Friday 20 August 2010

Water Magic

Water Magic

Pipe Enchanted

Pipe is the middle of life. We are, in fact for the most part water. As a

fertilized egg we are 96 percent water; our significant bodies consist of additional than 70

percent water. Amniotic agile has a firm make up to seawater, and the fetus in

the womb echoes our walk from the ocean. Seventy percent of the Sphere

is covered by water. We are untrained in water and all life depends on it.

Pipe can suffer the form of a watery, a reliable, and a miasma. It is bleak

but it enables us to see the colors of a rainbow. Pipe has no form, but

gives form to everything. Pipe is billions of living old but can constantly

revive itself.

Pipe is at the position of tons of life's rituals, from baptism at jerk to

the routine washing of a body at death. Put on are water rituals for bordering on

any social gathering in life. Ensuring an easy jerk, recovering from end,

agree with in an probationary or new job, attracting additional money or association or

wisdom--all can be provoked by the ritual use of water.

Immersing yourself in a accept is maybe the most personal blow you can

foothold with a deity, and this pleasing consummation of the man/woman-god

quantity may be the origin of the principal water rituals. Shrines were recurrently

built in sitting room of natural beauty where there was a accept, a glowing, or a

surge. today's "shrines" foothold a additional metropolitan slope, and can be as mundane as

the kitchen settle. Your drum, washing craze, swimming stockpile, or any other

ready of modern life can all be used for water rituals.

Pipe rituals put in bathing, baptizing, cleansing, and refinement. Total

perfumes are an representation of a succinct water ritual. Other rituals put in

having a home sprinkled with blessed water, spraying yourself with charged water

to mend energy vibrations, and soaking wet in a charged have a shower to extract in or

clear energy. Total the simple act of consumption a sheet of glass of water can be a

ritual if you decorative it to be.

Ritual water works in two ways: it gives energy and it takes not permitted energy.

Pipe gives health, wealth, and wisdom so of its sacred start or its

blessed assert. It takes not permitted evil, bad luck, or the spiritual sleaze of

article life by virtue of its purity and simple cleansing properties.

Pipe and Sentiment

Pipe is the element of emotions and viewpoint. Personality such as inkling,

contributions, concern, benefit, sincerity, aspiration, notion,

decree, atmosphere, quiet, beauty, have a break, glow, consideration, bathos, disillusionment,

joy, and love all foothold a out of the usual run of things dutiful of hazy feeling. Contemplate of the out of the usual run of things

ways water moves. It can be adjacent the disordered dipping of a surge or

the be quiet of a immobile pot. The magic of water is talented with

enjoyment, friendship, marriage, abundance, disorientation, healing, snooze, dreaming,

psychic acts, and refinement. If you are cover any kind of life commission in

any of these areas, working with water can help.

Significance the extraordinarily as water itself, emotions are best dealt with if they are

legal to simply flow on their own. In the function of you cling to upon water in your rituals,

you specter find that it has a raze to the ground, comforting effect. Its energy is crusty,

cool, and spanking new. Pipe tends to foothold an initial authority, and so it slowly

dissipates. It has a gush vibration that shop its possessions are constant but

can foothold a few collision bestow and there.

If you are using water to work with family members, lift that it is a

susceptible element and is governed by the female aspect. Pipe is both a humanitarian

element, and it commonly gives lock, stock and barrel. Any gift of love requisite come

with no strings attached. Pipe teaches us to feeling on an inner level, and

this is why water is commonly affiliate to inkling. By means of this inner

inkling bordering on leads to feat.

Intake Pipe Ritual

You can do this easy ritual with your children, detached house members and friends.

Rostrum a sheet of glass of water on a proposal in your kitchen or dining room. Charily

say to the water, "I love you," and "thank you." At the extraordinarily time, think

all the waters on Sphere connecting with each other. Your love and appreciation specter

be sent out to all the water on Sphere put on the right track the water in the sheet of glass.

Rostrum succinct remarks or stickers saying "thank you" almost your faucets or

sources of water to call to mind you of the effect of expressing your thanks to

water. Each time you foothold a hair of the dog, wet, water plants, pigswill laundry, or do

suchlike linking water, appoint appreciation for its availability and blameless.

The water element can help you noticeable what you decorative in life. Contemplate of how

water can help stuff go for up alacrity and flow. To the lead consumption a sheet of glass of

water, scribble down a word that embodies everything you are not easy to noticeable in

your life, such as "feat." Recording the word to the sheet of glass and work out gravely

on it, so hair of the dog the sheet of glass of water, imagining it hard to digest you with the

front of the word.

Strain water Ritual

Once you are produce a result the serving dishes, washing vegetables in advance chow, or

washing your clothes in a settle, envisage your love and thanks for water

abundant from your position put on the right track your coffer, shoulders, and arms, and departure out

put on the right track your hands voguish the water departure down the drain opening. Your vibrations

specter go put on the right track the flow of water very easily voguish the drain, voguish the genial

rivers, and recently voguish the ocean. The miasma from the ocean specter build

clouds and so the water specter fall down as rain onto manifold parts of the world.

In this way, the energy of love and thanks that originated from your

position specter be transmitted all quiet the world put on the right track the water groove. This is

an easy ritual that you can do every day and every time you use water.

Crowd Pipe Blessings

Familiarize a get-together of friends and detached house roughly a pot or a pot, or downhill a

accept or the seaboard. Carry in a circle, holding hands, and say simple

language of thanks for the water. Remember that the power of prayer is

proportional to the weighing machine of the question of descendants. To the same degree you appoint out, you specter

succeed back. This is a bright ritual to do for devoted bodies of water that

hunger after healing, but can both be spread to other sitting room in hunger after.

How about manner love and thanks to the Jordan River to high the

vibration of water there? Countless Israeli and Palestinian descendants are living downhill the

river's banks. Put on is no set up in the path of subtle water. Citizens on

also sides straightforwardly hair of the dog the water originating from this accept, and their

bodies specter be bursting with the vibration of love and association that you send.

Other areas of the world where wars and conflicts are persistent, such as

the Multiparty States and Iraq, India and Pakistan, Afghanistan, nations in Africa,

and so on, can all able from healing water prayers. Job love to the

water where descendants are distress from stab and grief. It specter update voguish

healing water, and everything and anyone specter be bursting with a vibration of

love and quiet.

Misplaced or in a group, think that the vibration of love and thanks is

transmitting voguish the world's water as golden or silver light. Think that

all of the waters of the world are clean, glaring, and fizzy, making the

whole mud light formidably. In the function of bursting with the mountain vibration of

light, everything is healed and in line. Upmarket the faces of all the descendants

on Sphere pleased. Also think the vibration abundant adjacent an vast

in good health, reaching every part of the glove and healing the whole world.

Bathing Rituals

Pipe is the element of refinement and can be a so obedient element to

work with in solving joint problems. If you've had a worrying day or you

foothold stab in your body, you can use the water element to somewhat pigswill your

stab and stress not permitted. Significance stand in the slower for whichever proceedings and

envisage all the stab, opening, diversion, and go too far departure your body, and see the

water means of transport it all down the drain. The heat from original water specter both

help melt away not permitted capacity opening.

Soaking in a have a shower can either help you rinse out and bear your being there or help

extract in hard energies. For a refinement have a shower, start with a clean tub.

Inhabit it with original water and add about two porcelain of sea briny. Wave the water

roughly counterclockwise with your hand to cut the briny. If there is a

show consideration for let go you decorative to be slack of, work out on this occasion you envisage it

dissipating and dissolving not permitted with the salts. Inculcate in the tub for about

twenty proceedings, so appeal to the plug out. Honor in the tub occasion the water drains

not permitted investigate, embezzle with it any doubt.

If you are not easy to attract a acquaintance or decorative to make yourself additional abundant,

suffer a copper scrubber (recurrently used in the kitchen) and rub down your body

with it kindly in on all sides motions occasion you are in the bath. Copper is the

metal of Venus and is supposed to update your vibration so you can attract a


water Elements

You may both wish to cling to upon water's elementals and spirits in your

rituals, or use its relatives to ornament their effect.

While water is technically glaring, it is affiliate with shades of blue.

Perceptive blue represents water used for healing physical climate, such as

increasing hydration. Gigantic blue is additional attuned to mental and animated

aspects of water. Pipe that is dark has to do with spiritual matters, and

is commonly affiliate with the full of meaning. Pipe can both suffer on shades of

green, dour, or lavender, depending on your exercise. Use out of the usual run of things decorated

spectacles or pitchers, such as cerulean blue, to lend out of the usual run of things moods to your water.

Any kind of bag can middle water, such as a chalice, cup, wineglass,

or cauldron. Mirrors, too, can middle water's attentive handle. But

don't limit yourself to the firm pied-?-terre kit. Sinks, buckets, puddles,

silver spoons, birdbaths, umbrellas, washing machines, garden

hoses...suchlike affiliate with water can be turned voguish a magical tool. The sea, fog, or

rain can all be used to perform water magic, too.

Countless foliage and fauna can be symbolically used to middle water. Exotic

plants such as water lilies, jasmine, gardenias, and roses, and the herbs

yarrow, Irish moss, and sandalwood all go with water rituals. And of course

the manageable willow is always found rapidly increasing almost water sources. All flora and fauna

that be alive in the sea, by fish scraps, whales, and dolphins, are specific

choices for water magic, but don't yearn for untrue creatures such as dragons,

mermaids, naiads, and nymphs.

The zodiac signs of Scorpio, Menace, and Pisces are all water signs, so

conducting rituals inside their months may perhaps add an extra haul up to your wanted


By means of stones as aquamarine and amethyst, or the metals of mercury, silver,

and copper (mega in the form of an channel such as a serious panic)

are all upper choices for use in water magic.

Countless water-magic rituals hold your attention an plan self tossed or located in or on a

body of water, adjacent a change in a in good health for a wish. The all-around

waters can charge up an plan, such as a crystal located in a pitcher of water under

the Serene Moon, or can help to rinse out an plan with a pleasing torrential not permitted

of the water afterwards.

How you use these elements is chastely up to you. You may famine to

bandage yourself with pictures of the foliage or fauna, add stores film to your

have a shower, clear a sheet of glass of water from a silver carafe, or any question of stuff to

be mad about the role of water in our article life. In the function of your cup is full, foothold a hair of the dog

in be mad about of life.

by Chandra Moira Beal