DAN BROWN'S "THE Over and done with Gesture" AND EDGAR CAYCE'S INSIGHTS BY JOHN VAN AUKEN Get developed for discrete fast-paced, exciting mystery with Tom Hanks as Harvard tutor Robert Langdon searching to break the shady code of enigmatic symbols to drawback the secret that spur end the horror! Certainly, in this newborn mystery, tutor Langdon is looking for a pyramid that contains the key to bore men fashionable gods. Langdon is prompted fashionable this dark world to sanctuary his lecturer, Peter Solomon, the kidnapped and mutilated CEO of the Smithsonian Firm (and an simple indicator to Solomon's Summit and the Masons). Anticipating marvelous the media, Doubleday marked 6.5 million copies of Dan Brown's newborn book, "The Over and done with Symbol!" (Offer are 81 million copies of "The Da Vinci Cipher" in print!) In this hottest mystery-thriller, Sad reveals what many control surmised, that Washington, D.C., was laid out according to a secret exact code fated by the Freemasons, individuals most heavy, hush-hush rulers of nations. Run through holds that the men who built Solomon's Summit founded Freemasonry and that many of the Enterprise Fathers of the Collective States were confident Freemasons. Of the 56 intimates who signed the Demand of Maturity in 1778, 15 of them were Masons. Of the 39 signers of the Collective States Arrangement, 28 were high stock Masons. Fourteen presidents were logically Freemasons; nine above control been suspected of mortal Masons. Key accompanied by Washington's designers was Thomas Jefferson, who pungent chief procedure and custom-made the irrefutable procedure for the way charge of the new nation-despite the hiring of Pierre L'Enfant as the heart brain. Jefferson, defeat with many of the Enterprise Fathers, incorporated the secret symbolism of Freemasonry fashionable the new nation's icons, radically the Brawny Literal of the nation-both sides of which appear on the one-dollar stop. Annuit Coeptis apparatus "Announcing the beginning of," and Novus Ordo Seclorum apparatus "New Mud Teaching," therefore it says, "Announcing the Found of the New Mud Teaching." The realize in Roman numerals is 1776. The Latin E Pluribus Unum apparatus "Out of Numerous, One." In one of Edgar Cayce's inordinate past-life readings (1208-1), he acknowledged Thomas Jefferson as the new beginning of discrete nation engineer who also built an large library: Alexander the Brawny, who built the celebrated library of Alexandria, Egypt. Strangely, in 1814, with the first U.S. Documentation of Consultation burned down, as had the dazzling library in Alexandria, it was Thomas Jefferson's library that replaced the lost Documentation of Consultation. Cayce also assumed, "Americanism, with the ordinary designed that is spoken and manifested in the brotherhood of man fashionable group designed, as spoken by the Masonic Teaching, spur be the decisive nation-state in the discernment of interaction in the world. Not that the world is to become a Masonic order, but the morals that are embraced in it spur be the mind upon which the new order of composure is to be incorrigible.... To the same degree these stuff are calculated, moreover, it is definite that citizens ought be up and work." (1152-11) Like are some of the mottos and codes of the Masonic order? Dan Brown's book focuses on the Scottish Tune Walls, putting its accurate on the assumed role compulsory of his book. In this we see the person 33, which is the soundtrack stock awarded in the Scottish Rite; the double-headed eagle, which symbolizes East and West united; and the words Ordo ab chao, which apparatus "Teaching from circumstances." Freemasonry espouses the morality of brotherly love, relief (i.e., open-mindedness), and truth (i.e., good standards). The brickwork part comes from the idea that, by applying in our lives the precepts of ancient master builders, we can all benefit-of course, individuals precepts are proprietary Masonic knowledge. Freemasonry believes in a Copious List, or pull, from which everything emanates. The Freemasons use architectural symbolism to discharge life. One of their central symbols is the conservative and architect's compass, tools of the conglomerate of masons. As measuring instruments, the tools typify evaluation and comprehension. The compass, which is second hand to living example circles, represents the realm of the spiritual and time without end. It is illustrative of the central and limiting standard, and also of huge boundaries-the Kabbalah's orbs on the Tree of Dynamism. The conservative provision the diagonal, the symbol of earth and the realm of the mortal. The conservative represents fair play, remainder, urgency, and the satisfy, which is reflected in phrases such as "on the conservative" and "squared comatose." No matter which that is squared is something that is incessant, a floor for pied-?-terre upon. The conservative represents deliver, and the architect's compass symbolizes the spirit or reason. The architect's compass straddles the conservative, emotional the interdependence of the two. In the space between them, impart is optionally positioned a fierce star or other symbol of Positive, emotional truth or knowledge. Unusually, impart is often a letter G, assumed to typify God and/or Blessed Geometry. In Dan Brown's new book, the Washington Figurine is at the center of the secret exact achieve, and its cap contains the lost secret! George Washington was a strong Mason, and inside the access to his monument, moral about his image, is the Egyptian Winged Orb of God Individual, with two cobras, symbolizing the kundalini energy, or 'elan sepulcher, and a five-pointed star, emotional the five motivation and appendages of the mass. Dan Brown's speculation that Washington, D.C. was illicitly systematic according to a Masonic custom spur be a surprise to individuals living in Sandusky, Ohio, in the role of, according to their town's archive, Hector Kilbourne, first "Reverential Master" of the Sandusky Masonic Block, laid out the achieve for the downtown of Sandusky, Ohio, in 1818, as the lone city in the world oddly laid out on Masonic symbols. Cayce's readings say, "Washington is and spur be the center of the world. From individuals outer edge must go afar that spur nation-state or announcement the opinion of men of the world, everyplace." (3003-1) Arrived is the said array of Washington. The triple Tau is the "Blessed Label" expressing the Trinity of the Anticipate and is illicitly second hand in Masonic cash and design. The Upmarket Boss of the Long-ago and Inherent Scottish Tune of Freemasonry, Albert Height, wrote: "The triple Tau, in the center of a circle and a triangle (see celebrity) typifies the Blessed Name; and represents the Blessed Harmony of the Creating, Preserving, and Destroying Powers [Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the later is the destroyer of illusions); as well as the three dazzling lights of Masonry: Intelligence, Supremacy, and Grasp." According to "The Over and done with Gesture", the Masons also hid lost words of dazzling power inside their secret achieve. The evil one in this book is a bodybuilder, masked from head to toe in occult tattoos, who nicknames himself Mal'akh (Moloch), once one of the devils in Paradise Over and done with. He is enthusiastic to handhold that magic word. Reminiscence, Dan Sad writes set on fire fib, no deliver how afar he makes it fine satisfy fact!
Credit: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com