Thursday 8 January 2009


We are in the mists of the Vine Moon. Can this be goal for a name?The Celtic Tree Month of Vine takes place from September 2nd to September 29th. It was broadcast by the Celts as "muin", oppressive "muhn," and it's referring to a grape vine. So it shouldn't be remarkable that the word vine is to end with less important from the Latin "vinum", meaning "wine."The fact that this is intended one of the Celtic tree months is a tombstone to its nomadic power. The grape vine plant actually originated in Persia. From grant, it was introduced to the Very old Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. In our time, vines be credited with in the order of Europe, North Africa, and North America. Near is a class of vine native to North America that was a healthy foundation for the Inherent Americans. Greatest don't know this like the European colonists intended it's grapes to be rude for wine.Seemingly, grape vines are affiliated with the harvest. The Very old Greeks and Romans unlimited the Vinalia Rostica every meeting, a anniversary fixated to Bacchus/Dionysus, Aphrodite/Venus, and likewise Athena/Minerva. It was a mercy anniversary that unlimited the food that the earth gave them. This plant is sacred to several other deities as well: Osiris, Jupiter, Hathor, Rhea, Aphrodite, Guinevere, and Demeter to name a few. The vine's foliage hug five points, specifically important of our pentagram. Vine's grove is one of the nine traditional fire woods to be burned at Beltane. To our Christian friends, grapes are on a regular basis depicted in works of art as a symbol for the blood of Christ.Deviation from harvest magick, the Month of Vine is likewise a good time to practice magick affiliated with resourcefulness, goal, Faerie work, resurgence, jubilation, fertility, and prosperity. To Neo-Pagans, vines characterize two very powerful emotions, joy and ferocity. Near are happy drunks and mean drunks, late all. Wine is illustrious like it's the conserved form of the plant's power, and it likewise erases the restrictions together with land. The grape vine has a history of practical uses besides the oft unlimited hard predilection. Grape foliage can be brewed dressed in a tea to immoderation diarrhea. These foliage can likewise be deal with dressed in a poultice that treats headaches, fevers, and rheumatism. And, of course, the grapes can be eaten on their own or be completed dressed in jam, uphold, vinegar, raisins, and drain.That's a lot of history. But as far as Vine's "naminess" goes, it's a bit show mercy to. To me, anyhow. At smallest in the peak nick. It might, bar, be a grave want name. Vine is likewise a fame, nevertheless how friendly it is I hug no atmosphere. No be allowed while it's placed, it's indisputably not a name someone hears very on a regular basis.Sources: Credit:Vile via