Sunday, 7 September 2008

South Dakota Buddhists In Our Backyard

South Dakota Buddhists In Our Backyard Image
...Buddhism is the world's fourth-largest religion with about 300-million followers [and 1-billion uncounted Buddhists in China], including some right here in Keloland. One of them brings Buddhism into his business. Each morning, the workers at Lovely Nails salon in Sioux Falls bow in reverence to this small shrine near the front door. They leave treats, including coffee and even cigarettes for the Buddha "god of fortune," hoping the offerings will lead to a profitable day. "The more happy he is, the more good things he'll bring to you," said Lovely Nails owner Tom Tran. Lovely Nails owner Tom Tran is a native of Vietnam, where he was raised a Buddhist. "You think about the other before yourself," said Tran....Many Buddhists believe that everything we do [karma], both good and bad, can affect lives for generations to come. "Like for Catholics, you can go to church on Sunday, confess the sin, and you be done with it. No, that's not for Buddhism, YOUR SIN stays with you," said Tran.

by Perry Groten

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