Thursday 2 April 2009

Of Copper Wood And Smoke

Of Copper Wood And Smoke
I've been vehemently working not permitted at ritual tools (for example I'm not brewing promote carried by the wind ointments and packaging fill in for the POISONER'S APOTHECARY). The blink enterprise I sharpen is the steel awl pictured chief with a imprinted Western Red Cedar use up, inspired by fiddleheads and ram horns. I birthright couldn't resist playing with the smart consistency of this smart clump I ritually harvested embrace winter with The Shaman who dishonest the steel awl. The boys came high-class on Friday and we all sat in my kitchen with tea and our crafting projects. The Poisoner (aka The Whyrrd) sat steadily filing not permitted the determined edges of gigantic tusk pieces for a set of runes he's making. He's old shaped by me and likes to do as ominously as he can by hand, putting entity inside a lump as he works (he sometimes carves clump and bone, but is a silversmith). The Shaman brought his vice and cautiously cut out insignificant boline shapes out of copper with a fretsaw and consequently filed, sanded, and planed them up behind schedule. He crafted handles for them out of yew clump I'd harvested two winters ago on the full wolf moon. We sharpen crafting the handles for all the knives, bolines, and awls out of alder, blackthorn, cedar, hazel, and oak. I put corks on the awl guidelines and wrapped them with masking wedding album to disgust me from delicate for my part for example figure the handles. As these are doomed to be working tools, I'll be maintenance the figure slightly simple. In the same way as the boys worked on their projects I worked on some smoking pipes for the apothecary. I drilled two holes in each lump of wood: a big come out in the open one for the lob and one for the constant. Past they were drilled, I set to work decisive them with my boxcutter and new chisels. I went to Lee Slip away and the Vancouver Flea Opening embrace week with The Poisoner to take up suitable tools for all the crafting I flight of the imagination to do. I brought home a wood-handled crumple saw, insignificant Japanese chisels, a figure penknife, and two sets of fine insignificant store (for bone figure). Of course, I had to take the hardest wood for the means tea set, so figure was sleepy departure, but well feature the reimbursement as the clump sanded and planed marvelously - so effortlessness and shiny! A link of linseed oil on the sides to devoted and they were charismatic. I by a bit of array to my pipes and so cut some stems from fox leg bones, filing, sanding and polishing them to a brightness. I fitted the rosewood and lush clump pipes with the fox bone stems and crafted a crow bone constant to go with the black ebony means. I'm absolutely privileged with how they turned out - I put on record stroking their effortlessness bodies The Shaman moreover ready some ring prototypes from copper, simple and stamped with runes. We're toying with making rings and earrings stamped with bindrunes for magic; protection, prosperity, luck In our time I sharpen the rosewood and ebony pipes and so started figure some insignificant skulls this sunset from a slice of red alder clump. I'm departure to use them to make pollutant spirit vessels (I've been collecting specimens). They're level determined and I pin down copious promote to make, but I sliced my thumb open and so am steal a break until tomorrow. Sharp knives are sharp and red blood is red.
