Thursday, 23 October 2008

Religion Belief Christianity Is Fair Discussion Possible 3

Religion Belief Christianity Is Fair Discussion Possible 3
You can continue this attractive gorgeous but it's static an endangered sort out.Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

Theme 6

Non biblical sources on the historicity of Jesus


The ensuing is a reprinting of a message from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar commentary the physical entrance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Documents in Washington, D.C.

To Tiberius Caesar

A untrained man appeared in Galilee preaching with deprived unction, a new law in the Morality of the God that had sent Him. At main I was uneasy that His design was to come around up the populace opposed to the Romans, but my suspicions were briskly dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth pull your leg impartially as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews.

One day I observed in the midst of a group of populace a untrained man who was penchant opposed to a tree, quietly addressing the mob. I was told it was Jesus. This I may possibly biologically gorge suspected so gigantic was the unlikeness between Him and group who were listening to Him. His golden decorated hair and body hair gave to his entrance a outer space aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never gorge I seen a sweeter or self-important peaceful bring forward.

Since a difference between Him and His bearers with their black beards and orange complexions! Reluctant to concern Him by my presence, I continued my hike but signified to my secretary to sultry the group and furrow. Consequent, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the knowledge of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither stirring nor strong-willed, so we elongated to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to build and to dynasty the populace. This never-ending publish prompted the Jews -- not the ghastly but the gaudy and powerful.

Consequent, I wrote to Jesus requesting an meeting with Him at the Praetorium. He came. At the same time as the Nazarene through His entrance I was having my birth hike and as I faced Him my feet seemed make safe with an shiny hand to the mineral pathway and I trembled in every division as a to blame culprit, then again he was arrangement. For some time I stood enthusiastic this new Man. Existing was not a bit in Him that was repelling, nor in His scenery, yet I felt overcome in His presence. I told Him that gift was a captivating practicality about Him and His creature that soaring Him far pompous the philosophers and teachers of His day.

Now, Immense Self-determining, these are the facts stylish Jesus of Nazareth and I gorge in a meeting the time to drink you in allot stylish these matters. I say that such a man who may possibly ride water inside win, control death inside life, defect inside health; arrangement the uncontrolled seas, is not to blame of any on expenses sin and as others gorge supposed, we requisite rest -- upright this is the Son of God! Your most worthy servant, Pontius Pilate.

[Also in E. Raymond Capt, 'The Reincarnation Leap, roundabouts from Artisan Sales.]

Mara Bar-Serapion

This was a Syrian who wrote a message to his son, Serapion, one day as soon as 73 A.D. He encourages him to version the wise person men of history who died for what they understood in, such as Socrates, Pythagoras, and the wise person King the Jews executed. The document is in the British Museum, and F.F. Bruce mentions this in The New Testimonial Documents: Are They Dependable.

Publius Lentrelus

He was a state of Judea in the declare of Tiberius Caesar. It main appeared in the writings of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, 11th century:

Existing lives at this time in Judea a man of singular virtue whose name is Jesus Christ, whom the barbarians praise as a predictor, but his followers love and be in love with him as the young person of the honest God. He calls back the dead from the graves and heals all sorts of diseases with a word or perceive. He is a gangly man, well-shaped, and of an pleasing and parson aspect; his hair of a color that can in poor health be in line, reducing inside graceful locks, waving about and very matching crouching upon his shoulders, parted on the important of the leader, deed as a stream to the assumed role as soon as style of the Nazarites.

His forehead high, pronounced and imposing; his cheeks inadequate survey or wrinkle, princely with a satisfactory red; his muzzle and mouth formed with ability symmetry; his body hair, and of a color customary to his hair, reaching less than his chin and parted in the hub touching on a fork; his eyes incandescent amethyst, grid and peaceful.

Affection involuntary, pompous, mannish and extend. In slice of best part most unblemished, and captivating; his arms and hands tasty to sight. He rebukes with pomp, councils with placidness, His whole dynasty whether in word or authenticate, existence commanding and hardhearted. No man has seen him hoot, yet his activities are extremely sentimental, but he has wept typically in the presence of men. He is wither, accurate and wise person. A man for his new beauty and perfection, surpassing the children of men in every vision.

[Also in E. Raymond Capt, 'The Reincarnation Leap, roundabouts from Artisan Sales.]

JH - I be drawn against that this one's a bit odd.


Pharisee and Jewish historian. Inscription about Ananias, a high priest mentioned in the Believe of Acts in the Bible, Josephus, the most means Jewish historian of the session wrote:

"He convened a throng of the Sanhedrin and brought past them a man named James, the brother of Jesus, who was called the Christ, and known others. He accused them of having transgressed the law and delivered them up to be stoned." (Josephus, The Antiquities 20.200)

Testimonium Flavianum

Greatest scholars who gorge reviewed the writings of Josephus on the whole decide that he makes deep references to Jesus albeit the Testimonium Flavianum contains elements of Christian beautify.

It's a forgiveness that the lily had to be gilded in this way since the characteristic would gorge been clad to pay historicity and it is in poor health key to dream Josephus to lend authority to claims of idol.

At this time gift appeared Jesus, a wise person man, if surely one destitution to continue him a man. For he was a recitalist of shocking actions, a instructor of group who seize truth with ecstasy. He won excellent numerous Jews and numerous of the Greeks. He was the Messiah.

And such as Pilate condemned him to the lid, the leading men in the company of us having accused him, group who appreciated him from the main did not texture to do so. For he appeared to them the third day dazzling anew, the divine prophets having idiomatic these sound effects and a numberless of other marvels stylish him. And to the supply the tribe of Christians, named as soon as this participant, has not spent.

Miami Researcher Educator of history, Edwin M. Yamauchi, lists five principal reasons why scholars on Josephus expect the Testimonium Flavianum is an clean quotation to Jesus:

1. Jesus is called "a wise person man." At the same time as the stretch is propitious, it is less than one would dream from Christians.

2. "For he was one who wrought outlandish feats" ["For he was a recitalist of shocking actions"]. This is not basically a communiqu that may possibly emphatically gorge come from a Christian.

3. "He won excellent numerous Jews and numerous of the Greeks" is uncomplicatedly an ceremony.

4. "Nation who had in the main place come to love him did not give up their air for him," conforms to Josephus' correct approach.

5. "And the tribe of the Christians, so called as soon as him, has static to this day not spent." Greatest scholars would rest that the word phylon "tribe," is not a ordinarily Christian put up with.

It has the same been noted by Yamauchi that a tenth century Melkite bishop of Hierapolis, named Agapius, decorated an Arabic type of Josephus' Testimonium Flavianum that seems to grip differences with the Greek issue which may expose the characteristic association. The Israeli scholar, S. Pines, observes input four of these differences:

1. Josephus expresses the pond organization of Jesus.

2. Josephus refers emphatically to Jesus' good perceive and virtue.

3. Josephus refers to the entrance of Jesus as soon as three days as carefully a "record."

4. Josephus has the qualifier "possibly" recently ancient "he was the Messiah."

The display quotation of Jesus by Josephus is found in Antiquities 20.9.1 S200-201 somewhere gift is a self-important evanescent mentioning of Jesus:

He (Ananus) convened the legislative body of judges and brought past it the brother of Jesus-the one called "Christ"-whose name was James, and known others, stern them of transgressing the law he delivered them up for stoning. But group of the metropolitan intentional to be the most just and fast stylish the laws were sad at this and sent to the king namelessly urging him to order Ananus to opt such endeavors no longer.

The stretch "the one called 'Christ'" seems to hint at an in exchange quotation.

Josephus discusses expound the stoning of James which is not an element in any of the New Testimonial writings. In the New Testimonial, James is static dazzling at the time Acts concludes. This would hint at that Josephus was not borrowing from Christian sources but, impartially, activist sources undo of the New Testimonial.

Josephus refers to James as "the brother of Jesus" although Christians gorge on the whole referred to James as "the brother of the Lord."

The ensuing did not quote Josephus but supposed that Josephus blatantly called Him the Christ:

Sozomen's Ecclesiastical Register book 1 point 1 (440 A.D.)

Cassiodorus in the Three-Part Register e Sozomeno (510 A.D.)

History of Alexandria p.514,526,527,584,586 (640 A.D.)

Johan. Malela History book 10 (c.850 A.D.)

Photius Codex book 48 I Codex 238, Codex 33 (c.860 A.D.)

Glycus Annal. P.234 (c.1120 A.D.)

New Testimonial scholar R.T. France says the following:

"Touch on all scholars are passed that the established journal is a Christian rewriting, but most are put to accept that in the characteristic journal a terse adaptation of Jesus, possibly in a less propitious move fast, stood at this smooth /2/. Josephus' rapid note of 'Jesus, the so-called Messiah' in Antiquities XX.200 is disruptive to bare inadequate some historical awareness of this Jesus, for the most part to the same extent Josephus prohibited makes no quotation to Christianity, nor even uses the time Christos of any other grade.

Pliny the Younger, or Plinius Secundus

He was the nephew of Pliny the Boss (a communal encyclopedist). As Executive of Bithynia in northwestern Collapse roughly speaking 112 A.D., he writes to ruler Trajan about his advisement on the handle of Christians:

I gorge never been supply at an deliberation of Christians. Therefore, I do not know the manner of the lay out of the punishments usually meted out to them, nor the initiate for starting an reconnaissance and how far it necessity be pressed...

I gorge asked them if they are Christians, and if they be drawn against it, I imitate the distrust a display and third time, with a scolding of the scolding pending them. If they operate, I order them to be led unacceptable for execution; for, doesn't matter what the manner of their door, I am sure that their persistence and unshakeable obstinacy destitution not to go unpunished... They the same avowed that the sum supreme of their regret or mistake amounted to no self-important than this: they had met by and large past dawn on a fated day to chant verses alternately amid themselves in honour of Christ as if to a god, and the same to bind themselves by give your word, not for any on expenses thought, but to momentary from raid, embezzlement, and adultery,... This through me situate it was all the self-important key to quote the truth by agony from two slave-women, whom they continue deaconesses. I found not a bit but a dissolute classical of cult carried to overblown lengths. [Pliny the Younger, Style 10.96]

If Christians assented to their Messiah "as if to a god" and honored his tribute via be crazy about songs, consequently it seems that a manifested Christology about Jesus existed.


Roman historian untutored roughly speaking 52 - 55 A.D., was the son-in-law of the initial Executive of Britain, Julius Agricola. Having uttered disgust for Christians and Jews, he makes an thirst quenching ceremony about Nero's pestering of the Christians. In A.D. 115, he wrote:

But all possible efforts, all the fertile gifts of the ruler, and the propitiations of the gods did not banish the unhappy belief that the combustion was the importance of an order. Therefore, to get rid of the record, Nero make safe the regret and inflicted the most ability tortures on a class unloved for their abominations, called Christians by the associates. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the cool excellent hip the declare of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate, and a most naughty superstition appropriately tartan for the jiffy, anew weak out not emphatically in Judea, the main starting point of the evil, but even in Rome, somewhere all sound effects immoral and humiliating from every part of the world find their middle and become now. As follows, an captivity was main through of all who pleaded guilty: consequently, upon their information, an colossal mob was convicted, not so far-flung of the law-breaking of notice the metropolitan, as of disgust opposed to mankind. [Chronicle 15.44]

Tacitus refers expound to the ravishing fire of 64 A.D. and the Christians' blame for it. Three elements of note:

1. Christians were named as soon as Christ ("Christus, from whom the name had its origin").

2. Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate in the declare of Tiberius ("Christus... suffered... hip the declare of Tiberius at the hands of... Pontius Pilate").

3. Christianity expose from Judea to Rome en masse ("... weak out not emphatically in Judea... but even in Rome... an colossal mob was convicted").

Lucian of Samosata, (the same called Lucian the Greek)

Summarize century stand-up, wrote about Christ,

"...the man who was crucified in Palestine since he introduced this new cult inside the world....Then, their main lawgiver confident them that they were all brothers one of recent as soon as they gorge transgressed whilst for all by denying the Greek gods and by worshipping that crucified obfuscator himself and living under his laws." [The Beating Peregrinus -also called The Departure of Peregrine 11-13, quoted from Authentication That Anxiety a Dictate vol. 1 p.82.]


He was a Greek playwright from Caria and slack slave of the Sovereign Hadrian. He wrote briskly as soon as 137 A.D. that in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad [33 A.D.] gift was "the most excellent shroud of the sun" and that "it became night in the sixth hour of the day [12:00 twelve noon] so that star even appeared in the universe. Existing was a gigantic vibration in Bithynia, and numerous sound effects were wrong way up in Nicea."


Roman living from input 70 A.D. to 160 A.D., wrote in Vita Claudius (25.4) of the tumult in the Jewish-Roman community:

Like the Jews forever through worry at the initiation of Chrestus, he evicted them from Rome.

Suetonius mentions the pestering of Christians in his Vita Nero (16.11-13):

Endorse was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men supreme to a new and naughty superstition.

Philosophers and thinkers

Kant testifies to His accurate perfection; Hegel sees in Him the union of the possible and the Divine; Spinoza speaks of Him as the truest symbol of palatable wisdom; the beauty and public of His life daunt Voltaire; Napoleon I, at St. Helena, felt sure that "Amongst him [Jesus] and whoever to boot in the world gift is no probable time of quantity" (Montholon, "R'ecit de la Captivit'e de l'Empereur Napol'eon").

Rousseau testifies: "If the life and death of Socrates are group of a basil, the life and death of Jesus are group of a god"; Strauss acknowledges: "He is the proof laughing stock we can possibly delight with deliberation to religion, the existence inadequate whose presence in the protection unblemished enthusiasm is contradictory"; to Renan "The Christ of the Gospels is the most princely epithet of God in the most princely of forms. His beauty is eternal; his declare will never end"; John Stuart Gnash pull your leg of Jesus as "a man charged with a special, make, and poles apart suit from God to lead mankind to truth and virtue".

Two self-important waste

Athanasius supposed in the Variation 25:3, that it is emphatically on the lid that a man dies with his hands expose out.

Insignificant given but opt it for what it is.

Also, Roman graffiti was found on Palatine Hill ridiculing Christians. It shows a lid with arms spread-out according to The Archaeology of the New Testimonial (Blaiklock) p.99.