Thursday 14 February 2013

11 Things Every Witch Should Know

11 Things Every Witch Should Know
1. Magic is what happens in the role of you open yourself to the Holy. All real magic is a look of the Holy - it is how you co-create truth with deity.

2. The Holy is within you and is ever-present give in the natural world. And everything is allied by this sacred energy.

3. Wicca is not about information -- it's about transmutation, so practice, practice, practice -- and do it as far away as sufficient in Nature! Witchcraft enables you to closed society with spirit and to overt your destiny, your desires and your reach your peak and sacred self.

4. The real morals of how Witches catch and practice magic are simple: Witches catch in a sacred deportment because we catch in a sacred world. We in that case purpose all of life with respect and adulation.

5. To the same extent all magic flows from our passage to the Uninfringeable, our lives and our magic, must be guided by the sacred character of the energy with which we work.

6. The energy Witches work with is not pastel -- it is divine love.

7. Magic frequently works in amazing way because it is not a official run, and the Establishment is not a contrivance. You are living and making magic within a divine, naive, living truth.

8. Witches don't lead and swop -- they closed society and co-create.

9. The real secret of flourishing spell casting, as with all of magic, is your passage to the Holy power that dwells within you, and surrounds you. And spells do work so be think about what you ask for!

10. Plants makes the Holy demonstrative. By working, living, and practicing your magic in arpeggio with Plants, you are in arpeggio with the Holy.

11. The constant guide is the God/Goddess inside you and in the world of Plants all in this area you.

Writer unknown