Monday, 16 August 2010

Cosmos University Planetary Hours

Cosmos University Planetary Hours Image
I have been doing a bit of thinking about the concept of planetary hours and planetary correspondences lately. I do so love renovating my old Victorian house - it gives me lots of time to let my mind wander along such delightful fascinations.

I have come to appreciate the planets and the planetary hours in a sort of academia - a collegiate sort of way. So, I drift back to my college days and I consider the gods of the planets as the faculty staff of Cosmos University.

The Moon can be found most likely in her office/studio when she is not running a class on the fine arts or divination. From her, one can learn poetry, painting, and song, and how to delve into the depths of the soul in her studio by the riverside.

The Sun is out teaching in the noontime, running Yoga classes outside. rt When he's not doing that, he's got his regular classes in leadership and health, all in his open-air theatre office space.

Mars is usually found in the field, teaching the ROTC classes and the physical education classes. On his off-time, he's out coaching the sports teams.

Mercury has no office. He's usually running about this way and that, and usually it's best to wait at the crossroads, where he'll be sure to pass soon. But when he's not there, he's helping out at the college radio station, or teaching investigative journalism.

Venus is teaching the dance classes, the theatre arts classes, and the design arts classes, sharing her love of beauty and passion with the school.

Jupiter is the head of the business department, of course.

And Old Saturn teaches the laws and the history, in the dark old expansive hall, where his voice echoes.

So this idea of the Universe as a University goes nicely in line with the oft-heard notion, "The Universe is your teacher. The Universe is your University."

Now, as a student in this University, we are expected to work hard to better ourselves, to study our chosen major, but to always explore the other classes offered. We are expected to do most of our work on our own, but with the guidance of the staff - the Planets. We learn from all of them, and as we take the time to take their classes repeatedly, we graduate into their higher level courses, where there are fewer students and more attention from the professor.

As a student works more and more with a professor, they start to develop a rapport. When it comes to an important and prestigious research opportunity, the professor is going to look to the students he knows and likes the best first. And likewise, if you, as a student, need help with your own projects, then it would not be much of a stretch to drop that professor a line and ask for a bit of assistance.

Now, our professors do have other things to attend to and other things to do. Venus has to make sure that beauty is appreciated in the world, and the Moon does have some Witches to visit tonight, this full moon. The Sun has to be there when all the Yogis go out first thing in the morning for the Sun Salutation.

So, the professors each have chosen a day when they will be on call at the University, teaching classes, helping out with the students. They have designated a few specific time slots in which they will be available, in their office, ready to grant you an audience with their full undivided attention. When you approach the professor on her office hours, you are going to get the best out of the professor. Now, do call them anytime during the day, though, if you can't make it to the office hours. The Moon will be available to help you all day Monday. She'll also be in her office occasionally throughout the week - three times a day - though she might be slower to respond on those days.

In other words, if you are an artist who needs some inspiration with your latest work, then it is best to call on the Moon on Monday, during one of the planetary hours. Calling on a planetary hour of another day will still get some results, but there may be delays. Calling during the prof's off time might get results, but only if you already have a good established relationship with the professor. To any other student, approaching out of the blue, they'll likely only get told to call back on the professor's office hours.

This Planetary Hours Calculator may prove to be helpful, if you choose to explore this concept further.


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