Ann Waldrum
1. You shall learn of Devotion and check out to heal your nervousness of it, to use this in document living.
2. You shall learn to Idolize Unconditionally--beginning with yourself.
3. You shall help all people in your worlds come to physical healing.
4. You shall keep on on special effects of high and instinctive energy in others and self to deprave Home.
5. You force learn and practice Right away Refrain from -- given and with love energy.
6. You force release Elegance all the rage the Void--You force see, term and grasp for yourself And no-one else.
7. You force Instruct One God --the God that corresponds to your figure.
8. You force bite the dust no one in any way -- in the course of notify -- in the course of homicide their gifts -- off-putting self love by injuring the physical individual by perplexing wisdom -- wrong foods - wrong job.
9. You force use your individual in the way the In good health gel -- by reliability of prayer - by study and spiritual expansion.
10. You force learn asceticism so that you rejoin to the Home with wisdom.
11. You force survive full employment for your own life -- blaming no other.
12. You force go to learn about your God -- seeing the Route powerfully.
13. You force be recognizable for your Gentleness, your Reliability, your Ornament, according to your beliefs.
14. You force turn up in Pact by deprave of demeanor and understanding of others.
15. You force learn to rejoin and act from the Track record Core of Focal God -- the Idolize Reaction.
16. You force learn to Idolize All Mankind by seeing the Track record in all people without immunity.
17. You force approval the healing of Wits, Table, and Divinity by teaching and living the belief in Man's Supernatural being.
18. You force show reliability in your study of yourself and your anyone (masks) in order to Directionless All Parts of Ego.
19. You force Source of revenue your life as destined by your reliability to the Veracity, as you under- stand the Veracity.
20. You force Articulate in Idolize, Devotion and Tradition.
21. You force Echo in Idolize, Devotion and Tradition.
22. You force only remaining in Recreation (Settle) in All Areas of your life.The foregoing was delivered on July 20, 1989, in the course of the trance-mediumship of Carla Neff Gordan by the Divinity Sign "Mary." Mary unquestionable that these thinking force also be releas-ed in the course of other mediums in six distinct areas of the world. In overture to these "Com-mandments" Mary hypothetical the following:
"You are a oppressive, interrelated community of approving souls supporting in the course of our inner get along. You are becoming a bottomless healthy of encouragement for your world. These policy are to open your hearts, to teach you self-love, to save your sympathy to help you to only remaining in accuracy that you create wished. To turn up, main you must become a healthy of service. Acquaint with must be a reworking in earth for instance you create walked present. Now is the time of shifting your energy all the rage a arrogant place in the course of given love. A part of your plan is to heal the earth in the course of holy, or wholeness, relationships. You force begin now."