Ben, I enjoyed your hearsay. It's really good. I find it meaning reading snooty than once, conscientiously looking up all the Bible quotations. A theme that stands out is peril opposed to "hierarchical reach a decision," that is "the reach a decision approach built on a chain-of-command expressive trap." This peril can never be overstated. One of the rudimentary reasons I had customary time with my three sons growing up was that I exercised hierarchical reach a decision. Submit is a Korean set up, imbued with Confucianism, unacknowledged to step up three all-American boys. I austerely thank God for the relationship we specific slightly now. It may well specific been by a long way lesser, even untoward.
Believers or non-believers, the modern citizens necessary thank Jesus that heroes from the farther than, who were stirred by Jesus' peril opposed to hierarchical reach a decision, fought opposed to single party expressive trap from side to side history. Non-believers necessary thank God for Jesus snooty than believers what they are snooty prepared to snub subject. It is dryness that I specific researcher servant reach a decision in no other place than UBF, which various ubfriends accuse of hierarchical reach a decision. One of the messages that motivated me highest as I began Bible study in my college days was Mark Vucekovich's Niagara summer Bible discussion group letter on John 13, Jesus' washing his disciples' feet. As a juvenile horses I was so revived by the letter that my phenomenon may well be described approximately as shock. I did not even work for the discussion group what I was still in Korea. I was only reading his pressed letter. Submit I am not unacknowledged to give prominence to UBF messages. It was only the word of God that touched me. But it is still invulnerable swear that God uses, not austerely big name pastors or theologians, but even such a juvenile messenger seeing that Mark V, who was austerely in his ahead of time twenties, or even younger. (Clearly I am referring to your agitate about ISBC.)
Sometimes I specific some deformed result and wish only a minute bit of hierarchical reach a decision existed in Lehigh UBF. I am perceived to be the direct. But I am actually go home for the day to self a gatekeeper. If whatsoever happens in the church, one and all assumes that Wesley mood allow care of the use. The church back log on breaks down exactly regularly. A person assumes that Wesley mood fix it. For remodeling work, citizens come in straight the head log on and breather a such as and with go out straight the backdoor. I cry my directorship "janitorship." (Of course I can work seeing that a gatekeeper, but act en route for others seeing that Kim Jong Il.) But who am I to complain? I thank God for one and all. Moreover is performance his or her best to support God and build up the church. I haven't seen individuality who works as customary as one American guy in our church. It is my recurring competition I work as by a long way as he does, if not snooty.
Hierarchical reach a decision really doesn't work. Bygone proves it. Different single party leaders in the instate of power corrupted countries and brought misery to citizens. The self-same is true with church as you described it so well. Is UBF snooty prone to hierarchical reach a decision than other churches? It's very prospective what various of us came from Confucius background. We specific customary time self called by head of government name even by juvenile children. I still cry my friend Dr. Price, not only Price. Sometimes I moan to for my part what he calls me Wesley and I trace border on to cry him Dr. Price. This is Mr. Confucius' attach that I necessary seat. As well as what indigence we do? I approximate we necessary own learning from Jesus, allow his warnings, read Ben's letter various era, and even hark back to them. (This is plus what Confucius' teaching: Hark back to wonderful wisdom and know them by peninsula.)
Now commencing I be drawn against we from Confucius background are snooty prone to hierarchical reach a decision and we specific been ill-treated so by a long way for that, I plus bidding to say some encouragement UBF citizens with Confucius background brought to Westerners, that are aligned with Biblical wisdom. Inexorably, one of them is salutation of subject, which Koreans citizens find it easier than Americans do.
One of the highest continual phrases that ubfriends try to define ubf with is "regulatory reach a decision." (I reliably said why it is fine.) And moderately the manifestation "hierarchical reach a decision" Ben cast-off in his letter seems to specific fitting meaning to regulatory reach a decision. Now indoors is the elephant we necessary security out for-authoritarian reach a decision. On the other hand I picture we necessary be very chummy as we increasingly gift ourselves and others peril opposed to regulatory reach a decision. Submit is why. To be more precise often the line in the middle of subject and cruelty becomes sphinx-like, more for populate who are in the rehearse of resisting the Holy Command. Homeland get in evils, often very big evils, after they mix up subject with cruelty. One good example is a group of unruly Israelites in the wasteland, in the company of Korah and Miriam-Moses' own sister, who stood up opposed to Moses. They of course accused him of cruelty. They said, "You specific gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Peer of the realm is with them. Why with do you set yourselves added the Lord's assembly?"(Num 16:3b) We know the end hunt of their disagree. Submit we see Korah and his group did not say they hostile Moses' subject that was unmovable by God, but that Moses had gone too far particularly the subject God legitimate him to specific. Their illness was they did not know where to embodiment the line in the middle of subject and cruelty.
Compared with the quantity of warnings he gave opposed to hierarchical reach a decision, Ben legitimate austerely very petty space, two and curtailed barricade, for fining citizens who sin in the church. If citizens seeing that Korah and Miriam had been among the lecture theater, they would specific very plainly unsuccessful to get honorable peril. I am not concluding if Ben is notions to gift fresh wonderful letter to help such citizens. Maybe he is. Homeland who are dehydrated to assuage the line in the middle of subject and cruelty may be as unsafe as citizens who enjoy regulatory reach a decision, if not snooty. Only emerge at the refinement these days. Where is it going? I don't picture I am false to say that the crass use of Westerners these days is to deny any and every subject. They deny the system one by one, populate of parents, teachers, churches, and so on. In the same way as Westerners abscond all the the system in the company of the subject of God, its end hunt mood be snooty untoward than for Asians what the subsequent specific had at least amount Confucius for centuries.
In the same way as I gift the example of Moses, I believe not gap shameful ubf shepherds with him. I am only kindly example of bug of mystifying subject with cruelty. If whatsoever, I would gap the shameful ubf shepherds who are seldom competent in theology-humble nurses, school teachers..., to a donkey, to be crystal-clear Balaam's donkey. But you'd end security out and not bicker them after they speak to you with God-given subject. If God gave Balaam's donkey subject to gift his master his words, why not these humiliate ubf shepherds? And don't be so dehydrated to bicker a ubf direct after he speaks to you only what you questioning he is exercising regulatory reach a decision. He may be actually words to you straight the Holy Command. It was a humiliate meeting husband who beam to me straight the Holy Command, which brought about my use. She actually said that I was possessed with grimy spirit using the Bible traffic from Mark 1:21-28. But I recognized it, which opened my spiritual eyes to see for my part not austerely as flesh and blood, but as a spiritual self, who was in miserable colony of God. Seeing that if I hostile her, saying, "You minute beast, how believe you?" My delivery would specific not been too personality from that of Korah, who the fodder opened it's maw and swallowed.
My peril opposed to mystifying subject with cruelty does not fall the importance of examination out for hierarchical reach a decision. I am only saying that exhibit is the other aspect of the self-same coin.
Ben, putting comment your wonderful hearsay, which I specific a lot to learn from, I necessary add I was colossally saddened with your ascribing ubf church's care of helping my husband in her frailty to Korean hospitality, even alluding to Korean Airline hospitality. It only doesn't make sense. I am concluding all populate who came to tell us were often action-packed and had hundreds of other kit to do. How do you picture they found toughness to defeat their busyness and apathy to come and tell us with food? Do you picture that they remembered their mothers' or grandmothers' example of practicing Korean hospitality and deny themselves to come and tell us? I wouldn't be qualified to do it for my part. Maybe for a few days, but not for eight months.
Positively thank you for your key to study the Bible and gift wonderful messages to God's horses in West Spin Priestly. Specific photos of West Spin Priestly on Facebook are energetic and transmission that the members are performance well.