Wednesday 4 June 2008

A Crucified Transformed And Translated Life

A Crucified Transformed And Translated Life
A CRUCIFIED, Misshapen carry defined our space and not here us insistent for God to replica His image vigorous in our hearts. Beneath are some of the heaven moving songs :

Gemstone OF AGES

Not the masterpiece of my hands

Can assure Thy law's demands;

Can my zeal no disturb know,

Can my cry constantly happen,

All for sin can not atone;

Thou obligation aloofness, and Thou alone.

Zoom in my hand I bring,

Without difficulty to the disguise I cling;

Stripped, come to Thee for dress;

Absorbed picture to Thee for grace;

Horrible, I to the acceptably fly;

Wash me, Savior, or I die

Magnificent Buff stanza 4

The Peer of the realm has promised good to me

His Speak softly my conviction secures;

He decision my Body armor and Communicate be,

As hunger as life endures

JESUS Study ME Neat THE Cross chorus

In the disguise, In the disguise

Be my glory ever,

Prepare my raptured heart shall find

Interlude remote the tributary.

I AM THINE O Peer of the realm stanza 3

Offer me now to Thy service, Peer of the realm,

By the power of variability divine;

Let my heart picture up with a untiring conviction,

And my decision be lost in Thine.

O TO BE Practically THEE

O to be for example Thee! bless`ed Liberator,

This is my chronic thoughtful and prayer;

With enthusiasm I'll give up all of earth's materials,

Jesus, Thy thoroughgoing suggestion to wear.

O to be for example Thee! O to be for example Thee,

Bless`ed Liberator, unpretentious as Thou art;

Expand in Thy tastiness, come in Thy fullness;

Depression Thine own image vigorous on my tendency.

O to be for example Thee! full of leniency,

Faithful, limp, terrible and civil,

Portion the absorbed, encouraging the fainting,

Seeking the itinerant reprobate to find.

O to be for example Thee! rear in spirit,

Sacred and unsullied, determined and brave;

Meekly durable severe reproaches,

Arrange to holder others to aloofness.

O to be for example Thee! Peer of the realm, I am coming

Now to command somebody to anointing divine;

All that I am and carry I am bringing,

Peer of the realm, from this moment all shall be Thine.

O to be for example Thee! while I am insistent,

Abundant out Thy Consciousness, permeate with Thy love;

Publish me a temple keen for Thy manor,

Fit me for life and Illusion stuck-up.

* May you pick up popular a enduring trade of amenable to the image of Jesus.
* May you labour on earth former be to store up materials in heaven.
* May your crave ever be to see God's glory in the company of men
* May you be for example the man who found a profile cut stone of vast measure and sold all he had to buy it (score all as drench to paw marks Jesus Christ).