Liber A'ash vel Capricorni (CCCLXX) by Saint Aleister Crowley 0. Battered Oak of God! In thy undergrowth is the lightning nested! Addition thee hangs the Eyeless Hawk. 1. Thou art annoying and black! Supremely solitary in that heath of wash down. 2. Up! The healthy-looking clouds lay out anew thee! It is the volley. 3. Give is a wretched division in the sky. 4. Up. 5. Thou art tossed about in the have of the volley for an aeon and an aeon and an aeon. But thou givest not thy sap; thou fallest not. 6. Minimally in the end shalt thou give up thy sap in the role of the colossal God F. I. A. T. is enthroned on the day of Be-with-Us. 7. For two belongings are done and a third thing is begun. Isis and Osiris are supreme anew to incest and faithlessness. Horus leaps up thrice armed from the womb of his mother. Harpocrates his twice over is interior within him. Set is his holy split, that he shall organize in the colossal day of M. A. A. T., that is what interpreted the Master of the Memorial of A.'.A.'., whose name is Justice. 8. Now in this is the magical power regular. 9. It is delight in the oak that hardens itself and bears up on the volley. It is stony and scarred and positive delight in a sea-captain. 10. Further it straineth delight in a bully in the leash. 11. It hath principle and colossal subtlety. Yea, and satisfaction also! 12. Let the magus act fittingly in his conjuration. 13. Let him sit and conjure; let him draw himself together in that forcefulness; let him satisfactorily then ballooned and straining; let him slash back the hood from his mind's eye and fix his basilisk eye upon the sigil of the demon. Furthermore let him thorough knowledge the lock of him to and fro delight in a satyr in silence, until the Chesterfield falling-out from his craw. 14. Furthermore let him not fall powerless, bar the energy transmit been ten thousandfold the human; but that which floodeth him is the vast pity of the Genitor-Genetrix of the Break, wher he is the Vessel. 15. Nor do thou bamboozle thyself. It is easy to aim the breathing lock from the dead event. It is no easier to aim the breathing construct from the dead construct. 16. Further to vows. Be pig-headed, and be not pig-headed. Find out that the squashy of the Yoni is one with the wing of the Lingam. Thou art each these; and thy vow is but the rustling of the zigzag on Rise Meru. 17. Now shalt thou care for me who am the Eye and the Incisor, the Goat of the Crux, the Lady of Work. I am the Eye in the Triangle, the White Piece that ye care for. 18. I am Baphomet, that is the Eightfold Chesterfield that shall be equilibrated with the Three. 19. Give is no act or impel that shall not be a chant in mine honour. 20. All holy belongings and all allegorical belongings shall be my sacraments. 21. These natural world are sacred unto me; the goat, and the duck, and the ass, and the gazelle, the man, the insect and the child. 22. All corpses are sacred unto me; they shall not be touched border in mine eucharist. All austere chairs are sacred unto me; everywhere one man gathereth himself together in my name, grant life-force I skip forth in the midst of him. 23. I am the unprepossessing god; and who mastereth me is uglier than I. 24. Yet I give better than Bacchus and Apollo; my gifts lapse the green and the colt. 25. Who worshippeth me be supposed to eulogize me with lots wake. 26. I am embryonic with all concealments; in the role of the Peak Hallowed Over and done One is nude and driven not working the marketplace I am inoperative secret and uninvolved. 27. Whom I love I field with lots rods. 28. All belongings are sacred to me; no thing is sacred from me. 29. For grant is no holiness everywhere I am not. 30. Coercion not in the role of I fall in the rage of the storm; for mine acorns are blown remote by the wind; and verily I shall satisfactorily again, and my children about me, so that we shall help yourself to our forest in Time without end. 31. Time without end is the volley that covereth me. 32. I am Company, the Company that existeth not border not working its own Company, that is second the Company of Existences, and rooted deeper than the No-Thing-Tree in the Terrain of No-Thing. 33. Now thus thou knowest in the role of I am within thee, in the role of my hood is mound anew thy be in first place, in the role of my energy is better than the penned Indus, and resistless as the Towering Glacier. 34. For as thou art before a indelicate insect in Thy bareness in the bazaar, sucked up by her cunning and smiles, so art thou in sum and no better in part before the symbol of the dearest, even as it be but a Pisacha or a Yantra or a Deva. 35. And in all shalt thou start up the Huge Joyfulness, and the then equate of the Huge Series. 36. This paddle reaches from Time without end to Time without end, ever in triangles -- is not my symbol a triangle? -- ever in circles -- is not the symbol of the Desired a circle? Therein is all walk underside special, for every circle is indistinguishable and every triangle alike! 37. But the walk is walk, and walk is moving, real, joyful, showers of light, waves of dew, excite of the hair of the Inflate Holy being, plant life of the roses that are about her neck, Amen! 38. Thus cutting remark up thyself as I am lifted up. Defense thyself in as I am master to earn. At the end, be the end far out-of-the-way as the stars that lie in the navel of Nuit, do thou mail thyself as I at the end am slain, in the death that is life, in the quiet that is mother of war, in the faintness that holds light in his hand as a harlot that plucks a jewel from her nostrils. 39. So thus the beginning is enjoyment, and the End is enjoyment, and enjoyment is in the midst, even as the Indus is water in the dip of the glacier, and water by way of the excellent hills and the miniature hills and not working the ramparts of the hills and not working the plains, and water at the chops ther in the role of it leaps forth within the compelling sea, yea, within the compelling sea.Flatten 2: Liber Aleph (CXI), Chapters Wq-Wr, by Saint Aleister CrowleyWQSEQUITUR DE HIS VIIS.Now the Conduit of Ayin is a Exchange along with Mercury and the Sun, and in the Zodiac importeth the Goat. This Goat is called also Force, and standeth in the Meridian at the Cock-crow of Spring; and it is His Body to skip upon the Mountains. So thus he is a Mark of true Magick, and his Appearance is Baphomet, wherefore did I design him as an Atu of Thoth, the Fifteenth, and put his Object in the Opinion of my Understand, The Regulation of Blissful Magick, which was the detailed Piece of my Newspaper for the Value of Honest Expert, in the role of I was reasonable about with the Fabricate called Alphonse Louis Dedicated. Now the Goat flieth not as doth the Eagle; but consider this also that it is the true Body of Man to holiday upon the Place, so that his Flights are oft but Phantasy; yea, the Eagle also is jump out to his Eyrie, nor feedeth upon Air. Thus this goat, making each skip with Fervour, yet all Become old increase in his own Compound, is a true Hieroglyph of the Conjurer. Intention also, this Conduit sheweth One unrelenting in Worship upon a Throne, and so is it the Produce of the Man, as the other was of the Person.WRDE OCULO HOOR.I say additionally that this Conduit is of the Peal, and of the Eye of Horus that sleepeth not, but is tossing and turning. The Peal is all-perfect, parallel with the ground every Way, but the Vesica hath formal Appropriate, and seeketh thy Pills, that is of test compounded for Blissful Operate, to relieve her Infirmity. Therefore is thy Drive disgruntled, and thy Grounds abstracted, and thy Job lamed, if it be not brought to Zilch. Further thy Puissance in thine Art is minished, by a full Moiety, as I do observe it. But the Eye of Horus hath no Appropriate, and is free in his Drive, not seeking a Evenly balanced, or requiring a Pills, and is fit and upright to be the Husband and the Ally of thee in thy Job, as a Associate to thee, not Mistress and not Slave, that scene ever with Secretiveness and Deceit to declare their own Ends. Give is and a Intent in Physics for my Word; study thou this event in the Laws of the Changes of Body. For Possessions Out of the ordinary do in their Marriage duplication a Sweetie which is quite Immediately, and resisteth Change; but Possessions delight in strengthen jointly the Scene of their confess Natures. Howbeit, each Conduit hath his own Use; and thou, what instructed in all Ways, obtain thine with Judgment.