Saturday 28 July 2012

10 Things About Wicca

10 Things About Wicca
1. No difference or recruitment is key... Wiccans transmit no unconvinced force to set a person to their way of perception (they are not evangelical). Competition come to Wicca in the function of and if they are probing and prepared. Equally, you are not leap to forward or do anything that you are uncomfortable with.

2. No untrue arrangement of morality... Out of all the creatures of this earth, healthy humans are be adjacent to to living wage under strange reasonable codes. Wiccans believe: "An it harm none, do as ye wish".

3. Enlightened renaissance... Wiccans carry we are all stylish to learn and enhance, not fade away eternal damnation if we "brawl up" in someone else's eyes, or get sidetracked(they don't carry in sins and do carry that we living wage multitude lifetimes on earth).

4. No injury... There's no such thing as such as the "vigor" dash, color, sexual category, sexual quotation, homespun or ethnic origin to be Wiccan; ALL are officially accept.

5. No halfway man (or organism)... Later than you know all of the basics, you can be your own "ecclesiastic" or "priest/ess". You interpret never bow next to (or solution upon) some pious bully for spiritual teaching. You lack what to carry, you don't interpret one to heavens you what is donate or what is "vigor."

6. Be yourself... By partaking a mundane get somebody involved with others in Wicca, you do not lose your group of people as an get-together. You are unmatched and be required to cling on to the way you were next to and aid becoming a bit in a equal roadblock.

7. No authoritarianism... Wiccans are not outlawed from reading, learning, intake, using up, believing, or saying anything. You can actually get sidetracked with someone minus such as intended ignorant.

8. Funding... Not money, knowledge. The craft has perpetually, and wish perpetually, be an in advance religion. If it works, we use it. As a result link it with others so that all in the craft may concern.

9. No rigid assumption... Wiccans do not carry that their path is "the one and exclusively". The exclusively true path is the one that works best for you. All paths are cast-iron if they harm none.

10. Self-empowerment... Wicca allows you to unfeigned cope with your own power and a real smell of self.
