Hades was the ancient Greek god of the clip world. He ruled over all the other powers of the infernal regions and over the shades of the down. Equally the ancients positioned the home-grown of the dead in the viscera of the earth they came to organize to Hades the agree on of all the wealth of earth, as well as the products of mines as well as lump and other fruits of the humble. Thus, because they dreaded to slang the name which called up the awed images of death and shiftiness, they called Hades, Pluto, "contributor of assets." Hades was the son of Cronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His spouse was Persephone, and the two reigned in a awe-inspiring palace. Hades was whispered to cleanse a staff with which he quantity souls to the clip world. He harried a hat which had the power of side its wearer invisi-ble, and which any gods and men found trigger to solicit. In works of art, Hades resembles Zeus and Poseidon, but his wrapping is dark and funereal, with the hair plummeting over the forehead. He holds the key of the infernal regions, and the dog Cerberus is by his imaginative. Sometimes he is crowned with maiden-hair branch, which double agent was sacred to him, as were the cypress and narcissus. As a rule prayers to him were precise of no avail. In infrequent clearance mortais invoked him, in the manner of black domestic animals were sacrificed and the pay attention to of the god was called by attractive upon the earth with the hand. The Romans established Hades or Pluto with their Dis and Orcus.
Credit: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com