Thursday 6 May 2010

Religion Prayer Before Prophet Tomb By Al Shadhili

Religion Prayer Before Prophet Tomb By Al Shadhili
Great saint Abu-l-Hassan ash-Shadhili (B. 1196/1197 - D. 1258), may God sanctify his dispatch was the Qutb of his time and the founder shaykh of the Tariqa ash Shadhiliya.

So al-Shadhili, approached Medina, may God ennoble and improve it little by little, he stood as a result of the way in of the sacred precinct (THE Tomb OF THE Prophet) from juvenile dawning until midday, bareheaded, and barefooted requesting source of the Apostle of God to capture.

Asked why he did so, he replied, "That he power let somebody have temporarily me source, for God says, 'O you who seize, capture not the Prophet's houses until source be grated to you.' (Q 33.53).

So, he heard the escape of one inclination from within the High-born Quarter, equivalent that of the one native land near, saying, "Blessings and peaceful in selection, O 'Ali! Enter!"

So he stood as a result of the High-born Quarter and assumed, "Silence be upon thee, O Prophet, with the favor and benediction of God! The blessing of God be upon thee, O Apostle of God!"

The utmost elder, the purest, the utmost sublime, and loftiest prayer that he accessible on behalf of His prophets and chosen ones is this:

"I convert register that thou, O Apostle of God, hast conveyed that with which thou wast sent, and hast admonished thy kin, and served thy Lady until the confidence (YAQIN) came to thee, and that thou wast as God described thee in Scripture: "AN APOSTLE FROM In the midst of YOURSELVES HAS Come TO YOU, FOR WHOM YOUR Tribulation IS Series TO Coat, WHO WATCHES Higher YOU, AND WHO IS Gentle AND Affable TOWARDS THE BELIEVERS." (Q 9:128)

May the prayers of God, His angels, His prophets, His apostles, and all His creatures and the persons of His heavens and His earth be upon thee, O our master, O Apostle of God. (...)

I circumstances that Muhammad is His servant and Apostle, the token of the prophets, and the commander-in-chief (IMAM) of the apostles.

I circumstances that every pray, ban and information in relation to the historic and on purpose that he brought is true, containing no uncertainty or problem. I support to Thee my offense and and hurt in disbelief, consideration, choice and meanness.

Whatever Thou hast pet for me, whether something for which Thou dost hit, if Thou wilt, or something for which Thou dost pardon, if Thou wilt, or what that is comprised in unbelief, dishonesty, heresy and tear, or pique or lack of decorum on the way to Thee, Thine Apostle, Thy prophets, or the angels, men and jinn who are surrounding Thee, or doesn't matter what items of Thy dominion that Thou hast certainly allotted, in all of which I store hard done by myself, allow upon me what Thou didst allow upon persons surrounding to Thee, for Thou art God, the Emperor, the Moral Bestower, the Gentle Forgiver."

- selection from The Mystic Knowledge of al-Shadhili by Ibn Al-Sabbagh

recall prized Prophet Muhammad, on his blessed birthday, 12th Rabiul Awwal of Hijri calendar / 19th or 20th March (DEPENDING ON Spot AND MOON) this year. May deep Superhuman peaceful and blessings be upon the Prophet of Vivacity, and may through his love - the light of our root and soul be unveiled.

Alnnabiyyu awla bialmu'mineena min anfusihim...

The Prophet is earlier to the Believers than their own selves (...)



. Abu-l-Hassan ash-Shadhili

. Qutubanniyya the life of Qutb in sufi path

Qutb or Qutub ("Pivot, Pole," OR GHAUTH, "Cue.") is the pick up inner spiritual administration of the age.

. Mawlid acquaintances from historic year

. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al Madinah and Meccah

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