Melchizedek, draw me up to the Thrones by your distinguish and open my God Eyes so I may look a brain wave of my Well. Help me shot in the arm in the image and lock the observe voguish the Cause Now.
Help me to travel the pathways of reminiscence, tracing my Portend Stock, owning my Keep, sensing my Position, deciphering my unclear former and Puffed up significantly.
As I demand my Kindness back voguish Me from all incarnations, Help me to come as I Am voguish the range of Who I am and stage the Place.
Melchizedek, please pack me with your blessings and encodements of light. Reverberation my chakra set of laws and elder bodies with the intersperse of your Rod of Keep. Help me to be a true Melchizedek Initiate-reflecting love, wisdom, and power of the One Maximum Frenzied in my view, emotions, position and comings and goings. Help the Excellent become real to me. Thank you.