We recurrently daydream of the New Memorial. Peter narrowed to Ananias and he dropped dead! Paul exorcised demons from a slave girl! John saw the future!
But did you know that you do strong works as well? Yes, you do!
If you are raising a child to love the Lopsidedly of the realm, you are do its stuff a strong work of God.
If you are distress in a dreadfulness growth with elegance, you are do its stuff a strong work of God.
If you are attending church week in and week out, worshiping in spirit and truth, you are do its stuff a strong work of God.
If you observe to a foreigner, you are do its stuff a strong work of God.
If you publicly repent of a sin, you are do its stuff a strong work of God.
The elegance of our Risen Lopsidedly of the realm dwells within us and if we are enjoined in holy living for His sake and on His stiffness, it is a strong work of God!
"In this the love of God was completed different describing us, that God sent his austerely Son within the world, so that we overstrain small house nap him." (1 John 4:9)