A cow Goddess about whom immature is acknowledged. Cow Goddesses were coupled to splendor and tastiness.
DANA (Irish)
"In Myth:" As well in print as Danu, the dative form of the name. She was the opening invaluable mother Goddess of Ireland, who was in imitation of renamed/absorbed by Brigid. One scholars like she is the highest ancient of the Celtic deities of whom we transfer present knowledge. The footing "dan" in Old Irish cash "knowledge," an professional insight appearing in her emblematic traits.
Currently Dana's tri-form overall assigns her the name Danu, the virgin aspect of the Triple Goddess with Brigid as mother and Badb as crone. Unhurried folktales any fleeting us that she is the youngster of Beltene, somewhat than his mother or go around.
Innumerable Celtic Pagans soothing view her as the all-embracing, uncommon, invaluable mother who birthed all kit appearing in while.
She is equated with Don, the opening mother Goddess of Wales.
"In Magick and Ritual:" Dana's very powerful ghost can aid you in achieving doesn't matter what you desire. She is notably strong in her league to motherhood, fire, crafting, splendor, presentation magick, the healing of children, control of self, self-sufficiency, and other creative goings-on.
"Correspondences:" Empress Tarot card, amber, blood, holy stones.
DEAE MATRES (Breton, Continental)
"In Myth:" Her name cash "mother Goddesses," a triplicity of earth Goddesses special this uncommon Latin name on the continent. None of the myths about her previous, whereas show are numerous inscriptions and sculptures which attest to the pervasiveness of her find irresistible. It is aimed her cult was gloriously decimated by the Romans at whatever time they took Gaul.
The trio are not permitted as robed records bearing baskets of plant life, fruit, and strength, items which epitomize the kindness of three non-winter seasons.
She is sometimes equated with Habondia.
"In Magick and Ritual:" Maintain on her to be a part of your pick and choose ritual and your splendor magick, or to balance prosperity.
"Correspondences:" Wheat sheaves, geode stones.