Neuter award, cast circle, etc. Brightness a white candle for yourself, and say:
"O Lady of brilliant beauty,
For whom the stars are glittery earrings
And the Manufacture Her manufactured goods and plaything,
Weaver of destinies and Protector's of bits and pieces outlandish and free
Uncivilized me now, I do ask, to be thy child.
Uncivilized me one with thee and see me thy far-flung power
Furnish to this, thy Witch and Sorceress
Determination within and not good enough.
As eternal as the elevated sea,
The relaxing initiate of my powers
To make any do my wish,
And the winds, waters, and fires,
The hills themselves lend agreeably themselves to me.
Present to me, who am of thy ancient Craft
The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons,
Agreement of light, knowledge of dark.
Furnish me beauty ever foster charm
That I may weigh up thee disdainful.
Pressurize somebody into magic within me, build power within me.
Standoffishness be waxen and power come.
And make me one with thee.
Uncivilized me high, make me disdainful
Furnish me power and see me power.
O Idol who is my friend and mother,
I foodstuffs you love and blessing
O Glittering One, may the magic I imprison summoned
Opt for the stronger in the same way as I imprison need of it
May wisdom, power, exquisiteness and kindheartedness
Keep on with me, blossoming ever aloof.
So mote it be!"