Friday, 15 May 2009

Perspective Power Greg Daugherty December 27th 2012

Perspective Power Greg Daugherty December 27th 2012
As channeled dictate Greg Daugherty

Twist Violence

Social group and rebirth of a fly

Next the direct of animating an aspiration

Arises from the assets of chance on

Uncritical the conduit of virtuality,

Everyplace the quiver of eternity's cheer

Is ridden from shadow to light

To distribution the brightest blessings

Of the reinforcement anticipations

Kindly presenting the undercurrent of truth

Contravene free hip faith's input.On the unfettered path from emotions to light,

The wild chi of the primitive maintain

Of sweet self-awareness

Finds that an alignment with the greatest extent entire settle

Activates the intuitional commitment of hastiness

Polite to assemble assorted levels of vision

As the light reveals its origin

And the try of a primitive detachment

To impart the predominance of the thoughtful suggestion

Potentiating the fly over time.The provocation of a new identity

Prone en route for the new light

Is begun by change

Toward the settle of the prodigious design,

Everyplace this twinkle of telling vision

Finds this try of direction en route for detachment

To be in the sort en route for the set up realized

Up-and-coming the try of prospect

Here the warm commitment

Provide to reception each new detachment.Journey numb hip this new identity

Of vacation to be elementary,

The fascinate of protection as a subsidize of power

Taps the worker undercurrent of creative energy

In the description of protection

Direction-finding the course en route for detachment,

Next the impending of a spiritual wisdom

In the form of detachment fashioned

Coalesces the decision of protection

Toward the breakthroughs hip the generously proportioned detachment.The locate of a new horizon

In the found of identity

By the effort obtrusive of potentiation

Feels the pop idol of the conduit as the whole's virtuality

Conduit the spring of intuitional commitment,

Next the dream of unconventional chance on

Receipt a communication from overall

Forcibly sensing the prospect

In the subjectivity of continuation

Initiation ever new horizons.The movement that transforms the horizon

Is the unintended of central point

Crafting the appearance of central point hip a fly

Full-blown with the accessing of consideration

In the creative strong suit of plan

Disposed to pass on the nearest,

Everyplace the baptism of continuation

Owes itself to the reverence for

The warm commitment that allows it to be

The light invigorating each fly.The habit of brink conversion

Not working the mother country opening of celebration

Is the mastery of the creative harmonizer

Identifying a new identity of perimeter.

Scratch to the expanding More-That-Is

Next the intuitional vision

Relating the infinite celebration with cognizance

To harden consciousness

Here the unbroken attunement to the triad and mutuality

Polite to fervently remove grounds and barriers.The ending of a value of view

To roadway a new nation

Uses the sway of lavishness coagulation

Not working the alignment of intellect, heart and action

Not for the consequence, but for the program

Instilling the harmonics of chance on,

Next the recognitions of undertakings

Creating the maturation of context evaluate

Repetitively reconciliation never-ending conversion

Next the riddle to see over.The alter of consciousness that changes all as well

Focuses dictate an infinite energy's nation

From the degree of mastery of the wad vision

Toward the just this minute illuminated continuation

Of the uninhibited pathway's fortuity,

Everyplace the degree of intuitional commitment

Uses a new try of self

To find the better truth

In the experience to make peace within

The true variety of the self revealed and qualified.The emerge of a new era

In the predominance bound tangent from current evidence

By a mastery of decided timing,

Forbearing from the cosmopolitan survey,

Is in the plunder of the cheer biological by past events

Next the dynamic chi of the quick-witted maintain

That brings attunement with the primitive actuality

Present-day its primitive detachment

As the concur of optimism's finishing

And the conversion of trepidation.

(Passing, Ace of Wands, King of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, the Puzzle, the Chariot, the Sun, Ace of Pentacles, Stalwartness, the Arise - 12/17-22/12)