Saturday, 27 September 2008

With Lifted Covered Eyes

With Lifted Covered Eyes
' "In this week's parashah "Balak", we learn that Bilaam experienced eyesight "stage fallen and with undressed eyes" ( ).Ramban believes that "fallen" finances that Bilaam experienced eyesight having the status of he was in a sleep-like high devoid of his conscious faculties, in contradistinction to Moshe who experienced eyesight in full get of his conscious faculties.Rashi, citing Onkelos, believes that "fallen" finances that Bilaam's phantom came to him at night having the status of he reclined in bed.Ibn Ezra believes that "undressed eyes" finances that Bilaam's concentration was open and conscious to comprise eyesight.In weigh against to these sages, I bad deal that the saying finances that Bilaam experienced eyesight in an unrectified (fallen) and open to attack (undressed) accent. In other words, Bilaam's eyesight inferior from unrectified da'at and was "not suffused" (that is, not guarantee) by the kruvim, stage Mosheh's eyesight inferior from rectified grown da'at and was "suffused" (that is, guarantee) by the kruvim.Captivatingly, all over my Shabbat tarot reading, present law-abiding at my architech's graph, I lifted my eyes to my PC, in full get of my conscious faculties to see the kruv, casing and distrustful me. So, my eyesight as a Jewitch derives from rectified, grown da'at and is guarantee (suffused) by the kruvim.Footnotes: Bamidbar 24:4 Artscroll Chumash, Stone Broadcast, stipulation on Bamidbar 24:4Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish religious studies religious studies jewish meditation meditation shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit witchcraft jewitchery jewitch witch sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual stride spirituality kosher spirituality
