Saturday 2 October 2010

Witches Rune

Witches Rune
The witches rune is a chant that is hand-me-down in witchcraft by covens and a solitary witch to spread power. It has sometimes been referred to as the Wiccan chant, but it isn't single to Wicca. At hand are various special versions, but available are some effort versions. Sign up 1: Darksome night and shining moonHearken to the Witches Rune.East plus South, West plus NorthHear! Come! I term thee forth!By all the powers of land and seaBe respectful unto me.Operate, pentacle, and the swordHearken ye unto my word.Cords and edit, bane and twingeStir all ye within life.Powers of the witches knifeSpring ye as the charge is prepared.Queen of fantasy, queen of hellRelease your aid within the spell.Horned Hunter of the nightMakeup my request by magick blameless.By the powers of land and seaAs I do say, "So mote it be!"By all the intensity of moon and sunAs I do request, it shall be done!Eko Eko, AzarakEko Eko, ZomilarakEko Eko, CernunnosEko Eko, Aradia. Sign up 2: "Eko, Eko, Azarak,Eko, Eko, Zamilak,Eko, Eko, Cernunnos,Eko, Eko, Aradia! Darksome night and shining moon,East, plus South, plus West, plus North;Hearken to the Witches' RuneNow we come to term ye forth! Land-living and Mere, Air and Gush,Operate and Pentacle and Sword,Makeup ye unto our lavish,Hearken ye unto our word! Cords and censer, sponge and twinge,Powers of the Witch's knifeStir ye unto life,Spring ye as the charm is made! Queen of fantasy, Queen of hell,Horned Hunter of the nightMortgage your power unto the spell,And work our request by magic rite! By all the power of land and sea,By all the intensity of moon and sunAs we do request, so mote it be;Elegy the spell, and be it done! Sign up 3: Darksome night and shining moonHearken to the Witches Rune.East plus South, West plus NorthHear! Come! I term thee forth!By all the powers of land and seaBe respectful unto me.Operate, pentacle, and the swordHearken ye unto my word.Cords and edit, bane and twingeStir all ye within life.Powers of the witches knifeSpring ye as the charge is prepared.Queen of fantasy, queen of hellRelease your aid within the spell.Horned Hunter of the nightMakeup my request by magick blameless.By the powers of land and seaAs I do say, "So mote it be!"By all the intensity of moon and sunAs I do request, it shall be done!
