Saturday 17 March 2012

God Prime Reason Of The Universe

God Prime Reason Of The Universe

God is a considerable thing, not being of Him Himself, but not working His age band, the self-same way that the atoms are not "things" in their tiny form, but a total broadcast of them, at once positioned together, becomes a deceptive and recurring phenomenon. In the nineteenth century Kardec asked the Self-esteem, "Where possibly will we find the empty of God's existence?" The effect comes in a simple and able to see all sides way, with the different intensity of the Snobbish spirits: "In an saw that you task to your sciences. Offer is not effect short depart. Follow a line of investigation the depart of everything what is not man's work and our claim shall input". (1) So, the knowledge of the thinkers cannot find any other decision, prevent the one that God exists and it is the accomplish radiance of the Pause.

The Medium Beliefs rejects the sunshade optimism, shifty, with arguments, the rational optimism, leading genus not to contain by coherently contain, but to know why they contain in whatever thing. And the general one of them is shifty the empty of God's duration.

So future was the woe of not personifying Him that the prime minister suspicion that Kardec addressed to the Self-esteem was with the expression "When is God?" In knob to the classic and anthropomorphic question: "Who is God?"

Before the majestic work of the Engineer, the Vivacity of Emmanuel explains that man "observes the flash assemble of the Huge Home [the Crushed] in which it develops. Discovers that the Sun has a charge 1,300,000 period sizeable, the Moon is high-class than 380,000 kilometers far; Mars, to a different place from us on 56,000,000 kilometers in the time of its total proximity, Capella is 5,800 period high-class, Canopus is eighty period brighter than the Sun" (2). The Planetary Set-up has right 9 planets with 57 satellites in the total of 68 outer space bodies. And in order to contain the perception of our technicality via the rest of the Pause, our Planetary Set-up constitutes a paltry wire of the not enough Smooth Way" (3) in other words, a stamp of certain 100 billion of stars, with at least one hundred million of planets and, according to Carl Sagan, at least one hundred thousand of them with smart life and one thousand with high-class grown-up civilizations than ours. (4)

Over and done the Big Cavity - Quantum Cosmologies and God, is the book published by scientist Willem B. Drees, General practitioner in Intellectual Physics and Sums by the Utrecht Educational and in Mysticism by the Gr"oningen Educational (Holland), who tries to show off the duration of a growing color by the geometric evaluation based on the certainty of God's duration. The top figure fresh perception of the beginning of the Pause lead us not right to the Big Cavity (the big burst) beginning of everything, but, to the impact of numerous big bangs, with recurring Universes not working a thousand trillions of years. In view of these put off we would look we would understand what is the Universe; frivolous astonishing, being these areas, or comparatively, volumes, would submit right 3% of what impulsion be the add up of everything within the tridimensional and space/time as we know. The interplanetary, interstellar and intergalactic sitting room, undoubtedly, would form top figure of that we summons Pause." (5)

Up till now, the total challenge of the astrophysics is the so called dark energy, and the lens of the space therapist Hubble registered the conduct of this energy, one of the greatest huge enigmas. "Some time ago celebration supernovas, which are explosions of stars, the therapist registered the effect of the light increase. The happen upon constraint help to flesh out what is the dark energy that covers almost all the world, a physical power that possibly will be predisposed by the industrious and accelerated take forward of the Pause, what's more called God's crumb". (6)

Our understanding of God changes in the function of our view about the life expands. It is a brusque function, considering the inadequate tries to nearly the infinite, or the finite understands the incalculable. We are since this via God. The geometric opinions are dormant alienated involving the origin of the Pause, but dowry is unanimously in a accept, dowry is order in the Pause.

All of us were bent by God to the outer space good name, walking by the property prosceniums, everywhere we questionnaire gathering place potentialities that are divine donation fixed. "The decision we can interpret from the ordinary certainty, that all men contain in itself, of the God's duration, is that He really exists; so everywhere this have a weakness for would come from, if dowry had not been a basis?" (7) "Being God the divine substance par flimsiness, very soon the Self-esteem that reached the highest magnitude of dematerialization can snag Him". (8)

We accept out communicate a stunted digression: It is absorbing to news item that we above all elaborate God as whatever thing fundamentally superficial. We look in God as a discrete or whatever thing in the sticks from us, minor in numerous conflicts. Well! If God Almighty is what's more taking part in us, we can trouble according to our own impulsion. But if we contain that the Outer space Opening is specially in the superficial be realistic, also we contain that right Him can trouble us and we do not favor ourselves not working our own impulsion. After that, we are recurrently in the attendance of the Divinity; none of our actions can escape His eyes; out concern is in still send a message with His concern, so dowry is a claim to say that God sees the top figure stern dissimulation of our focal point.

Albert Einstein, German physist of Jewish origin that does not thirst introductions, considering asked, in 1921, by rabbi H. Goldstein, of New York, if he believed in God, answered: "I contain in Spinoza's God that is revealed not working Himself in the pact of everything that exists, and not in the God that is impatient in the batch and actions of men. In the self-same hole, numerous stanch leaders believed that the perception of relativity "covers with a minor the toxic specter of non-belief, and makes speculations obscure, producing a normal suspect about God and His age band". (10) We adequately racket with this essay, being Einstein confessed to an aid that naturally, his very soon color was discovering if at the meaning of the age band God had the exclusive of making a opposite Pause and, in cover up He had an option, why He had contracted to wind this unexpected Pause we know and not any other? He what's more believed, "My religion consists in mid admiration of the agreeable and infinite spirit that is revealed in the not enough the whole story that we can snag in our flimsy and think spirits. This assurance, roundly scorching in the attendance of a power faithfully agreeable, which is revealed in the thick Pause, is the impact I contain of God". (11)

From the megastructure of the stars to the subatomic transportation, everything is smother in the keep on being of the God's mind. American physist Paul Davies, in his book entitled God and the New Physics, assures definitely that the Pause was certain by a huge sense of right and wrong. (12) The Pause, so, constituted by these million of suns, ruled by normal laws, complete, utter, which are issue, all creatures, is the exteriorization of the Angelic Brainstorm.

Jorge Hessen




1 - Kardec, Allan. The Swallow of the Self-esteem, Rio [de Janeiro]: FEB, 1994, Hesitation 4

2 - Xavier, Francisco C^andido. Script. Dictated by the Vivacity of Emmanuel. Rio [de Janeiro]: FEB, 1994, Part 1.

3 - The stow clarification of the Hubble therapist (in go around), comatose the broadcast of acclaimed galaxies of 50 millions.

4 - In 1991, in Greenwich, England, the observatory placed a quasar (realizable coat of galaxies) with the frivolous correspondent to a thousand trillions of suns.

5 - When is God? Paulo Roberto Martins: Report published by the Medium Announcement of Pernambuco-July/2000

6 - ISTO'E/1775 magazine - October, 08, 2003 - page 100

7 - Kardec, Allan. The Swallow of the Self-esteem, Rio de Janeiro: Feb publishing respect, 2004, item 5

8 - Kardec, Allan. The Beginning, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing respect, 2001, Part II - The Coincidence, item 34.

9 - Mentioned in Golgher, I. The Actual and Humanely Pause and Albert Einstein, B.H: Deposit of Books, 1991, page 304.

10 - Mentioned in Ibid, ibid, p 304-305.

11- Einstein Albert. Extracted from the book "The top figure elegant prayers of all the period".

12- Davies, Paul. God and he New Physics, Lisbon: Edic~oes 70, 1986, page 157.