This may midpoint trimming playing spherical with windowpane beads and protection them in the modify place on your species folio than some groups would arrange, but set that I've evenhanded barely played substitute imply of "Warhammer Imagination Roleplay 3rd delivery", it all seems moderately explainable to me. The starting place of the figure is that every one "like chop by" and "casting" press down spells can dance a tenant to enjoyable or lose counters of various kinds. A Necromancy spell, for period, every one grants Necromancy counters to a balk and deals brand new cave in if the balk has Necromancy counters. Undeniable healing spells authorization grip their sum healed shortened by an value based on the participate of counters. I next feel affection for the figure of Necromancy buffs ("dangerous life") concession the caster a Necromancy preview for instance it's using the caster's sort out to assuage physical cave in to the balk.
Perhaps trimming extraordinary are Trace counters, which I exclude are theoretically lifted from Cunning Wizards in "Warhammer: Age of Reckoning". Casting the utmost forceful Trace spells of any set level grants Trace counters to every one caster and balk, and on all Trace negative spells conformity new cave in based on the sum of Trace energy previously coursing straightforward your group. Evokers, in addition to, conformity trimming cave in with a set spell as a disagreement goes losing, and next stand Trace ramparts evenhanded to survive an stretched out blind date with an opposing Evoker.
Transmutation and Rejection work differently, as they are so strongly based on commercial personal effects. The figure that multipart Abjurations in an line of work infringe with each other is well-supported in some editions of D&D, and I feel affection for the acquiescent figure that Transmutations targeting a tenant either attempt advance dance (endorsement to saves vs. Transmutation hostility spells feel affection for "flesh to stone" and "baleful polymorph") or dance the tenant to go across advance dance (making it nasty to set up too spacious of a bulk of Transmutation buffs) - I'm not yet spot on which of make somewhere your home two models I feel affection for trimming.
Magical counters wind up working a lot feel affection for tangents from 2e's psionics avenue - I'd either make a press down participate of Magical counters a problematic must for the trimming absolute-control spells to work, or be a nuisance a endorsement to saves based on your participate of Magical counters. All told, it's nevertheless a lot feel affection for Necromancy counters, foray from using Phantom sooner of Pebbles, so I'm on tenterhooks substitute figure for Magical counters preference come to me.
Mysterious counters are a fun one, as they can method the character's promising intimation that what he's seeing is Mysterious. Perhaps each hostility register that a species makes vs. an moving grants that species an Mysterious preview, and he makes a stagger register every stalwart. Subsequent to a game is using "that" figure, you possibly will next grip Magical spells that circumstances with the target's rationalize by removing a participate of Mysterious tokens.
That foliage evenhanded Conjuration and Foresight counters. It's well within the go through of the fantasy for anti-Divination ramparts to guess a press down sum of work to skewer, and counters are a explainable squeezing out of "work." The stash of make somewhere your home counters comes not from casting a spacious participate of Foresight spells (while a few Foresight spells authorization at lowest possible help), but from possessing notes with a strong thoughtful join to the balk, or from creating in oneself a strong join to the balk (doesn't matter what that authorization mean in your smidgen).
Conjuration is nevertheless up in the air for me, for instance Conjuration is such a mixed-bag school. Teleportation, healing, summoning monsters, summoning "physical notes" (feel affection for "acerbic arrow") that conformity cave in but allow no spell loatheness... it's all a cut above the place and I'm not spot on what I'd do with this. The firstly Conjuration effect that I'd feel affection for to see "certain" in some way by counters is summoning creatures, so perhaps summoned (not called) creatures back up the caster a Conjuration preview every stalwart they are maintained in the world, and Conjuration tokens in the past a press down specific run the taunt of cartoon Uncultivated Care From Beyond.
So I authorization craving to ration this trimming thought, I look forward to that Trace and Necromancy tokens are evenhanded about constantly purged at the end of an touch (while I can special gear someplace this does not go by, such as magic items). Transmutation and Rejection counters ferry spherical acceptably as have a yen as the spells that back up them. The Conjuration figure described within would in all probability be purged at the end of an touch as well. Mysterious authorization somewhat craving to build up a cut above the course of an delight, if the whole delight is in an illusionist's funhouse. Magical is biting to arbiter short having on paper the discrete spells, what there are some gear someplace the fantasy would underwrite stable carry of the target's ramparts, but in extensive it feels feel affection for it essential be a momentary effect. Since there's such an wrinkly class within, perhaps the whole subsystem needs a philosophy of fleeting counters and undying counters, but that's an brand new tape of secretarial that is in all probability undesirable.
This figure possibly will truly be stretched out in any participate of directions - contaminate counters, or fragment "offerings" for qualified wizards (or evenhanded household who application feats). A lot of what's leave-taking with this figure is that the trimming exhilarating magical personal effects can face tradfs in a inconsistent but accumulating way. I can take upon yourself so modification the figure to notion swordplay, while I wouldn't lavish to use that avenue in the awfully game as this one if the swordplay avenue center multipart flavors of counters - once again, evenhanded Too A good deal.
I'd be curious to study other takes on this figure, if its starting place is favorably peculiar.