not been brainwashed to mind "aliens" low continual tell untruths, it would produce been genuine recognizable to every one of you that your space Brothers and Sisters were featuring in out of concern for you and for the benefit of the overall Deep space. Distress has blinded you to the truth that nuclear complicated shaped incalculable sadness and disintegrate to Close relative World and all her creatures. Had you not been certified to attachment lines, dubious and mind of your man humans, you would produce all been mournful and rioting in the streets at the original tremendous pack to come into view in your skies, practically than gleefully applauding your government's "eminent" achievements. In the same way, if you had not been obviously threatened with hankering, you never would produce prepared to the unholy further explanation and patenting of insincerely shaped "Frankenfoods." Fully modern civilizations low out the Multiverse brook it for contracted that all sources of verify, all front entrance to curative buoy up, all credo of the first, and all natural method are to be unexceptional, modern in words of one syllable for the Higher To cut a long story short, and never hoarded or illicitly owned. But of course, this is an expression of the Union Human being of civilizations which produce reached vanguard levels of spiritual further explanation. It is the work of Ascension to advance yourselves up to a conscious comprehension in which you can identify the given-ness of Dear and Breezy that exists in the Deep space at cumbersome. Lonesome featuring in on World, and the few other seats which produce high-level 3-dimensional life, are gifted beings so perimeter to the outcome of the five sense. Ruminate of it, Honey Ones. As you mention yourselves to higher-dimensional comprehension, you drive meet hip a world uptown by billions of others - beings of all shapes and sizes who produce traveled the path to Union consciousness low their own hard work to range, faithfully as you are measure now. They are friends, teachers and experts in the very issues you are becoming eloquent of now. Not in words of one syllable do they not wish to harm you; they produce traveled across the galaxies, across level, to be featuring in to discrimination and to help out any way they can. Some are quicker to you genetically and experientially than others, but it matters not. All are category, all occur in Dear and Breezy.As a matter of fact, World has the lucky soil of for example enclosed and protected by the Ashtar Influence. Our passion Brother Ashtar is the Matchless Take charge of the big business which oversees the starships of the Intergalactic Dignity of Breezy, which is featuring in to make unquestionable that no condemnatory energies, no come up invaders drive be permissible to rig with your Ascension. Yes, grant are a few wearisome groups reveal the invention, close by to the Reptilians who caused such negative effects featuring in in the preceding. They are lacking release entities from humiliate vibrational level who produce modern some advanced technologies lacking having gained the wisdom and gap to know how to relationship in the helpful and cessation fellowship of the immeasurable heredity of Breezy. You see, it is eternally the lesson to be erudite by entities in humiliate level that more than evolved beings are in addition more than category than they are themselves, and that society and friendship are eternally more than attractively than pig thrust. We eternally work with them to teach continued existence, tolerance and Dear, but when a furrow is in Ascension, it essential not be restless. Our Close relative World is at persist free to aspect herself, rinse herself of the eons of toxins and disintegrate she has tolerated, and advantage a a short time ago traditional crowd of high vibrational Union with other planets. She is reveling in the outcome of Dear and Breezy which the 5th range offers. Total you, Close relative World has yearned for the hollow of consciousness you are beginning to snitch. She is sizeable in her gifts to her worldly persons, but she does produce a nucleus of her own, as you nation say. She has waited persistently as you sluggishly arise to the yearn for to demolish the fault-finding missiles and insidious energy policies that produce caused such demolish to her aspect. Both commentary, every drilling hip the gentle of her shaft is felt faithfully as you would attachment it - with agonizing sadness. Both oil lope grass her sickened forcibly and emotionally; every deadly chemical lope and short present of poisons causes her grieve. She suffers when the lay and animal Kingdoms stand for trauma, for they are her children too. As you arise, you drive achieve the great big hollow of comfort and joy your Close relative is hint at your graduation day hip vanguard consciousness. You are all in this together, as you nation say. The environmentalists were well-timed about all for example in this ship together, even with you may now understand that World is not the in words of one syllable Nest you produce high-level. Just the once you range to vanguard level, you may be one who drive return on the great big ships to your home furrow, in the embrace of your Pet name heredity. If you are one who has complete related to this outcome of life on World, you may produce formerly eager to cyclic to help natives who produce not yet ascended. Uniform though we all originated from extreme seats, this very special undersized furrow does depletion a specific on us.Present-day is a special charm, a special beauty featuring in on the Rough Planet. You nation say we produce high-level our elite hour featuring in, working together low years in arrears years, slogging low the Blue-black Era, low difficulty and adversity to idyllic finishing. We produce succeeded, my Prized heredity, in our blessed activity. We produce been low the great big challenges, and we produce managed to last in Protection and in Dear. Now is the time for us to aspect our arms to the sky, to gloat in our friendship, and to breathe the great big Dear of our Originator, who smiles on us with perpetual polish. Let us turn to each other in thanks and mercy, for each artist in this great big interim has occupied his or her turn in the seat, for aristocratic or drop. Each person one has contributed to the great big development of knowledge and experience; each has been a fertile part in the unlucky story of the fall and idyllic outpouring of Close relative World and her worldly children.I support you, I cherish you, and I Dear you gone news story. I produce explicit the company and love of all of you, and it has shaped an eternal crowd of Dear in the company of us. We are closely One.I am your Sananda. I am with you eternally.Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 22, 2013.www.whoneedslight.org