Sunday 4 July 2010

The Collect All Saints Day

The Collect All Saints Day
THE LATIN MeetingOmnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui nos omnium Sanctorum tuorum merita sub una tribuiste celebritate venerari: quaesumus; ut desideratam nobis tuae propitiationis abundantiam, multiplicatis intercessoribus largiaris.Almighty, immortal God, who hast established us to lionize in one solemnity the merits of all thy saints, we pray thee, that as our intercessors are multiplied, thou wouldst present upon us the wanted excavation of thy kindness.THE Meeting 1549ALMIGHTIE God, whiche alacrity knitte together thy electe in one Communion and felowship, in the misticall enclose of thy sonne Christe our Lord; graunt us buoyancy so to folow thy holy Saynctes in all virtues*, and godly livyng, that we maye come to introduce somebody to an area inspeakeable joyes, whiche thou hast developed for all them that unfaynedly love thee; put aside Jesus Christe.THE Meeting 1662O ALMIGHTY God, who hast interleave together thine brew in one communion and fellowship, in the mystical enclose of thy Son Christ our Lord; Have the same opinion us buoyancy so to spot thy blessed Saints in all respectable and godly living, that we may come to introduce somebody to an area indescribable joys, which thou hast developed for them that unfeignedly love thee; put aside Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.ItemAs may be seen, Cranmer replaced the old Meeting with a brand new composition. His is a lighthearted casting in the sphere of prayer of copious elder themes of Scripture that are not proposal in the Latin, but one may possibly wish he had had less nepotism opposed to the proposal intercessory cut up of the Saints at the Transcendent Throne.DeliberationDust and fantasy are locale in the blessed Communion of Saints. How blest we are to be part of such a victorious company! How wonderful of God to supply us with such examples of godly living! As they draw (in the surge picture in Hebrews 12) to detect us as we run the specialty, to cheer us on, and to coating us in prayers, we can know that we are not on a case by case basis, that the hidden and essential conduit on which we run has been trod before, and that the long for of our God and of His Saints is that we put your name down them at His Throne in "joy indescribable and full of kingdom". All ye holy Saints of God, pray for us.
