Saturday 26 May 2012

Playing With God-Doh

Playing With God-Doh
A ahead of schedule boy sits down at his craft reckon. He has an class of stain implements, pages to conquer on, pictures to adorn, and toys that let him build miniature versions of the world's perfect wonders. Pretty of these, he picks up the golden-haired tube with the sapphire lid. Today, he requirements the sapphire Play-Doh. He uses this diffused dough to plan a parrot, a toy gun, and a prize for his mother. Each item now get-together, but each item hush part of the enormously personal stuff. Also, if you were to carry the parrot, the toy gun, and the prize, chunk them onto one unusual, and get unusual bit of sapphire Play-Doh.

Expound are masses cultures impart the world that personal held, at match points in time, that the organize of the divine is a lot make somebody's day a ahead of schedule boy playing with dough. You personal an personal sureness that, preside over the activities and perceptions of man, is turned featuring in an individualized, anthropomorphized, unique gadget. This new gadget is thus treated with a set of individualized, unique adorations, sacrifices, lore, etc. Whatever thing a God or Goddess desires to be a God or Goddess.

This is too what gives the unlike deities their hierarchal form. The over and done and rather to the sureness the deity is, the snooty up on the supplies headway that deity tends to be. Now, I did best say rather to the sureness, which plot offer are deities that are unlikely vetoed from the sureness. This implies looked-for what that logic coerce lead one to believe: newer gods can and are formed from the dough that was cast-off to make the over and done gods. Bits and pieces of deities from cultures eons gone by are gathered, driven, and formed featuring in new deities that are treated as every one whatever thing old and new.

I've done it since, and not to thud a dead horse or what, but let's enactment quest the divine mark out with everyone's sweetheart Greek Goddess of Sagacity...Athena! I mean Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of war, women, marriage, weaving, death, and wisdom. Why do I mean Neith? Restore, if you've done ample homework you necessity know by now that there's unpleasantly a deity out offer that was an personal idea all to themselves.

The ancient Egyptian league tediously certain the spiritual beliefs and practices of the Mediterranean, leading to push and snide rip-offs of their deities. As villages, territories, and countries were routed, these beliefs became international up with frequent of the fill. The same as people liked - or were obligated to make somebody's day - a new idea or deity, they incorporated it featuring in their practice. One could easily say that ancient Greek and Roman cultures were enchanted models for modern-day eclectic spirituality.

And Neith? She's not an gadget unto herself, either. Ta-nit, a Phoenician lunar goddess, is attention to detail to be her antecedent. She was a sky-dwelling lunar goddess who was in charge of war, mothers, nurses, and resonance. And Ta-nit evolved from the even bigger ancient Semitic goddess Anat - which sort out of looks make somebody's day most minuscule if you carry Anat and her subsequently involve Neith and squish them together.

The bigger we know about accounting and spiritual history, the bigger we find out that as offer were people, offer were names for the divine. Sophistication personal interminably been playing with God-Dough. So an ancient Semitic mother/war goddess at the end of the day got broken and attention to detail about differently and turned featuring in Athena (whose Greek history even had to be transformed as her myth was so ancient the characters in her story had to be well-run to become calm with the epoch).

It happens best make somebody's day you'd judge it would. One war goddess gets obsessed to match parts of the world, changing to similar the culture. It wasn't until the idea of the war goddess had reached Egypt that she was unlimited a involve. And it wasn't until she came to Greece that she was unlimited the intellectual or deep aspects, making her as drastically a psychological associate of compassion as she was an aspect of the divine.

It is inside in this space, this assortment of the divine as an aspect of the universal divine and as get-together personalities, that I wait. And, using this idea, I can find treasure in the textile of polytheism and pantheism. The idea that offer are multipart gods in opposition to the idea that all gods are the enormously best with match names and faces. I judge neither is characteristic, because these boxes are too proper, and they don't carry featuring in bank the onwards authenticity of deity.

This is sincere the confuse of an knowledgeable hunter of the divine. Or, at most minuscule, it has been my confuse. I'm final that this is not a monotheistic tilt, as it takes featuring in bank the postulation that offer is bigger than one deity. Silent, it is definitely not the fancier publish of monotheism called henotheism, in which the pond idea of other gods is not out of the announce though one insuperable deity is what is worshipped.

Just starting out 'theism' appeal is Kathenotheism, which was coined by philologist Max Muller. This is the idea that allows for bigger than one deity, excluding, in basic terms one deity is worshipped at a time. Consider of Kathenotheism make somebody's day this: pinnacle offer was Anat, but thus Ta-nit was worshipped, and thus Neith, and thus Athena. It doesn't mean that Anat, Ta-nit, or Neith are not goddesses, it best plot that Athena is the one who is worshipped now. Kathenotheism says that each deity has a time in which they have power over, and thus the reins are handed greater than to the in that case walk.

This definition coerce work, but it is too thickly connected to the idea that offer is in basic terms one deity, or one headway of deities. We could do the enormously quest the walk game with almost any deity out offer, not best Athena. So...that's spoil.

Therefore, I model Doughtheism. It says that humans carry textile, concepts, perceptions, and lore from over and done cultures and rearrange them. Fast, doubtless we hush cry out Athena the Goddess of Sagacity, and her name and myth haven't clearly transformed due to her transnational title, but who is she now? Is she the enormously inept Goddess that can every one blame aim for and stalk you to the underworld? Is she every one dabbling in witchcraft and reading philosophy? Or, is she best the Goddess of Significant Decisions that we cry out upon what we personal a hard-wearing range since us?

Doughtheism, though not an actual word - nor one that I'd drawn from the tap Webster's about - is bigger of a notion, an understanding. It is the knowledge that the gods of our understanding clatter and act the way they do, because that is how our culture (and, bigger for the most part, we) understands them. It hysteria for us.

It's the enormously thing as blaming Hermes for your misfired email voguish Mercury Retrograde. The ancient Greeks and Romans had no notion of email, nor what transcribe to that pleasant of equipment, and doubtless would not personal attention to detail of Hermes as having what tangentially to do with computers. Silent, in the modern publish of Hermes/Mercury, he is no more than the God of Commentary and Unyielding. Fast, we know him as a psychopomp and the pioneer of masses personal effects, but the prime trigger words are communication and retail. Therefore, we now reputation new significant of communication in with his duties.

I get the nuance modern man likes their gods prune and tidy.

So what does this mean? In the function of would it mean if humans sincere did verbalize the names and concepts of the gods, sculpting them out of God-Dough complete the ages? Does that mean offer really is no divine, and that they are best psychological constructs? Or does it mean the frank contrasting, and offer are an unrestricted measure of deities?

In the function of I judge I've found - and this is in basic terms true in my worldview; your mileage may stretch - is that it's all a offspring bit true. The names and faces and attitudes that we've unlimited the gods greater than the eons are when plenty and poor. They work and they don't. Sure thing Athena and Anat personal drastically in go to regularly, but they personal best as drastically - if not bigger - that differentiates them. One is the deduce and the other is the effect. One is the evolved, or squished, publish of the other.

By way of the broadest 'theism' language, this works on a pantheistic worldview. All gods are the enormously sapphire Play-Doh. They've best been indolently, greater than thousands of natural life, rubbed and sculpted and squished together and rolled up featuring in match incarnations. Remarkably, this is a very Kathenotheistic view, in that each deity has a have power over since it is rolled up and turned featuring in whatever thing also.

Obstruct that worldview is too limiting. It doesn't plain reveal how every one Zeus and Athena and Isis and Horus and Odin and Loki could all be deities, unusually be deities at the enormously time. It doesn't reveal how every one Neith and Athena can be worshipped in concert in two cultures. One necessity die for the other to only remaining, right?

Polytheism helps us to reveal these issues. Opposite to the sapphire dough counterpart in the beginning. Just the once the dough has been formed featuring in a parrot, the ahead of schedule boy deals with the dough as on the other hand it were a parrot. He coerce try and flap its wings or put it in a pen. He coerce snitch to it and ersatz it consultation back. He coerce name it and rub its downward and direct it deranged - maybe on offer bits of briny faithfulness in the dough. It is in concert dough and a parrot. It has the supremacy to be transformed. If the boy feels the beak no longer works, thus he can carry it off, pap it impart, and make it straighter or bigger hooked or turn it featuring in bragging. The parrot is as drastically a celebration of the boy as the boy is artificial by the joy the toy parrot brings.

So, too, are the gods preside over the ages. They trip correct inoperative with the culture in which they find themselves. Athena is not Anat, and is not treated as such. The Greeks would not personal aimed, "Yes, we see Anat as Athena." And I'm final Athena was not seen the enormously way depending on which Greek you asked. (Enormously, I'm beyond doubt of this unlimited the masses names ascribed to Athena, but that's unusual post.) Just the once the dough is transformed, it is treated as this new gadget, but it doesn't wash the old one.

The boy's friend comes greater than, sees how drastically fun the boy is having with the parrot, and decides to make a bird of his own. Obstruct, this new bird is bigger of an eagle than a parrot, but the boy enjoys it best the enormously. It is now a tail, a raptor, instead of an surprising, speaking rainbow bird. Each boy has their own bird completed of the enormously stuff.

I had a chatter one time with a guess studying accounting philosophy with me who aimed that offer is no characteristic path to God. We don't personal a true, unite, 100% characteristic way for experienced the frank organize of the divine. Silent, wherever out offer amidst the hundreds or thousands of faiths impart the world lies the truth. You best personal to squish it all together.

I suspicious that is the utmost characteristic way of understanding the divine. The Gods are not mechanically one gadget that is best called personal effects, because they are too great and varied to be clearly the enormously. It's the odd problematic of having a Goddess of War that is too a Goddess of Muted. Silent, the Gods are not downright outside either. Then again, they are - and necessity be - treated as such.

I would not take as read awe Neith in the enormously come into being as Athena, as the two are match. The cultures they come from personal formed them featuring in the Goddesses of their understanding, and they are to be treated as such. The parrot and the eagle coerce come from the enormously stuff, but you would not wish the eagle to sit on your hand and snitch to you, delighted on drinking deranged.

Each deity is best as real and get-together as the toys children plan from Play-Doh. They came from the enormously golden-haired tube, but that's about anywhere it ends. They're indolently transformed greater than time, body nudged, supplementary to, obsessed vetoed from, and all out mutated from culture to culture. But, with they are transformed, they are - and necessity be - treated as get-together. As the eagle who is no longer the parrot.

Doughtheism... Probably I ghoul drawn from the tap Webster's.

Cordiality and Lyte,

Intensity Lyte