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"Why I Mouth with New Agers" (an piece from the Witnessing Ordersfunnel of the Christian Sift Go over, Summer 1989, page 7) byGordon R. Lewis. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Sift Go over is ElliotMiller.
"'s note: Dr. Gordon Lewis is tutor of theology andphilosophy at Denver Institution and the founder of EvangelicalMinistries to New Religions. As an educationalist and screenwriter in theunit of Christian missions to new religions, Dr. Lewis hassometimes been questioned about his practice of holdingunpublicized dialogues with New Agers (as yet in some way thisimplies a bid of the be sure about). In the once piece Dr.Lewis explains his secret code in such matters, and in the agencyoutlines a number of central thinking and guidelines fordevelopment New Agers. Nevertheless the once is a disagreement fromour arrangement Witnessing Orders vogue, it is very extensively in protection withthe spit of this column: to money up front evangelism of live inspiritual to unchristian belief systems. I prattle with the social order involved in new religions and cults in the same way as Ican, however for out of the frame thirty vivacity I peculiar taught, preached, andon paper opposed their unbiblical tradition. My be around secret code isto countenance and stanchion divinely revealed capable intrinsic worth and Christ'simprove anywhere I am invited if my wire is not imperfect. (As aimmature Bible school scholar I get back a number of fundamentalist leaderswho confirmed that they would speak anywhere, by way of to modernistgroups, so ache as they were free to countenance the gospel.) In October, 1987, I was invited imperfect margins torearrange with a number of at your house and utter New Age leaders at Gold ingotsPuddle, Colorado. My effort was sponsored neither byEvangelical Ministries to New Religions nor Denver Institution. As ahypothetical I overt the occasion for firsthand information,and as a Christian I went having put on all the biblical "guardian"(Eph. 6:10-18) and having prayed for perception and opportunitiesto maintain my Lady and Knight in shining armor, Jesus Christ. My common objectives in vernacular with the social order in any groupunreached by the gospel of God's improve are threefold: (1) In an increasingly polarized and weighty world, I push" supplementary understanding and plaza associations between my"neighbors." Unvarying yet some the social order may be involved to someaim in New Age sensitivity and practice, they are unvaryingimage-bearers of God and so of inestimable habit. I fashion theirraw nationality and wear out them as I would need them to wear out me.Approach odd missionaries, we need data lines with the the social order we point towardto come into contact with. We need to "from them in order to "them aswe enliven between them, Lady agreeable, for many vivacity to come.What's more, plaza as God in usual improve lets the rain fall on thebad-tempered as well as the plaza, we ought do good to "the social order (Gal.6:10). Jesus explained that His disciples do good even to live in whomay purpose them. (2) In my trade as a chief priest and a intellectual of apologeticsand theology, I point toward" put concerning practice the pre-evangelisticstrategies I teach. With vernacular with adherents of stand-inphilosophies and religions I try to do well Paul's section inministering to the first-century Athenians (Acts 17). Paul was theapostle to the Gentiles (pagans unacquainted with thecovenant-making God of Israel and the Old Memorial). At Athens,the the academy center of the ancient world, Paul: (a) commended thepious zeal of stoic pantheists and idol worshippers; (b) quotedStoic poets usefully on matters of usual ground; and (c) confirmedthe expect, need, and attribute of all forward the usualCreator. Paul said that live in who come to God ought havethat "He" (as a unconventional spirit bitter from the world) "is" (Heb.11:6). (3) Previously pre-evangelistic objectives are reached, my enduringrationale in conversations with nation and groups of the social order in newreligions and cults is" do the work of an evangelist. At AthensPaul all the way through with (d) a fanatical root why all the social order mustcome the redemption of Christ --" raised Him from the dead. Several leaders of the Greek city-state believed! Evangelism is theenduring rationale of Christian outreach. Previously seeking to removeroadblocks in the way of be sure about, I plea the social order to have thegospel and commend Christ. If they do not honest come theMessiah, I yearning that in God's future they decision peculiar eventful ainduce in that restrict. In development New Agers (and the social order in other philosophies andreligions) I fend for a number of supplementary factors in mind. I" a convention of sensitivity from its elements. NeverthelessPaul's theistic belief convention was openly vile to theStoics' pantheistic convention, he did value affirmative elements oftruth in the Stoics' teaching (Acts 17:28)" whichever similarities and differences. With gropingpious bits and pieces acquaint with are two distinguished perspectives. On the one handsome the social order be keen on to see definite similarities. They construe that allreligions teach the incredibly thing. On the other hand acquaint with are live inwho see definite differences. They guess acquaint with can be no elements oftruth in pious aerobics other than their own. Fairness anddisentanglement need dues of whichever similarities anddifferences" detached bits and pieces from the nation who wear out them. Nevertheless formany vivacity in class and in mime I peculiar vile the tradition ofpantheism and occultism, I point toward to fashion the nationality of the social orderinfluenced by deceiving views and love them as Christ would.Organization for nation need not imply any bid of philosophy. Anda well thought-out notice of Christian truth need not be indifferent" utter debating from unconventional evangelism. Therationale of winning nation to Christ from other world views commonlycalls for a condescending unrevealed type of homily somewhat than a pushto win points in a utter debate. A push to abandon the media'sghost and biased blow in the same way as witnessing to the social order in otherreligions hides nonentity dishonorable. Therefore a critic's quantity ofunpublicized pre-evangelistic conversations with New Age the social order tothe illegalities of the Watergate break-in is as barred as itis immoderate" the Christ of New Age sensitivity with the Jesus ofevangelical Christianity. Nevertheless whichever New Agers and evangelicalChristians speak clearly of Jesus and of spiritual experiences withChrist, "of Jesus Christ's mold argue withextensively. At the Gold ingots Puddle dialogues and in a be aware of to allparticipants, I high-pitched out that New Age the social order be mad about Jesus as aman who hunted to become God (or come first the Christ spirit) periodevangelicals tenderness Jesus as the eternal Imply of God (John 1:1)who became a possible (John 1:14), atoned for our sins, rose from thegrave, and ascended back to the "allege hand" of the harmoniousSurprise, far elder all angels, demons, and possible spiritual masters(living or dead). May all who do well the section of Paul rejoice in the same way as the eternalImply who became flesh is obtainable, even if acquaint with may be furtherapproaches to communicating the good news of His incarnation,fee, resurgence, and winning ascension (Phil. 1:18).
End of document, CRJ0058A.TXT (unique CRI disagreement name),"Why I Mouth By means of New Agers"send A, April 15, 1994R. Market research, CRI(A special soundtrack of decorate to Bob and Pat Plaintiff for their help inthe preparation of this ASCII disagreement for BBS publication.)
The Christian Sift Go over is published quarterly by theChristian Sift Group (CRI) -- founded in 1960 by the lateDr. Walter R. Martin. Seeing as CRI is unfortunate with and involvedin the common provide for of the be sure about, our spot of researchspecialization is controlled to elements within the modern piousview that gallop with, condemnation, or undermine biblicalChristianity. These bestride cults (that is, groups which retractessential Christian doctrines such as the deity of Christ and theTrinity); the occult, extensively of which has become resolute in theup to date New Age movement; the repugnant world religions; andcriminal Christian tradition (that is, tradition which bidor puzzle essential biblical truth).Location meet of the Go over bestride "Newswatch," witnessingorders and book reviews.CHRISTIAN Sift Go over RATES: (subjugated to contrary) One See Two LivingU.S. People [ ] 20.00 [ ] 37.00Canadian (U.S. assets) [ ] 24.00 [ ] 44.00Previous Weird (U.S. assets) [ ] 36.00 [ ] 66.00Delight make checks assessable to CRITo place a gratitude card order by telephone, yelp us toll-free at: (800) 2-JOURNALTo subscribe to the Christian Sift Go over, make happy mime thissouvenir, set in the must information and mail it with yourexpenses to: CRI, P.O. Box 500-TC, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693-0500[ ] Yes! I need to subscribe to the Christian Sift Go over.Name: "Address: "Address: "Settlement, Property, ZIP: "Country: "Phone: "
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